Minister uses ‘personal’ billboards for anti-litter campaign

| 09/05/2023 | 137 Comments
Minister Kenneth Bryan's billboard on Eastern Ave, Cayman News Service
Minister Kenneth Bryan’s billboard on Eastern Ave

(CNS): Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan is using his “personal billboards” to promote an anti-littering campaign, according to a release from his ministry. “The Minister’s billboards”, located in Central George Town at busy intersections, have been used to exhibit PSAs. They are currently asking people to dispose of their trash responsibly and keep the environment clean.

Unlike Bryan’s message to keep the island tidy, which most people can agree with, the billboards themselves are controversial. It is far from clear that they are legal as they don’t appear to be included in the exceptions under the planning law that allows some signs to be erected without planning permission.

Last year the Central Planning Authority (CPA) said these types of signs require planning permission. Politicians may erect billboards during official election campaigns without permission, but once the election is over, planning approval is required, even if they are being used for PSAs, especially if they promote the politician concerned, as is the case with Bryan’s billboards.

“Keeping our islands clean is a shared responsibility, and I wanted to do my part in promoting responsible waste management practices,” Bryan said. He noted that he was paying for the boards, but he did not say if he had sought planning permission or if he believed it was required.

“I am personally sponsoring the Beautification Task Force with their anti-littering message, and through this sponsorship, I hope to raise awareness and inspire more people to take action. This is my personal contribution to the Beautification Task Force, and the cost of these signs, in particular, are not paid for by the ministry.”

The billboards’ anti-littering messaging has been launched in conjunction with a new campaign by the Beautification Task Force, which is currently working to install anti-littering signage at the various ports of entry and beaches, and along roadways in all three islands.

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  1. anonymous says:

    Its quite unbelievable that this loud mouthed premier-whannabe is the best this country can do for representation. I winge when i think about him on his tourism boondoggles and that people think this is the best Cayman has to offer. A complete disgrace that gets louder and more vile with every passing day! #VoteKennyOut

  2. Anonymous says:

    All you bringing up his past, you better damn well be perfect yourself! People in glass houses should not throw stones!! Bunch of hypocrites!

    • Anonymous says:

      He is a representative of our country, and we are ashamed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not everyone lis in glass houses.

    • Anonymous says:

      I can say with certainty of truth that I have never sold cocaine.

    • Anonymous says:

      My past doesn’t involve a conviction for selling drugs to young women. Got a speeding ticket and ticket for parking too close to the pedestrian crossing next to Scotia Bank. You think that’s the same order of magnitude? Cause I’d hate to waste this rock.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are the Cayman Islands getting like North Korea with Billboards ?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Everything this guy does is self-centered. He always have to have these large billboards with his face plastered over it. Get over yourself dude, and try do some real work for the people. This isn’t CITN where you use to work, no one cares about your looks. You were hired to do a job, so get to it, you have already wasted 2 years.

  4. Trashy Model says:

    “Charm strikes the sight, but merit wins the soul.” —Alexander Pope

    Kenneth, you’re no soul winner, take the signs down.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Rule of Law only applies to the “persecuted” public not MPs.

    Kenny is on the same destructive wanna be dictator path his mentor Big Mac is on.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I’m not a fan of Kenny’s but he is on the money here: Littering is against the law, it is also anti-social, and a scar on this beautiful island that we all call home. It is so easy NOT to litter, and it makes the country look so much classier and special without trash everywhere.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah the place looks so much classier with billboards of ex-con politicians dotted around like some 3rd world kleptocracy.

      • Anonymous says:

        People can never move beyond their past with people like you who are constantly reminding them that they made a mistake. A person’s mistake does not define them. At least he is trying to make better of himself. The only difference between him and so many other people (probably you included) is that he was caught and other people werent.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ok let’s move on from the past and talk about the present. Casually breaching the laws on planning permission for billboards. About actively using his position to promote his wife’s business. About spending the tax payers money on frolics like sponsoring a. Ritual football team and an obscure handbag artisan in Canada. About his involved in the Miss Cayman fiasco. Happy now.

        • Anonymous says:

          what aboutthe young people he may ruined by selling drugs?

    • Anonymous says:

      It would be best if the DEH put up these signs and a few people were fined for littering.

    • Anonymous says:

      He isn’t ‘on the money’ but he is on the billboards so think about it, and you might just get it.

    • Anonymous says:

      In the history of Cayman,has there ever been one person actually fined for littering.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Yeah guys, don’t litter. Just drop off your trash at Mt Trashmore for everyone to have a good look, much better.

  8. Anonymous says:

    People, nothing is wrong with the billboard! All the haters are clearly the people littering!! They do wrong and deep down they know it, but they hate being told when they are doing WRONG!

    • Cayman last generation says:

      Sorry folks 11:14 is really deluded and is referring to those idiotic voters who elected these environmental pirates we have now roaming around in our parliament building. Who couldn’t careless what about what is right or wrong just there to GP get paid! Nah true J?

    • Anonymous says:

      But he’s the one doing wrong lol

    • Anonymous says:

      KENNETHBOT we recognize your billboard and the ones for YOUR POLITICAL TEACHER MAC B and Jay for what they are, strictly political self-promotion.

    • Tak-a-Pitcha says:

      What about when the signs don’t promote “DON’T NOT LITTER” messages? What then are people clearly objecting to? The billboards are an old as politics ploy to keep a politicians face in the face of the public, the constant reminder of who “runs things”.

      And Kenneth likes his face plastered and on show at any opportunity. Afterall, he’s a former “model”, don’tcha know?!

    • Anonymous says:

      It litterally(sic) has his campaign slogan on it. It’s illegal.

    • Anonymous says:

      If Kenny had paid out of his own pocket for a billboard about littering I would assume his heart was in the right place even if it was a planning law violation. But when he stuck his face on it cynical me thinks it’s more about the publicity and less about the message or commitment to the cause.

  9. Anonymous says:

    KB Honorable…what a joke.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Kenny is too ignorant to understand the people see is arrogance!

    The billboard is illegal and he knows it.

  11. JTB says:

    The ‘cleaning’ Cayman needs is a complete clear out of Parliament.

    Talk about the Augean stables …

  12. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      As I understand it, it was almost 2 decades ago. I’m no fan but isn’t it worth acknowledging how far he’s come? How many other politicians came from nothing and made such a change over the years?

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately the kind of idiots who vote for him think it gives him street cred. He one a dem.

    • Anonymous says:

      For which he has suffered the consequences and paid in full. High time for people like you to get over it and move on. but I guess he is doing well if this can be the only critique you have of him. if

  13. Frustrated Caymanian says:

    nothing more than propoganda , and it should not be allowed.

  14. Anonymous says:

    When I had a small business ad banner hung by the road planning ripped it down and disposed of it after two days. Obviously, favoritism is at play here. Makes sense given that they allowed pickleballz to build a kids playground right beside the busiest intersection in Cayman. #dobetter #equalplayfield

  15. Scotch Tape says:

    He must be talking about his friend the minister of planning and his political consigliere and henchmen but their not litter but in fact real political Garbage! That we cannot afford to recycled in the next election Eh Kenneth ?

  16. Anonymous says:

    If the justification is that “it’s in people yaad”,

    I going put up my big billboard that says “No Weed No Vote” too. Kmt.

    • Anonymous says:

      Planning needs to tell him to remove them. He’s in contravention of both the Elections & Planning laws.

  17. anonymous says:

    This big-as* sign with Kenny’s face is litter! What kind of Banana Republic are we living in that politicians can put up illegal signs in the middle of town and the people running the country say nothing. (Yes Wayne that’s your job!) I am sick of this loser thinking he can do what ever the he*l he wants to and no-one can touch him. Always throwing around prizes and buying people by playing the ‘big man’ – when in fact he is extorting businesses to get all his ‘gifts’ for the people. Check all those CA ‘gifts’. At least the media shut down his little real estate operation where he was using his ministerial position to line his pockets. In some countries a ministerial position means something and comes with a level of decorum – NOT this one I’m afraid!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Since this is now allowed, I’ll be putting up my own billboards everywhere to promote the causes which I support, starting with an an all out ban on leaf blowers.

    I encourage everyone to do the same.

  19. Anonymous says:


  20. Anonymous says:

    Make your mind Ken. You want a clean island but would prefer destroying our mangroves with the EW road? Help make sense of your madness bro?

  21. Anonymous says:

    Can the next billboard say “Don’t sell coke to undercover police officers in nightclubs”?

    The one after that could say “Don’t assault police officers lawfully performing their duty”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Could one say “Don’t use your role as an elected representative to promote your wife’s real estate business”?

      • Anonymous says:

        One should say “I sponsored a rinky-dink football team somewhere in England with money from the treasury of the Cayman Islands”.

    • Anonymous says:

      The assaulting police thing – I was with him hours later and he was actually sticking up for a lady. But let’s not let the facts get in the way of a good hate-fest. I’ve stuck up for him in a few comments on this thread because people are trotting out such inane cliches and third-hand facts. But I’ve done enough so back to work 🙂

      • Anonymous says:

        Sticking up for someone still doesn’t give you the right to assault a police officer.

        CNS: He didn’t physically assault the police officer. Criticise where criticism is due, but don’t make that incident into something that it was not. See here.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes, guilty of assaulting police. Says so right there. Nothing untrue about it.

          CNS: Yes, it is true. However, most people assume that a conviction of assault refers to a physical assault. Knowing that it was a verbal assault puts it in a very different light.

        • Anonymous says:

          Actually CNS verbal assault constitutes assault under the law as well.

          Hence the word “physically” in my note.

        • Anonymous says:

          CNS you should read your own article

          “Kenneth Bryan, has been found guilty of assaulting police and disorderly conduct but the magistrate has recorded no conviction”

          The post did not use the word ‘physical’ so who is mis-leading who here?

          CNS: Stop being silly. The name of the charge is “assaulting police”, which is not in dispute. I clarified what that meant in this case, i.e. verbal assault, for the edification of readers who might otherwise think that he punched the police officer on the nose instead of the reality that he was rude to the officer. The technical name of the charge is ambiguous in everyday language and leaving that ambiguity, so that some or all readers who don’t know the facts of the case believe that Bryan was physically violent, is misleading.

          If you are in favour of people knowing the truth, then I don’t know why you have a problem with my clarification and appear intent on wasting my time. There is a world of difference between being violent, which Bryan was not, and trying to stop violence, which he was. Is that not true?

  22. Anonymous says:

    You know what else are crimes Kenny?
    Drug Dealing
    Obstruction of Justice

    • Anonymous says:

      It is so sad that Caymanians cannot make a mistake and move on from it. All those rehashing the man’s past (for which he has paid) seriously need to get over it. If your problem is with the billboard or the message, then hate on that, comment on that, critique that, but all I am seeing in the comments are about his past and little to nothing to do with the actual article that was posted.
      I hope none of you will never mess up and need forgiveness or a fresh start.

      Please, try contributing something of substance to the article. This attitude of rehashing the past is getting old and shameful… unless the artcile itself went oer your heads and you have nothing of substance to contribute but decide that hate is all you have to give.

  23. Anonymous says:

    If these billboards are illegal, would someone be prosecuted for defacing them ? just asking for a friend. 😏

    • Anonymous says:

      Since they are on private land it would be trespassing at least sadly.

      Say what you will about Kenny, but everyone must admit, he’s #1 when it comes to dodging laws.

      • Anonymous says:

        No, that honour is for McKeeva.

        • Anonymous says:

          Nope, the winner is Alden!! never been charged, arrested or convicted for anything…that is a charge dodger. All he had to do was walk the straight and narrow and he did it with class. Alden was the last of the principled, honest and law abiding Premiers, in fact the only one. Wayne and his Circus are simply making a mockery of our deocracy.

  24. Anonymous says:

    That billboard is litter. Why does a message about litter need his face on it? It looks like some tin pot dictatorship.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr Kenny is great man and you need to stop harnessing him. Leave Cayman if you are against us.

      • Anonymous says:

        Pretty narrow minded thinking. So the only people that should be here are those that like the minister?

        • Yeah it’s Me says:

          No the only people that should be here are those who come here to make a living while respecting the oriole of the Caymsn Islands, who have given them the opportunity to live a better life than where most of them come from . Yes that pertains to a lot of you expatriates . ! This is not Kenneth but someone who is tired of all the negative comments from people who I cannot meet and give them a swift kick up their arsies( hmm) snd perhaps a bit a Missa hurry.

          • Anonymous says:

            Most of the people criticizing XXXX are Caymanians. Anyone not living off his handouts calls it like it is. Those living off his handouts also knows exactly what he is, and they like it that way.

          • Anonymous says:

            “the oriole of the Caymsn Islands”[sic.] Is this a particularly rare bird? If so I’m surprised I wasn’t asked about it with all the other pointless questions on the ludicrous PR test.

          • Anonymous says:

            Please take an IQ test. You may qualify for assistance.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes that is spot on!

      • Anonymous says:

        Who are us?

      • Anonymous says:

        Harnessing? True word.

      • Anonymous says:

        Another KennethBot hard at work.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Even if this is legal, the only reason to put his picture on them is to draw attention to himself. Don’t be fooled people, these are the traits of a narcissist!

    • Anonymous says:

      4.53..Narcissists are also sociopaths, as they have no concern for the well being or the interests of others,
      People who shamelessly screw their business partners for example, or people who sell drugs , both having no conscience or regard for the damage they do to their fellow man or woman.

      • Anonymous says:

        So he’s raised two polite, educated, kind daughters, has a successful and stable marriage and is a sociopath and narcissistic? Doesn’t add up.

        • Anonymous says:

          In the words of Maya Angelou “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time”.

          • Anonymous says:

            Nice quote but doesn’t apply to the fact that he was involved in all that stuff, got caught and dealt with by the legal system, then pulled himself up to become a minister.

            If someone has successfully gone from drug dealer to MP over a decade or so, and has a lovely family, use your eyes to see the facts and believe them.

        • Anonymous says:

          What you don’t know won’t hurt you.

          • Anonymous says:

            Another cliche which isn’t true if you break it down. I realise you’re trying to be cryptic but are you trying to imply he’s a drug dealer now? That would be scandal. If so you should bring your evidence to the police and not sit idly by!

  26. Anonymous says:

    What about the election laws? This can be considered campaigning and could be subject to reporting as part of captain financing.

  27. Anonymous says:

    criminals think laws don,t apply to them

  28. Anonymous says:

    I’ve got another catchphrase you could try out Kenny, – might embarrass Wayne a bit but he’s probably numb to it now,

    ‘Single use is environment abuse’

  29. Anonymous says:

    This man is quite clearly jockeying for the PM’s job.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lord please take this case in hand. Why would he want to identify with “littering” I guess any kind of attention is attention. Go Kenny oh you go!

  30. Anonymous says:

    KB just wants to see himself on the Billboard. He loves the “limelight” and any opportunity/excuse he can find to promote himself he will use it. Kinda funny.

  31. Anonymous says:

    These billboards are themselves litter.

  32. annoying says:

    I think it is just a way to keep visible to potential voters within the four year term, that’s all it is. which is an unfair tactic being used, billboards being placed at a busy intersection is a good way to cause our not so good drivers distraction to cause an accident.

  33. Anonymous says:

    G string Kenny…..

  34. Anonymous says:

    “Keeping our islands clean is a shared responsibility, and I wanted to do my part in promoting responsible waste management practices,” Bryan said. He noted that he was paying for the boards, but he did not say if he had sought planning permission or if he believed it was required.

    Everyone knows you need planning permission.
    The board is propaganda to promote himself

    Fix the damn dump already, dispose of the trash by putting it on the land in one spot is responsible?

  35. Anonymous says:

    I am so sick of Kenneth Bryan, the fact that he is breaking the law (and continues to do so) shows exactly what kind of person he is. He doesn’t care about doing the right thing, only getting his face out there to promote himself. George Town Central, we can do better.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you sure Bryan is breaking the law?

      • Anonymous says:

        Show me that he has planning permission for that billboard and I will retract my comment……feel free to post a copy of it here, wee’ll all be waiting……

      • Anonymous says:

        Let’s just remind ourselves that selling coke is illegal.

        • Anonymous says:

          Sheesh, get over it! When was the last time he was involved in that? First-hand accounts only please. I just don’t understand why people are constantly bringing up his past (which I believe he served his time for right?). By all means, go for his mistakes and faults now, but from what I know, he was selling drugs over a decade ago. Some of these comments are just plain lazy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can we? Who is teh better? Frank Cornwall? Please. Kmt

  36. Anonymous says:

    KB thinks he’s above the law

  37. Anonymous says:

    Show us the planning permission or tear that shit down.

    Wayne? Jane? Good governance?

  38. Charlie says:

    A convicted drug pusher using a poster with the tagline “Keep our islands clean.”? Somewhat ironic.

  39. Anonymous says:

    When was the last time someone was fined for littering?

    No enforcement of the laws.

    • Anonymous says:

      When was the last time someone was fined for illegal billboards? What’s good for Semmes must be good for Kenny, tear them down Wayne!

    • Anonymous says:

      Probably pretty similar to the number who’ve been imprisoned, – a FOI request anyone ?

      • Anonymous says:

        convicted drug dealers should NOT be allowed to run for M. P. The election laws got to be changed. Good.

        • 8 says:

          yes election Laws need changing ASAP. if convicted of stealing one candy, can’t run for election, but convicted of selling Drugs (ruining young people) can run for M P. ????

        • Let he without sin, cast the first stone says:

          Firstly, I’m sick of hearing about this man’s drug history. His record was expunged because he was not 18 at the time! He was defending a woman when he verbally “assaulted” a police officer because he pointed his finger at them with an angry tone of voice.

          Please (rolls eyes) I see more people doing worse on a weekly basis.

          Fine he isn’t perfect but for God sake! Look at the reality of his life’s situation.

          Bryan is now in his 40s, he lives and cares for his mother and sisters and nieces and nephews. He is married to a firey, strong and lovely woman, he is raising two girls to not take shit from anyone but is an example to them of how to give of yourself for your communitys sake.

          He has learned his lesson…he will continue to grow like we all do…he is now working for the people.

          I personally believe that it is only because he is in the public view that any of you are taking aim at him. And the critics seldom see the good in him.

          He only has a few years to try to make a significant change. And you have to admit that y’all are always talking about him, so he must be doing something right!

          I also personally believe that many of you simply cannot stand the fact that this brown skinned, descendent of slaves, George Town boy who is actually and rightfully elected by HIS PEOPLE is walking the halls of the GAB and wields a bit of power!

          Oh how horrible it must be that he has the support of the other brown skinned descendants of slaves who don’t have the typical last names that have traditionally been correlated and set up to be the “leaders” of these islands.

          Because he brown skinned he must be simpleminded and foolish? We hear it all the time, “look where he from”, “he’s a little boy”, “what does he know?”. He has to prove himself EVERY SINGLE DAY.

          But some of you will deny my opinions because you aren’t living it. You aren’t brown skinned and been denied opportunity and education just because of your existence. Some of you grew up with family land and double barreled last names like Tibbetts, McTaggart, Kirkconnell, Ryan, Bodden and Foster. Not saying these families are bad and haven’t contributed to the development of our nation (they have and I am thankful).

          But let’s face it they had the land, which gave them the opportunity to open businesses, the opportunity to send their children to school abroad …And so on.

          Haven’t you all ever wondered why Mr. McTaggart has so much to say about Bryan? Does he target the others as much? Memba now, Eastern Ave is the McTaggart’s family business area…the heart of Central. Hmm good for thought eh?

          Be careful now, because many of you know this to be true! Kenneth Bryan, the descendent of slaves, will not be going anywhere and it has nothing to do with the likes of McKeeva or even his friend, the former Premier.

          If you don’t know him, then you don’t understand him. I’ve watched him grow up and no he isn’t perfect but his heart is in the right place and he is passionate about his people and the children of his people. He truly cares!

          And some of you all are just willing to say or do anything to bring this young man down.

          No he is not perfect, but show me one who is.

          Show me what you are all doing to make Cayman a better place.

          Show me how you have committed yourselves and are sacrificing your every waking minute to work for YOUR people.

          Show me how you are trying to create opportunities for Caymanians (that he didn’t have when he was young) to work in the second largest pillar of industry that has thousands of jobs available.

          Show me how you are trying to encourage young people to find entrepreneural opportunities and training in tourism.

          Show me what you are doing to bring more people to this country so the money they spend will benefit you and your businesses.

          He is not perfect, no! He is also not trying to be perfect, he is only trying to work hard. And all we can hear is criticism and shallow criticism at that. So what if he wants to be premier?! It’s fantastic that he has that aspiration! Wouldn’t you want your child to have the same dream? Why is that a bad thing? He wouldn’t want that yet y’all out here saying these kids can do anything IF they put their mind to it. Haha gotta laugh at the hypocrisy sometimes.

          He Is who he is but dammit he’s better the the lot of you hypocrites.

          And I hope his brown skinned baby girls see just how hard he is working to make sure they have all the opportunities he never had.

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