Seven cases of COVID among latest travellers

| 22/03/2021 | 56 Comments
Cayman News Service
Airport Vaccine Clinic on Saturday

(CNS): The weekend COVID-19 test results, which include travellers on the Cayman Airways flight on Saturday where mask protocols were breached as people took pictures with a celebrity passenger, revealed seven positive cases. While the investigation is underway, the new ten-day protocol for those who have been vaccinated did not come into effect until today, Monday 22 March, so everyone who arrived at the weekend will be going into isolation and quarantine for 14 days. There are now 32 active cases of the virus, with four people showing symptoms among the 738 people in quarantine.

On Monday, Travel Cayman released the details of the new protocols for passengers who have been inoculated against the COVID-19 vaccine that will enable them to cut the isolation period on arrival from 14 to ten days. Travellers must have been vaccinated against COVID-19 at least 14 days before arrival and have completed a full course of the Pfizer-BioNTech, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

Travel Cayman said its portal will be enhanced to enable travellers to specify if they have been vaccinated, at which point provisional approval can be granted. In the interim, while the portal is being modified, travellers will be contacted via email three days prior to their flight departure to enquire as to whether they qualify for 10-day quarantine.

“On arrival to the Cayman Islands vaccinated travellers will be required to present their original vaccine certificate for authentication. In cases where a person intends to quarantine at a residence with non-travellers, everyone who will be in isolation with the traveller will be required to provide a vaccination certificate to be eligible for the reduced quarantine period. If eligible, the entire household will be required to quarantine for a minimum period of ten days,” officials said in a release about the revised arrival protocols.

Travellers must also have a negative COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours of travel and a negative test upon arrival here and and then be negative on the final day of quarantine. Anyone who has not been vaccinated will be required to quarantine for 14 days, and take a PCR exit test on day 15. Until children are eligible for the vaccine, adults travelling with children will also have to continue to quarantine for 14 days.

Submitting a false vaccination certificate is an offence and anyone doing so will be liable, on conviction, to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for two years.

Meanwhile, the national vaccination programme saw another uptick in numbers this weekend with an additional 1,290 people receiving their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech double-shot course. Officials said that 42.5% of the estimated population have received at least one dose. More than half of those aged 16 and over have now been given at least one jab and 13,544 people have completed the full course.

As the world continues to battles with coronavirus vaccine shortages and rollout problems, surges in new variants and more lockdowns, Cayman remains community free and is in the top five countries for the percentage of the population vaccinated.

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Comments (56)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    45 and not 17 imagine.

  2. Political Slut says:

    The government is no longer protecting us from Covid 19 its now protecting itself from oversight from us. Arbitrary mandates and decrees which justifies their power and decisions over our society as whole. Vote this Government Out on Wednesday April 14th 2021 the Day of PINK

  3. Catcha Fire says:

    You are exactly right 958am something just doesn’t seem right ? Pay attention Cayman look at those who are benefiting the most ,some have accomplished more in this pandemic than they would have ever dream whilst others have been deprived of their livelihood and continue to see no light at the end of the tunnel. Those in government have become entitled gods like figures immune from even the law and more powerful than ever now determining who live and dies in a society,with draconian laws and measures to control or manipulate our socio economic situation even justice has not escaped its widening influence. Government has taken back its overreach in all aspects of our society now! We name a change Cayman on 14th April 2021 don’t be fooled Change this Status Quo So we don’t end up consolidating powers in the hands of the chosen few let’s re negotiate our future at least we can say we did not try.

  4. Anonymous says:

    its surprising to me that with all these incoming positives, no one has died. Dont get me wrong, thats great news and I am happy for it, but i thought this was an incredibly contagious and deadly disease that we had to rush a vaccine for to safeguard the world.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sadly, we should not forget we had two incoming deaths, and many more that were hospitalized and thankfully recovered. Those initial hospitalizations also sickened staff and family members closing Health City, and possibly starting our community transmissions which led to lockdowns. We are in a much better place now. There are plenty of hospitals full of patients elsewhere (and morgue freezers), let’s be thankful we don’t have that situation here at present.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not surprising when you look at the demographics of those who travel to and from Cayman; mostly young and healthy.

    • Anonymous says:

      There may be many with “long covid” (longterm illness with severe impact on life quality and health). We just don’t know at this point.

    • David says:

      People need to understand this is not a disease it’s a virus with 99.9% survival rate.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Oh dear what will happen to Roper the sooothsayer and Alden the magnificent UK employment scheme We can’t stop you but the Covid 19 and its variants surely can. what if our leaders had a little integrity eh Cayman. This ppm government has little or no regard for Cayman this entire vaccine program not to save us it’s for them and their greedy and lavish lifestyle. You just don’t get it eh Alden??

  6. Anonymous says:

    can someone find out what cycles the local PCR tests are run at? asking for a friend….

    • Anonymous says:

      45 and not 17 imagine.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dr. Lee has mentioned, more than once, that they’re running these tests to their limits. Overamplification is definitely at play here!

      I guarantee that many of these positives are not even positive…..just like the Prospect student with a cold that tested “positive”.

      Ensuring we keep getting “positives” is a necessary part of the plan to keep stuff locked down until government is ready to open.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Oh well our dear governor will make an exception for his elite friends in the national interest that they travel to Cayman and his clone Alden will okay it .In light of this situation which we have been warning our idiotic government about their Grand Opening Vaccine farce What now ?? Those who’s little or no regard for others are simple making it difficult for others to live and work unlike their lifestyles and wealth the Covid 19 and its variant strains is neither compliant nor can it be controlled like our stooges. Finally some folks simply need to Stay your Ass home and stop spreading this deadly disease world wide!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Until we reach our vaccination targets we need something like the UK has just introduced

    The restrictions come into force March 29.

    The law says:

    “No person may, without a reasonable excuse—
    (a) leave England to travel to a destination outside the United Kingdom, or
    (b) travel to, or be present at, an embarkation point for the purpose of travelling from there to a destination outside the United Kingdom.”

    The document goes on to indicate those who attempt to travel “without a reasonable excuse” will be issued a fixed penalty notice worth $6,932.40.

    • Anonymous says:

      Travel Cop!…..There is al sorts of exemptions thats why people are still traveling to and from there.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why? What impact does someone flying in with Covid (or not) and having to quarantine have on you? Have you had to do anything differently over the past year because of travellers?

      • Anonymous says:

        Every person with Covid that arrives poses a risk that has to be managed. Every person who travels to party in Miami and then has a free holiday when they return costs us money. Any breach of Covid rules by a positive person puts our country at risk. That is just part of the impact.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’ve lost your mind! CIG would be sued left, right and centre!

    • Anonymous says:

      Screw that.

    • Anonymous says:

      I see you.

      ~Kim Jun Un

  9. Anonymous says:

    One solution to the increasing number of positives among the crowd going to Miami to party is to do what the UK has done:

    From the Guradian today

    A £5,000 fine for anyone in England trying to travel abroad without good reason is due to come into force next week as part of new coronavirus laws.

    The penalty is included in legislation that will be voted on by MPs on Thursday.

    Foreign holidays are currently not allowed under the “stay at home” rule which ends on Monday.

    From next week the ban on leaving the UK will become a specific law, backed up by the threat of the fine.

  10. Anonymous says:

    CIG ought to publish precisely what is required for acceptable vaccination certificates. Will something hand written in crayon work?

    • Anonymous says:

      Like ours? The USA ones are the same.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, they are not exactly what you would call legal documents. Just the date, batch number and somebody’s initials on a little CDC card.

        • Anonymous says:

          Childhood vaccination records in Cayman were – certainly within the last 10 years – no more sophisticated than that. But then you don’t usually have to demonstrate formally that you have received your childhood vaccines in order to travel in and out of a country (or whereever else covid vaccination status might be required in due course eg concerts, sports venues, bars….who knows?).

        • Anonymous says:

          Mine has all this and has been stamped.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I thought with the negative test the positive cases would be zero or close to. Why does it seem to be increasing ?

    • Anonymous says:

      It might be interesting to see the % of positive tests as between returning residents and visitors. I have my own theory that positives may be higher among returning residents, as the purpose of their trips off-island is more likely to involve socializing, plus perhaps Cayman residents are not in as much of a covid-safety-protocol mindset as those outside the covid-free bubble, but I have no data or evidence to support this whatsoever. As vaccination rates increase, we should hopefully see the positives reduce anyway.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not increasing. It runs between 0 and 10 mostly. It may well stay like that forever.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Santa Clause got it too

  13. SB says:

    The latest, not greatest..

    “show your vaccination card, get free original glazed doughnut”

    free junk food!!

    Who are the people that are suffering and dying from COVID19? It’s people who indulge in all this junk food, people who are suffering from obesity and diabetes and other metabolic complications.. eat your shitty food..take more medications…eat your shitty food..take more medications… we want to keep you around long enough that you don’t die acutely, but we want to ensure a life long supply of chronically medicated people.


    You are considered crazy for seeking to be healthy, being healthy is offensive today…

    • Anonymous says:

      The people who are dying most are the people have gotten old. It will happen to you too Mr. Six Pack.

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re entitled to your opinion. However, the plandemic is fear factor agenda. It’s not about “mr. six pack”. Rather its about what you have have raised to believe in food. You think Cayman sprung out of the ocean with pizza/fried chicken and burger joints??? Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Look how many hospitals the 75 sq mile island has. Why do you think the need for expansion? Because more healthy people? Nope.

        Poor food/lifestyle choices and very little to no exercise.

        You need to support what local farming has to offer and start from there. Support local (healthy) restaurant choices instead of US BASED fast food chains. Approximately 10% of the average grocery store provides healthy food options. If it has nutritional facts and ingredients listed, there is your tip. Eat less highly processed foods and eat organic natural foods as the earth intended for you to consume.

        • Anonymous says:

          My like above is for your points on lifestyle (not the fear factor agenda part).

          I have wondered for nearly 10 months now why there has not been the slightest sign of CIG using the pandemic as an opportunity to launch a Healthy Cayman campaign. And yet it seems likely (albeit unsaid) that one of the main reasons for Cayman’s cautious approach to the virus is the level of co-morbidities in the local community, many of which are lifestyle-related.

          I have great sympathy for the many people whose work/family/financial situations make it very difficult if not impossible to make those healthy choices but that is exactly why CIG should step in to help.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yup….I dropped 113 pounds going plant based and said bye bye to doctors orders to go on BP & Diabetic pills.


  14. Anonymous says:

    Those w/ positive test go quarantine. The rest should be free. They have had shots and 2 tests. Enough is enough. It’s becoming quite silly.

    • Anonymous says:

      100% correct!

    • Anonymous says:

      You know what’s silly? Still having to explain how this disease works, a year on. These 7 presumably had a negative PCR test when they presented for check-in, less than 72 hrs prior to the Owen Roberts Int’l follow-up arrival test. Incubation period is still 14 days. Asymptomatic positives, even among vaccinated (and not hospitalized), the virus doesn’t care and is still transmittable. So letting travelers, even vaccinated travelers, loose into our cleansed bubble would mean a certain return to lockdowns, business closures, and possibly some additional deaths from more deadly variants – from selfish narcissists. F%ck that.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am not sure it is fair to describe those who believe there is a degree of risk worth assuming to allow a relaxation of travel restrictions (presumably accompanied by some local safety protocols) – even just for vaccinated travelers – as “selfish narcissists”.

        An alternative description might be pragmatists who are listening to the scientists and doctors opining that covid is already/will become endemic and who consider as a result that it is impractical to keep these restrictions in place for much longer especially as the most vulnerable have had or currently have their chance to be vaccinated. Those pragmatists may be concerned about the impact of economic damage on the younger generation and may also worry about the mental wellbeing of so many residents whose ability to visit their families overseas is curtailed (as compared with party weekends in the madness of Miami which is nothing short of madness).

        You might disagree with that, but it’s not a selfish or narcissistic position.

        It’s a difficult decision to make to relax the rules though when our elimination strategy has been so successful and we wouldn’t want to be in the situation that the Isle of Man is in right now, for example. The real challenge seems to be what CIG will do when we don’t reach the 75/80% vaccination threshold proposed for termination of quarantine, as it doesn’t look to me as if we will get anywhere near that.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are so covid paranoid.

  15. Anonymous says:

    What a joke. There will be no vaccine for children this year so our borders will be manly closed to tourists. Seems all the other islands with have 12 more months of our guests and money

    • Anonymous says:

      Vaccine for children is almost ready.

      • Anonymous says:

        The Vaccines for children are still in trials,
        So this won’t be happening this year.

        • Anonymous says:

          It will probably get Emergency Use Authorisation and the trials go live on children around the world.

      • Anonymous says:

        Up until a few days ago, it was reported that it will be at least Fall before vaccines would be available to children

      • Anonymous says:

        what is the death rate for people under 18 for covid?

        • Anonymous says:

          Close to zero and most have had preexisting problems. In my state in the US there have been 7 under 18’s out of 10,037 total covid deaths as of yesterday, and none since last summer. Treatment improved a lot after the first couple of months.

          • Anonymous says:

            Agreed, although the worry for younger people is the potential for long covid, rather than death.

          • Anonymous says:

            11:02 is right! Very very few kids/teens have issues unless they have underlying health issues. I know MANY teens that have had it and almost all were asymptomatic (only tested because identified as a close contact in tracing) with the remainders having symptoms that were milder than the common cold. My teen has been in school, in person, with these positive cases.

            • Anonymous says:

              So if my kids have preexisting conditions it’s okay if they die? Even if they can live to 100 as the conditions are lifestyle managed? Good to know

  16. Elvis says:

    Were they all crew and hellboy?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Was one of them Ron?

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