Police struggle with distressed woman

| 02/03/2021
Cayman News Service
Photo by Dennie Warren Jr

(CNS): Police struggled to deal with a woman who was intoxicated and appeared to be suffering with significant mental health issues on Saturday, following a report that she was throwing rocks at traffic on the Esterley Tibbetts Highway. When police officers in uniform arrived at the scene close to SafeHaven at around 11pm, the woman “reacted irrationally and showed heightened anxiety”.

According to the RCIPS press release, the woman ran away from the police into the road and towards oncoming traffic.

The officers said they temporarily stopped the traffic and then apprehended her for her own safety, but she became extremely hostile and assaulted the officers, inflicting minor injuries. She was then taken to the George Town hospital for medical assessment and later safely removed to the CI Detention Centre.

It was then discovered that the woman was in violation of a court order and was arrested for this as well as assaulting police. The incident is now under investigation.

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Category: Crime, Police

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