Commission publishes Constitution Comic Book

| 02/11/2022 | 35 Comments
Cayman News Service
Cayman Islands Constitution comic book

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Constitutional Commission has published a comic book that breaks down Cayman’s most important legally binding document to help young people understand and teachers explain the constitution and how it affects everyone. A release from the commission said the book presented the important information contained in the nine parts of the 2009 Constitution in an accessible and engaging fashion with a pop quiz to help with learning.

The first official copy of the Cayman Islands Constitution Comic Book was recently handed to Dr Steve McField.

“It goes without saying that Dr McField has always taken a keen interest in the constitutional history of the Cayman Islands,” said Constitutional Commission Chairman Vaughan Carter. “He is well known as one of the jurisdiction’s greatest advocates for constitutional education and a better understanding of how our government operates. When the Constitutional Commission was in the process of developing the Comic Book, we were therefore encouraged when Dr McField looked at an early draft and responded so positively.”

The commission said in a release that it was committed to fueling discussion among families about Constitution throughout the Cayman Islands and across the Caymanian diaspora.

Delighted to receive the first official copy, McField said it was “a great piece of work” and that constitutional education was critical, especially for the younger generation.

“My concern is that the people do not understand the importance of a constitution. The constitution is the bedrock, it is the foundation institution for any country, and it forms the basis of good governance and values,” he said. “I have always emphasised the importance of knowing and understanding where you come from, along with the importance of culture and history, and our Constitution and how it has evolved is a major part of this.”

McField said the most important aspect of the new Constitution is the Bill of Rights.

“We have never had a Bill of Rights in our Constitution before,” he noted. “We have never had a right to assemble, we have never had a right to education, and we never had the right to life, at least these were never guaranteed as fundamental rights before. The Bill of Rights is enforceable against our government, and I think that if more Caymanians understood that they would hold the government more accountable, especially on the right to education.”

The comic book is expected to be circulated in schools and libraries before being made available to the wider public. Depending on the demand for hard copies, further print runs will be ordered once the current stock runs out.

For more information on the constitution or the comic email:

See a digital copy of the comic book here.

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Comments (35)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    A Constitutional Comic Book should be a great tool for Hon. Attorney General and young children to learn about human rights and constitutional principles in the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      One can only hope that the Attorney General will understand, however, the children will definitely be able to grasp these principles.

  2. Caymanian :) says:

    Hmmmm … so did they put the part about the Governor or Monarch having the power to OVERRIDE our laws to serve their own special interest? Oh yes, teach the children .

  3. Anonymous says:

    for kids?..yeah right……
    they are putting this inthe only format that your average civil servant will understand.
    sock puppett presentation will be held at end of november….for ‘kids’…..

  4. Anonymous says:

    can we get get a comic version of miller-shaw and e&y reports?
    maybe government will be able to understand them then

  5. Anonymous says:

    They should do a coloring book on integrity for MPs.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Gee, is there a section that describes how gay people should not be treated the same and afforded same equality as anyone else, that the legal path to citizenship should be obstructed at every turn or suspended for years, or that the CIG will impede your rights-seeking all the way to the Privy Council? Is there a section that explains how we must follow the law, unless an MP, one of their preferred cronies, or gang leader kingpin??

  7. Anonymous says:

    Will be good bedtime reading for most of the PACT government.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I hope one day we will also have the right to die with dignity if so desired.

  9. Anonymous says:

    How did Steve Mcfield suddenly become Dr Mcfield?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Now if only the Govt would republish Mrs. Olive Miller’s book on Civics which was taught in our schools from the 1940’s thru 1970’s.

  11. Anon says:

    Someone needs to get a copy to Mr Manderson and sit with him to explain it.

  12. Anonymous says:

    It is hoped that this will be the beginning of all schools being required to teach Cayman Islands and worldwide governance systems.

    Our electors need knowledge to develop critical thinking skills to understand governance issues at election time – to separate what is an election should be vs. what is an auction – with both electors an politicians far sale and being bought!

    Cayman Election Watch

  13. Anonymous says:

    A comic book. Sums it all up.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Now if we could only hear from the HRC who has been silent for too long.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Good idea, because the “Constitution”, which is in fact merely an order in council, is a joke.

  16. That’s comical says:

    I hope children reading the comic strip will come to realise that our politicians don’t give a #%€$ about upholding and protecting any rights and freedoms in the constitution if in doing so it obstruct their own crooked personal agendas.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Filled with pictures of McKeeva I hope.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Please send a few to each Public Library.
    They still don’t have the Cayman History book for lending. Woww


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