Ex-DoT deputy to ‘drive trust’ in government

| 01/03/2021 | 21 Comments
Oneisha Richards-Scotland

(CNS): Oneisha Richards-Scotland, a former deputy director of marketing and promotions at the Department of Tourism, has been appointed to the governments top communication job to “drive public trust and engagement in government priorities”. Richards-Scotland was seconded to the Cabinet Office in November 2019 and will take over her new role there in May when Dee Cotgrove, who currently holds the post, returns to Britain.

Officials said in this top position Richards-Scotland will serve as head of the Department of Communications within the Cabinet Office and manage the Cayman Islands Government’s reputation, ensure audience engagement and direct the continuous improvement of public service communications.

Cotgrove, who was reportedly brought in from the UK to help shape up government’s communication issues, said that Richards-Scotland had played an active role in transforming the communications profession and keeping the community informed and safe. “I am delighted to hand over to such a stellar successor,” she added.

In a press release, officials said that Scotland, who was appointed after a competitive recruitment process, had already been working on government communications in support of the Cayman Islands Government 5-year Strategic Plan, working on its rebranding, and led aspects of COVID-19 communications.

Richards-Scotland has over 20 years of experience in marketing and communications in the public and private sectors and has a Master of Science in Marketing and E-business, officials said.

When she takes over the job she will assume responsibility for the Department of Communications which includes Government Information Services, Strategic Communications and Internal Communications, while also serving as Head of the Communication Profession for Government.

“Effective and modern communications are an integral part of today’s public service,” said Cabinet Secretary Samuel Rose. “I am therefore pleased that Oneisha is joining our senior leadership team in such a strategic role. The knowledge and winning attitude she brings to our team will continue to build on the communications transformation we have begun within the civil service.”

Richards-Scotland said she was excited about the focus government has placed on delivering innovative, effective communication to ensure the public is engaged and informed on government activities, while continuing to build the Cayman Islands’ reputation.

“I look forward to further developing the communications profession through a strategic approach and cross governmental teamwork, she added.

Deputy Governor Franz Manderson said it was a privilege to see the journey to being a World Class Civil Service at work. “The appointment of Mrs Richards-Scotland as Director of Communications demonstrates once again the talent we have cultivated within the service and that our succession planning is working,” he added.

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Comments (21)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Which do you think drives public distrust?

    (a) a new disinformation PR agency head/foreign influencer campaign


    (b) providing the required accountability and transparency

  2. Anonymous says:

    Another non job. How’s about hiring some people to pick up trash? $10 an hour should do it

  3. Anonymous says:

    The government and officials are corrupt.

    Change my mind

  4. Anonymous says:

    Oh, is that what that post is supposed to be doing now. Well, at least we’re wasting the money on one of our own now. That’s some improvement I suppose.

    (Not a knock on Oneisha, a knock on the politics that created and continues that particular post.)

    • Anonymous says:

      Lovely lady with loads of promise

      Under Franz’s world class civil service though, her professionalism will simply die and rot away

  5. Anonymous says:

    Finally Cayman gets a press secretary. Will there be open and honest communication Ms. Scotland?

    • Anonymous says:

      Didn’t you read the job description? Her goal is to “drive public trust and engagement in government priorities” not to provide honest communication.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Aka Head of Pro-PPM Propaganda and Re-education. 1st item of business: this is not a 2022 Cruise Port Plan, no no, it’s an expanded 2022 Cargo-Processing and Handling Facility…we don’t need an EIA…etc. How many international spambots contractors will her department employ using our money?

  7. Anonymous says:


  8. Anonymous says:

    Oh yeah? I’ve been waiting for over 1 week for a simple acknowledgement and answer from one Govt agency!! They’re all BS and Franz Manderson is their leader!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Oneisha.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Well done Oneisha! CIHS Class of 1994 is proud of you.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I hope the private sector will follow the service lead and promote more Caymanian women.

    Congrats Ms Richards.

    • Anonymous says:


      People just need to hire the right person for the job.

      It’s not a more men or more women issue. It’s 2021 – try to mature.

  12. Anonymous says:

    She is probably a great person. However, we don’t need a spin doctor to “drive public trust and engagement in government priorities”. What we need is someone to drive our politicians to listen to and act on the basis of the public’s priorities. No government has done that in decades.

  13. Voice Male says:

    As Head of the Dept of Communications can Ms Richards-Scotland do something that has been entirely beyond the ability of Franz Manderson, that is have our civil servants answer their telephone calls from members of the public, rather than just from their friends and personal business enquiries.

    • Anonymous says:

      Voice male call any Government department tomorrow and you will see the difference. Call 9497900 first.

      I used to complain like you but now I commend.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh yeah? I’ve been waiting for over 1 week for a simple acknowledgement and answer from one Govt agency!! They’re all BS and Franz Manderson is their leader!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes. Why they don’t advertise this helpline number more I don’t know.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Salary: CI$121,212 – CI$155,148
    NOT BAD!

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