Dart’s new town threatens beach access

| 12/03/2021 | 192 Comments
Cayman News Service
Location of proposed new town development by Dart

(CNS): Local activists have raised concerns that around ten beach access points that have been used by Caymanians for generations will be lost if Dart gets approval for a 157-acre planned area development (PAD) located astride the Esterley Tibbetts Highway between Salt Creek, Yacht Club, Vista Del Mar and Governor’s Harbour. Already controversial because of its impact on the last remaining area of mangrove on the western side of Grand Cayman and plans for new canals, including one under the highway, the loss of so many access points is adding to concerns about what many residents see as a wholly unnecessary and damaging project.

Cayman Beach Watch, a local NGO that has been campaigning hard to protect beach-access rights, raised the alarm this week after the application by Crymble Landholding for a PAD was posted on the planning site showing the block and parcels covered by the proposed new town and the access points that will be likely lost if the development is given the green light.

“We know the CPA has been approving all of Dart’s beach access blocking applications,” the activists warned in social media posts, as they urged the wider community to stand up and defend their access rights. The Central Planning Authority (CPA) has previously approved a number of closures of beach access on development by Dart’s web of companies, blocking four access points along Seven Mile Beach. “Since 2019 these Dart beach access blockages have been challenged in a court case; the case is still ongoing,” the activists added

However, the cases have been heard behind closed doors. Not only have the media and public been shut out from these hearings in the Grand Court, gag orders have been imposed on the parties that prevents the activists from revealing what has been going on, despite the significant public interest.

Cayman Beach Watch is now urging all residents to submit to objections the planning department to the proposed blocking of these additional beach accesses.

Dart has not denied that the beach access points are at risk, and in a short statement responding to CNS enquiries, Justin Howe, Dart President Real Estate Asset Management, said the PAD was to give the planning authorities and public a more comprehensive understanding of the development. “Every project in the PAD will still require planning approval and we anticipate public beach access will be addressed at that time,” Howe stated.

When asked about this latest threat to beach access In a WhatsApp chat group for Prospect and Red Bay residents, Premier Alden McLaughlin said that no development would be approved that blocked accesses. “I am not privy to the details of the proposed development but I do know that no application which blocks public accesses will be approved. My understanding is that plans for the proposed development are still at a very early stage,” he told the group, which includes his own Red Bay constituents.

Planning and lands ministers in both the current and previous PPM-led administrations have spoken a great deal about protecting beach access but in reality they have done almost nothing to actually achieve that protection. Government continues to fight another long-running legal case brought by a group of women from West Bay who are using the courts to force government to register and protect long-standing beach access rights. That case was due to return to court during the lockdown but it is not clear when the next hearing is expected.

Government has also failed to bring long promised legislation to address the issue after the last draft bill, which was heavily criticised by those advocating for access rights, was withdrawn at the last parliamentary meeting before the House was dissolved for the election.

While beach access rights have come up on other developments, including the Beach Bay hotel, where access will be relocated if the project is ever finished, and in cases where landowners attempted to block long-used easements, which are handled by the Public Lands Commission. But Dart has proved to be one of the most successful developers in securing significant changes to public beach access, which has contributed significantly to the major challenges all residents now have getting on to Seven Mile Beach.

For more information or to help in the campaign to protect beach rights, email caymanbeachwatch@gmail.com, call 916-0707 or visit the website.

See the PAD application on the Planning website here.

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Comments (192)

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  1. Green Hornet says:

    So here’s a thought “outside the box” – heaven forbid! We all know the problem for young Caymanians who cannot afford a house let alone a shed. Instead of ranting a raving about the insane march of condos and million dollar subdivisions, why not try the following. For every proposed development of, say, more than 6 condos/canal houses in the million dollar price range make it mandatory that the developer build and finance mortgages for young Caymanians at, say, $75,000, for homes in the same area as the rest of the development. No homes for Caymanians, no development.
    Now how hard was that??

    • Denver Douglas says:

      GREAT IDEA…But should be sold at cost. Also built decently not a space savings measure with 8×10 bedrooms plus build low rental apartments 10- 12 on property

  2. Anonymous says:

    I have family land and I am not selling it. However, the rest of my father’s family sold everything they had. The solution is simple Caymanians stop selling your land and complaining about it. If you didn’t sell it, no one could develop it. It’s not government’s fault: it’s your fault. The only thing government doesn’t do for Caymanians is wipe their behinds and use the bathroom for them. We are spoilt little children. Remember this government kept us alive and still we complain.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ask Sammy Jackson his thoughts on this and FIN. As someone on the planning board pushing this through he should be qualified to answer. Johan should address this as well seeing as they are aligned and wants to hold all elected members who haven’t spoken out about maceeva for his actions but wont hold his own “running mates” accountable.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sammy Jackson is not on the planning board.

    • Anonymous says:

      What about Alden, He is the current Premier? Sammy is not even elected?

      Please stop fighting over PPM or Independent and start figuring out what we are going to do here to survive.

      Everything we own is slowly being taken from us.

      I see a civil war erupting soon. The people can only take so much!

      • Anonymous says:

        Sammy represents developers and is regularly appearing before the Central Planning Authority representing them and their interests, often to the detriment of Caymanians. Go and read CPA minutes folks! Seems to me that he and Alden are cut from the same cloth and pattern!

  4. Anon says:

    So? Not a reason to stop this.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Dart’s new town??? A wha dis?

    We already have George Town and Bodden Town but I guess we were missing a “town” specifically for the lavishly rich because the other two are lower class….SMH

    Unfortunately we soon won’t even be able to get anywhere near West Bay road unless you go through a toll booth as it’s becoming like you’re crossing a border!!!!

    • Denver Douglas says:

      The Building restrictions should be restored as was before..nothing beyond the vegetation..even could restrict to 100ft back. I’m sure people would respect the visitors on the beach and all still have access

  6. Dreadlock Holmes says:

    Beware Of those bearing gifts

  7. Anonymous says:

    We should be asking questions about the illegally blocked public right of way across from Jose’s gas station. We, the people, know our rights CIAA!

  8. Anonymous says:

    7 mile is for the foreigners now. It is what it is. At least Dart builds 5 star developments that are safe and beautiful and attract all sorts of money. Not my thing but that’s why I live out in Savannah away from all the hustle and bustle. Hotel Indigo is far more worrying for public beach than this latest development.

  9. Dexter l Ebanks says:

    Food for Thought
    I am a Caymanian from Cayman Brac and go back many many generations =
    I’ve lived on Grand Cayman for 60 years and remember when I arrived here I was invited to the opening of the LaFontene Hotel and next door to the West Indian Club =
    The Lafontene Hotel was owned by the Whitney Family I believe this family was from Canada = All the employees were Caymanians then =
    These two properties were all set back quite a distance from
    the sea and never caused any beach erosion =
    Until Joe Yong constructed the Radisson Hotel now the Marriott Hotel and then comes along Marina Turner who built a home just down the road from the Radisson Hotel
    Owners of the above properties got permission to build too close to the sea and this was the beginning of the end for the Seven Mile Beach
    Remember when the Marriott lost their beach as well as Marina Turner’s home = due to a North Wester and ” Plastic Artificial Turf ” was glued to the Sea floor and placed in front of the Marriott hotel to help retain and rebuild our beach
    Nature is a BITCH and it will always win no matter how smart people think they are
    Guess what another NORTH WESTER came along and and removed all of that ARTIFICIAL TURF and placed it on the Coral along the entire Seven Mile Beach
    Needless to say the Coral has never fully recovered =
    I believe this was when TOM JERFFERSON was in office =
    The point that I am trying to make is this = No Developer = is on the Planning Board so whom do we BLAME but or own Caymanians who sit on that board without any respect for Caymanians or Nature and don’t give a Damn of the Long time effect of their action =
    Remember it’s ELLECTION TIME and with the STROKE of a Pen we can make a Difference if we put the right people in the House of Parliment
    Put People who care about the future of these island
    Please remember that a stroke of a pen is mightier than a sword
    Dexter L Ebanks

    • Chris Johnson says:

      Hi Dexter
      Good to see you put your name to a blog.

      I recall La Fontaine was actually built by Jack Warrington and only later was Moxie Whitney involved and that was in the mid seventies when he used to hold showings of old movies at the hotel. He was highly respected and Canada’s most famous bandleader who played at the Royal York in Toronto, the Bamff Springs hotel and the Royal Hawaiian hotel. In Cayman he often teamed up with Ed Oliver with a small band.
      He also made lots of records.

      At some stage Ted Hansen managed the hotel and I recall well known Carey Hurlston once taking stage there and amusing the audience. Frequently the annual Police Ball was held there with Police Commissioner Ron Pocock in charge.

      You are so right on your comments. Having seen so many photographs from the 50/60s I think the beach depth is actually shrinking as regards sand and by going ten stories high with condos it will soon look like Miami Beach.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not totally true that no developer is on the CPA Board. The Chairman aside from owning one of the largest building supply stores also does his own developments from time to time as do some of the other members. That appointment of that board is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. This ha been pointed out numerous time by the Auditor General and has fallen on the deaf ears of government.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have lived all over the world and only in Cayman have I come across the need for local people to mention how many generations they are here. What is the point, Why? Genuine question!

    • Denver Douglas says:

      There were restrictions in place..our problem is being weak and allowing these things to happen. Brian Buttler developed 7 mile Beach for us, all his developments were well set back. To my knowledge he never got any concessions, then came along the hotel builders who got concessions because we were weak and afraid they would not build. Our government removed the building restrictions and allowed ownership of property to the high water line because they were weak and in some cases for their own benefit. Just remember the Ball is in our court (Quote from Derrington (BO) Miller) and still is…but until we have people with Guts to stop what’s going on we will still be in a Dory Boat….ALL Concessions should be removed and developers made to build the equivalent amount in property low income housing and apartments sold at cost to Caymanians without stamp duty

    • Michel Lemay says:

      I totally agree with yourcomment Dexter.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is arriving at a very delicate crossroads. Vote wisely.

    • Anonymous says:

      Vote early and vote often.

      • Anonymous says:

        Only very few deserve be elected.
        Say NO
        ✳️to those who didn’t condemn violence against women,
        ✳️to those who didn’t condemn homophobia,
        ✳️to those who didn’t stand up to Alden when he was fighting with “we the people planning to appeal over port vote ruling
        ✳️to those who shake hands with the convicted criminal

        “Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity”

        • Anonymous says:

          Doesn’t leave very many! Miller?

          • Anonymous says:


            • N says:

              Mr. Miller is the one that needs to stay in office to assist the newly elected. you don’t have to like him, but you have the ability to realize why he is needed.

          • Anonymous says:

            At least he stand up again those trash bags that are in government currently. Don’t have to like him, but can respect that fact that he looks out for the people and isn’t afraid to speak out

            • Denver Douglas says:

              Definitely need more with his vision and Back Bone.
              Quote on Quote.
              True Story…
              A wealthy man moves from his country to another to live buys a parcel of property to build a building for business, gets approval and lays out the foundation the inspector comes to visit the site informed the builder he had to move the building back one foot. Builder pushes the contractor to build faster has the building up above 2nd floor inspector comes and said sir I informed you the building had to be moved back 1 foot..builder calls inspector to side and says how much do I have to give you to build inspector says nothing…I advised you that you had to move the building back 1 foot..we will have to tear it down..but I’m going to give you a break…hate to see you tear it down…builder smiles and reaches out to shake inspectors hand.inspectorbacks away….and said I will allow you to tear the 1 foot down by the time I next visit or we will tear the building down….
              Those are the quality people we need in Government and Board members.

              • Arthur carter says:

                The whole issue is that a bill needs to be brought before the house saying that no one that is not caymanians will be allowed to purchase prime property in the Cayman Islands therefore no one entity will be able to monopolize on property in our homeland and it will allow future generation to be able to buy property
                Stop the influx of those coming here to profit off of our land even though they may well be investing and some of us will benigit from it but in the long run we the people are losing out because eventually there will be no property for future caymanians
                Thomas Arthur Carter

    • Denver Douglas says:

      Sorry…that will not Help unless they have a Strong Back Bone…Which I doubt 😕

  11. Austin says:

    I am a caribbean foreigner but soon young Caymanians wont be able to own a piece of Cayman or build a house it is already too expensive. CAYMANIANS get up rise up take control of your country or later down you will have to Riot for it. Stop the Shit now!!!.

    • Anonymous says:

      What – just like your forefathers did in your homeland, rendering it dysfunctional and destroying opportunities for you and your children?

    • alaw says:

      Austin who do CAYMANIANS have to buy the Land from is it not their OWN CAYMANIANS, I think you are speaking rubbish!

      • Anonymous says:

        Huge difference between subdividing 200 acres into a residential area or doing a massive luxury condo development that maybe 1% of Caymanians may be able to afford.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I read a lot of complaints about Dart and their ownership of large tracts of land and businesses.

    But whatever I never read or hear is that the elected officials are going to draft a law that will limit how much anyone entity/person can own (aka control) of the island. Instead of lamenting about Dart, shouldn’t all the anger, hatred, and energy be directed towards the elected officials as they are the ones who can actually do something?

    Why isn’t this the number one election issue?

    • Anti Troller says:

      10:31 pm: Are you the same troll that posted earlier? Please use the same name. It makes it easier for me to formulate replies. Thanks!

      • Anonymous says:

        Nope. I’m an original. I believe that if the situation was viewed through the lenses of root cause analysis and asked Why 5 times to the question of how has this happened, more people would realize that Dart is not the issue full stop.

        It is both convenient and lazy to think their corporation is at the root of the situation imo.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dart is owned by Caymanians. It is a wholly Cayman company. Even if Cayman was stupid enough to enact such ridiculous laws, it would never apply to Dart. Dart is not the problem here. They abide by Cayman’s laws, they are not developers that plan to leave (like many/most others).

      • Anonymous says:

        But they have surely now worn out their excuses for over development. Who are they developing for, not we Caymanians. Time to tie those greedy people hands.

        • Anonymous says:

          How can you expect any development for those who do nothing? Working Caymanians earn and build their own developments (homes, businesses, etc.) Non functional Caymanians cry and bitch but do not earn anything. Cry all you want but no one will care about your own little problems. We are too busy working on our own futures to bother with your kind.

          • Anonymous says:

            7:34 Your kind will one day find your damn fool self right in the midst of those very kind that you now snub. Be prepared.

        • Anonymous says:

          Who is the “they” you are referring to?

    • Denver Douglas says:

      DEAD ON…But those elected will certainly make no difference unless they are Strong and Stand up….Remove and Reverse the damaging laws and regulations. Personally Yeah I think Mr Dart has built enough,I like the planned development we need the Big Yachats owners to have a place to come to…He has the Money let him build this project…BUT making sure they’re Break water reinforcement in place in case of hurricanes extended canals on either side for access to the Nort Sound for future development in the area PLUS LOCKS with pumps to help eliminate North Sounds water flowing across to 7 mile

  13. Caymanian to the core. says:

    I don’t think anyone has “created” more beach accesses bringing the sea-shore to the people (visitors/residents/caymanians) than the Dart organization. There are places to park, trash receptacles that get emptied, shady places to walk, security, well maintained gardens with thoughtful foliage, shade structures. As a Caymanian who has watched Dart come here and build since before Ivan, I really don’t understand the shrill and vitriol against their plans. Everything they have touched has been first class and open to every Caymanian or visitor. Dart has even improved public beach and the access there (that wasn’t Government – that was Dart making it better). I don’t make a nickel of my living from the Dart Group but I have watched them and lived in the shadow of their largess. If all of their work here taken together is a giant scheme to enrich themselves then I see it as the worst one ever because there are far better places to invest billions of dollars than here in Cayman (from when they began. This place was a simple backwater). We are lucky to have these guys here. I am completely unconcerned that they will suddenly block the beach when everything they have built previously has been so incredibly first-class and open and welcoming. I would love a smart person here to explain to me what they are doing that is so bad and why there is any resistance at all to what I see as an incredible and beautiful job for our Country. A second Camana Bay in West Bay North, with all the learnings that Dart has achieved on the first Camana Bay would become an asset of National importance. To try to talk that away because we would lose a fast sinking mangrove or two in the fastest growing part of the Country is imply crazy talk.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow! That is the best write-up I’ve seen from one of Dart’s trolls ! Mostly bullshit, but still a good write-up.

      • Anonymous says:

        10:43 No bullshit. This post is well written and completely factual, unlike the CNS article and most of the comments posted so far. I really wish “Caymanian To The Core”’s request that a smart person explain all the negativity would be answered

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s ALL bullshit……. but it’s well-written and obviously written by an intelligent person, even though he shows the “good” for Dart and omits all the shady activities…… and he does a good job at it. Let’s face it, Mr. Dart is a shady character. He has (according to information I have read) increased his net worth to over five billion dollars. He certainly isn’t stupid. All Caymanians take note: What Kenneth Dart is doing is NOT being done for Caymanians.

      • Anonymous says:

        Paging jealousy, party of one, Jealousy…

    • Anonymous says:

      Dart’s properties are not built for the average person. Have you walked thru any store in Camana Bay? Who can afford to purchase $300. Bathing suits and $200. Pair of shorts? His hotels on vacation weeks (which is when I price them out) are $10-15,000. For the week. I am not even fond of the look of the Kimpton (reminds me of Miami). Wait to see the price increase of the “Comfort Suites” which attracted many repeat visitors and now is a Dart property. The tunnel reminds of New York City…driving on an island, slip into the city tunnel and back to the island. Closing the bars (Royal Palms and Calico Jacks) where tourist and locals could mingle outside are a shame. Where can locals go anymore to have a drink and a water view with Dart closing down these sites? Putting in roads that look like highways is a crime to me on a beautiful, quaint island . Was it necessary? IDK, but it changed the whole view and vibe of the island. The blocking of the sea view from the road especially at sunset and sunrise coming to and from 7MB to West Bay was shameful and wait until his new town goes in. Can one say city traffic on an island. People travel to the Caribbean to escape city life, to hear nature and to see the sunrise and set. Just my 2 cents.

    • alaw says:

      CAYMANIAN to the core
      I wish I could write a comment better than yours, but I can’t.
      Coming from another CAYMANIAN to the CORE thanks.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well said. Irrespective of whether you consider Dart Caymanian or not the vast majority of companies that benefit from the construction, outfitting maintenance and upkeep are both local and generational. There is simply no way to spend the best part of a billion dollars Dart has in Cayman without using local companies, suppliers and people.

        As for Dart not being Caymanian… I wonder how many of those who claim he’s not really have renounced their US citizenship?

    • Rasta Empress says:

      Caymanian to the core: those fast “sinking” mangroves are what protects SMB from being flooded with saltwater whenever there is a storm! How many of you took a drive around the coastline after Ivan? I did. And let me tell you, some of the damage that I saw was unbelievable. Homes totally gutted, with only structural framing left. Giant peices of concrete and snapped steel rods jumbled like peices of a puzzle. Premier Alden says no development that blocks beach access will be approved. Why then have some been approved? Is that not total hypocrisy?

  14. Anonymous says:

    The same people complaining about development, when the drive developers away, will be complaining that people are out of work, cant feed their families, losing their homes, and the increase in crime

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanians get no work from these developments. The workers during construction are almost all imported, mainly from Jamaica. Caymanians do not get to work in these developments after they are complete. The majority of those workers are from North America. Caymanians do not live in these developments when they are complete. Most of the residents are also imported. So too are the criminals we must fear if it all falls apart.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes…. it is a lose-lose situation for Camanians! If we had better representation this wouldn’t happen!

        • Anonymous says:

          Or if half the effort put into bitching and moaning was applied to proving the work ethic and quality… just saying… And when the developers all leave and the crab in a bucket mentality returns you will blame everyone else for your failings. Try get off your a$$ and actually work hard and commit to the job. Don’t kiss teeth and job hop. Try working with the system. As a Caymanian who has succeeded by just putting my head down and working hard, it pains me to listen to the bitching and moaning of those who as Caymanians have all the advantages in the work-lace. And now as a business owner, I can categorically say I would far rather have fellow Caymanians as employees than deal with immigration, but we are our own worst enemies. Now I want to kiss my teeth too!!!!

          • Anonymous says:

            Sounds good, but you have misses the elephant in the room: Education in the Cayman Islands, possible Learning and intellectual disabilities among Cayman population.
            There were no studies ever to evaluate unemployed and unemployable population as well people who consistently perform poorly for learning disabilities.
            You can’t expect everyone to perform at the same level, but when large number of people, employed and unemployed, unable to perform the essential duties and responsibilities of his job, this is a red flag.
            Profiling Caymanians as lazy and dumb is easy, figuring out why so many seem to be lazy and intellectually challenged is prudent.

            • Anonymous says:

              Most of our unemployed and unemployable population is imported, or is the first generation of arising out of those that were. We face a massive problem arising out of the mass importation of poverty. Just sayin.

            • Anonymous says:

              What many forget is that for 25 years politicians told Caymanians they didn’t need to try hard, they were ‘special’ and ‘protected’.

              Politicians wanted to keep people dependent on them. Smart, prepared people are not easily bought with an election hand out.

      • D. Seer says:

        Sad but true, Mr. 7:01 pm.

      • Jacko says:

        These projects are not built by Dart as they don’t have any construction companies all work is contracted to Caymanian companies who in turn controls the hiring for our Caymanian to work in tourism on the front lines like any other jobs requires training what ever happened to our Hotel training school, make the minimum wage worthwhile to attract Caymanian to the industry as each year the cost of living is heading out of control

        • Two Cents says:

          Google DECCO Cayman Jacko

          • Anonymous says:

            DECCO might be listed as a construction company, but it “manages” construction and contracts all construction work out to others, most (if not all) locally owned Caymanian (some generational) companies.

      • Anonymous says:

        7:01 pm You are dead wrong. Dart goes out of its way to contract with wholly Cayman owned companies and contractors. If you see so many non-Caymanians on the sites, it’s likely due to the hiring practices of the contractors, not dart

        • Anonymous says:

          Dart (who I agree are pretty good, especially compared to others) could require all those it contracts with to abide by the highest standards (and of course the government could actually start requiring people to follow the law).

          • Anonymous says:

            9:35 pm Dart already does this. It’s standard operating procedure to require that all subcontractors comply with local laws.

  15. Chris Johnson says:

    Early governments in the 60/70 s were adamant that they did not want Seven Mile Beack looking like Miami Beach. How right they were. Then along came the man from the bush. We went to seven stories then ten. We need learn from history and thank our early politicians such as Mr Benson and Mr Norman for their foresight. Sadly their successors screwed things up.

    Later on government ruled no more ironshore on church street. I cannot remember when but that was thrown out . Now we see Northwesters and Hurricans destroying buildings built far too close to the sea such as FIN. We also note recommendations of the DOE being ignored.

    I fear it is too little, too late.

    • Frank says:

      Having met both Mike Ryan and Dale Crighton many times and watched them carry themselves for decades I know they both have Cayman’s best interests at heart. They have families here, children here and want to leave this land better than it was. I’m proud oof them both and I actually like their Fin development. It is cool and very Art Deco and I like that. It adds a flavor of the new to the same old stucco building vibe along that stretch and it feels decidedly upmarket. During the construction it’s a bit disruptive (the road, debris in the ocean) but I would be shocked if by the time every last lick of paint is on and they are done, everyone doesn’t love it or look up to it as somewhere special and unique. Cayman is a small town and there is no hiding out if a developers project comes off poorly. The broader issue you raise Chris, relates to population. When Benson Ebanks/Norman Bodden ruled the roost, all three Countries had just 8500 people. We were on our way to 10 times that before COVID and 50-100 times the number of visitors. It’s simply impossible to reconcile that type of growth with “no towers over ten stories”. I walk that beach every single day and have lived on it for nearly 20 years and you can’t get the genie back in the bottle. In my own estimation whether viewed on foot, from the sky or the sea, Seven Mile Beach can support a lot more development. I understand and accept that there are people among us who may not want that and who would like to return to the past, but in the absence of that being an option for the Caymanians of the future, then building upmarket high class developments like Dart brings to the table is a good thing for all stakeholders in the Country.

      • Sjames says:

        I just love comments from people that have no clue about our island. Since when has Cayman been a small town and since when do we have three countries here. Other comments made are not worthy of a response as illustrated by the thumbs down.
        Keep walking the beach and note all the erosion which you seemed to have overlooked.

        • U Know Who says:

          Shazam!!! You are absolutely on the mark with that one!

        • Anonymous says:

          Another winner, Mr. Jones!

        • Anonymous says:

          And they can take that Fin-debacle and shove it. We do not want that in South Sound. If the residents hadn’t gone up in arms and complained and drew attention to the ocean waste do you honestly think Ryan would have given two sh!ts about the damage to the environment? If he and His buddies gave one toss about the place they would respect the surrounds and build to fit in. Instead it is all greed and maximizing returns. Sad but that legacy they leave will forever tarnish them.

      • Cheese Face says:

        Dale Crighton of Dolphin Prison fame?

      • Anonymous says:

        Frank, I love those rose colored glasses you are wearing.

    • Hancock says:

      Looks like The Fishmongers now have iPads. 🤗
      Hence the thumb down

  16. Anonymous says:

    I tried going swimming where the fish market is. It is impossible as yet another tent has gone up blocking access to the beach. How did these guys get permission to spread concrete on the beach to erect tents. It stinks there of fish, urine and weed. Government needs do something about it. We need beach access in town. Moreover that fish aint local or fresh.

    • Anonymous says:

      they don’t care

    • Anonymous says:

      Nor do the vendors have appropriate licensing. The whole issue is one of corruption staring us in the face.

      • Anonymous says:

        More awards to the DCI for their remarkable adherence to equally enforcing and upholding the law, right Franz?

    • Anonymous says:

      This Government approved the concrete.

      • Anonymous says:

        Did in even have the power to do so? It is not even their land!

      • Anonymous says:

        Neither the CPA approved the illegal concrete pad in 2008. Otherwise the owner would have known about it. Are u daft or what.

      • Anonymous says:

        7:01 pm You are dead wrong. Dart goes out of its way to contract with wholly Cayman owned companies and contractors. If you see so many non-Caymanians on the sites, it’s likely due to the hiring practices of the contractors, not dart

    • Anonymous says:

      It one of the first impressions our arriving tourists saw……Top quality!

    • Anonymous says:

      “I tried going swimming where the fish market is.”

      The people who live in Rock Hole usually swim behind Mr. Arthur’s and the only reason anyone would claim to have gone swimming at the fish market is to write about it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Then talk to Joan Wilson and the Cayasso family amongst others to get the facts straight. That is how I leant how the name Red Spot Bay came from. Having known that land for 50 years I know what I am talking about.
        Obviously you do not live here.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Dart doesn’t care anymore, at first he was worried about optics , so built a he Dart parks …
    Now it’s middle finger to cayman – air parcels, tunnels , canals through moth sound to SMB…
    It’s over …
    To date the man hasn’t shown his face!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      It doesn’t matter what he does. He could give away a million dollars a day and everyone would complain.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s over ????? I wish !!!!!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      He ‘built’ Dart parks because he actually listened to one of his first employees in the 1990’s (not the Americans who came here from the USA) who said ‘Cayman needs public space’. Sadly the public spaces were minimal & he meanwhile bought acres & acres of land.
      He wanted to live for ever & live in utopia. He brought the Disney planned village designers here & the idea of Camana Bay was born.
      His American protege (who runs everything on island) & his American lawyer (that now runs Dart internationally) are still employed. Sadly the original voices of reason gave up and left when they saw what he planned.
      This is no longer a Caribbean island. Cayman becomes more American every year. Development at what cost to our environment, lifestyles and our heritage?

  18. Kman says:

    I’m afraid to say that Dart has our politicians in his back pocket and for all his great projects the man has shown that he has absolutely no respect or appreciation for our heritage and culture.
    As a 5th generation Caymanian and whose father and uncle fought so hard to obtain beach access rights that now all seems in vain due to Kurt Tibbetts and Alden siding up with Mac and ALT. Until our people stand up by means of anarchism or full throttle demonstration against the system nothing will change.
    Every election is important yet this one will be pivotal in hopefully making a positive change in the right direction as this crash course of disaster cannot continue to manifest to the point of self destruction. Placing Caymanians first and ensuring our people are giving opportunities to benefit is paramount.

    • Concerned caymanian says:

      Wait until Roy is the leader of the next government – while his wife is high ranking management at the dart machine

      • Cheese Face says:

        Define “high ranking management”?

      • Anonymous says:

        His wife is not high ranking management. She manages DART’s education programmes. Not exactly the sharp end of the business. But it does mean she’s part of the ‘DART is your friend’ propaganda machine that exists as a counterweight to the damage done by the developments.

  19. Anonymous says:

    12;31 pm you’re so true my friend, 100% true

  20. Anonymous says:

    When it comes to the matter of beach access, on SMB, that ship has sailed. Too late. People sold the land.
    What is if interest to me, is the environmental cost of this massive development.

    So, I wonder, will the DoE, NCC and, all the eco-warriors take a firm stance against this project, like they have against the east west arterial??!! Same thing for the National Trust….

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      Just another reason we need Mr. Wayne in our MP lineup. If you’ve never talked with him to know for yourself, then please do so. He truly cares about the environment, and not in an ethereal way as most talking heads do who give lip service to environmental concerns.

    • Anonymous says:

      1:10, absolutely right!

    • Anonymous says:

      Environmental cost ?? Are you serious ??? Most of that land in this application is reclaimed !

  21. Wake up Cayman says:

    The issue here is not Dart as there are dozens of other developers ready to take his place and come with much more tasteless and less thought out plans.
    The real issue here is that the government of Cayman is working for itself instead if for its people. For example why would the government give duty concessions to developers building condo’s! Why would the government replace the members of the NCC with tourism executives and developers? Why would the government work with these developers to destroy every last tree, mangrove etc? People wake up! Your island is being destroyed by a small bunch of greedy people. They do not care about you!

    • U. Noe Hu says:

      You are correct, Mr. WakeUp! The group of greedy people you mentioned have been around a long time, and when Mr. Dart, who fled the U.S. because he didn’t pay his taxes, then broke the law and skipped out of other countries, decided he would fit in very well with the people running the government in the Cayman Islands. He was right….. He fits right in, although I’ve heard he eats from nice tables, not from a trough.

  22. Ugh! says:

    Cayman, stop selling your island to Dart!!

  23. Anonymous says:

    So basically, no accesses are under threat by this application.

    • Anonymous says:

      100% correct. There are no legally registered public beach accesses north of the Kimpton but that doesn’t mean when Dart makes an application to develop in this area that the CPA can’t require them to dedicate Public Rights of Way.

      People need to stop complaining about Dart taking away beach accesses that don’t currently exist and lobby Government to ensure the CPA does its job and requires beach access for new developments, according to the Development and Planning Law.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Beach access is the least of the problems. Freedom to use and peaceably enjoy the beach once you are on it (from waterline to vegetation line) is an even bigger issue. Focus needs to be on the whole problem.

  25. Anonymous says:

    For whom are we building for?

  26. Anonymous says:

    When will we learn that Dart is not a philanthropic organization? There is a long term commercial incentive for them to buy, expropriate, and seize connecting parcels for later development purposes. They don’t care if they break laws in the process. They don’t care if these properties are left to decay, or impede public access rights. The only people surprised are those who have memories like sieves.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow, how terrible, please be specific and let us know which parcels Dart has expropriated, given this is a power that solely rests with CIG.

  27. Debbie. says:

    Seems Planning Department’s role does not involve planning. Soon locals will have no beach. Nowhere to build bigger roads and no public transportation system we will soon be spending 4 hours in traffic (one way).

    • Frustrated says:

      Yet our PREMIER wants to increase the population! This also means MORE CARS and more time spent in traffic, going to and from work. Sooooooo stressful!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        The roads are growing nicely. I’ve Never seen so much thoughtful road construction as these past 5 years. You could move closer to where you feel you need to be or if you’re truly frustrated perhaps it’s time for a motorcycle.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Any house, condo, hotel, bar, driveway, sidewalk, that is built on the beach is blocking beach access. So it’s OK if it’s yours but bad if it’s not and terrible if it’s Darts? Asking for a driftwood friend.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      This is different, because an individual or business building on the beach has — at least until now — had to preserve our established beach access lanes. There were some folks who built houses a few years ago and endeavored to block those beach access lanes. They were not successful, but it was a hell of a battle. That battle still rages in some places.

      • Anonymous says:

        Get a grip. There are no legally registered beach access points where Dart is proposing to develop but the CPA has the authority to require they dedicate Public Beach access points when they develop the land

  29. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is quickly becoming an American colony. How long before they own your government?

    • Anonymous says:

      The government? It would be extremely difficult to make it any worse!

    • Anonymous says:

      That would definitely be a big step up. But they would hold Caymanians responsible for their own upkeep and they no longer know how. Can you see the problem? No fix.

  30. Anonymous says:

    All of you haters need to shut up. The CPA know the right thing to do and only the Dart organization knows how to build QUALITY developments. This will be world class development and bring thousands of high paying jobs to Cayman. Get it going Mr. CPA chairman!

  31. Anonymous says:

    How does it threaten beach access? Sounds like a made up issue to be honest. If there’s public access to the town there’s going to be public access to the beach from the town.

  32. GCM345 says:

    Isn’t it time we said “enough is enough”?! Jack don’t want me to bathe on my beach!

  33. Anonymous says:

    And the candidates we have running aren’t going to do anything about it. Stop thinking these people are here to help us! We need to be protesting and making changes ourselves! Why on earth do we need a new town, almost walking distance from Camana Bay??

  34. Anonymous says:

    Dart has become like the 800 lb gorilla. They are totally out of control. Just wait till the 50 storey building comes. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

  35. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    It was once Seven Mile Beach for the people and the visitors. It is already much less than that. If we allow control of our beach and other resources to be purchased by the highest bidder, we will soon be a playground for the rich, fondly remembered by the poor, who once played on those fair sands.

    I have nothing against the very rich; there should be a limit to how much a single entity or company can purchase and control. There should be protection in place for our hallowed resources, that all can enjoy them. There should never be a situation like this where beach access can be closed off by purchase of a property.

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanians keep selling their land to the highest bidder. You can’t complain after the fact.

      • BeaumontZodecloun says:

        I can, and I do. What you said is true, but there should be a governmental mandate that limits the acquisition of real estate by a single entity or corporation.

        When Mr. Dart owns 73% of everything, will we sadly shake our heads and lament a time when we were free to walk our own beaches and fish from her shores?

      • Anonymous says:

        Over the years, CI Gov’t has gifted large tracks of prime Public Crown lands to Dart at what equates to less than $50k per acre x hundreds of acres. We (the former land owners) were not consulted nor did we consent to those sales. They were not sold at fair value. The Cabinet ministers who orchestrated were not given a mandate to sell the land, and there was no investigation into their motivations for offering such disproportionate gifts.

        • Anonymous says:

          give an example please. land registry will show it

        • Anonymous says:

          2:01 pm you’re talking complete nonsense and untruths. Even if it were true (and it isn’t) why should there be a requirement to consult previous landowners?

    • Anonymous says:

      In Caynan Brac, rich people bult walls from the road right to the Barricade sea, it’s no place cross to walk along the sea shore there, planning did nothing about it, I guess its like the old saying, money talks and bulls..t walks

  36. Anonymous says:

    When your poor, you pay for everything. Once your rich you pay for nothing. Think about that for a minute.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Greed ago tek him

  38. Anonymous says:

    There wasn’t this much lying and deception in our leadership before Dart decided to buy the Cayman Islands…….. and our leaders! I believe Dart owns more than half of the Caymans already, and if things keep going the same way for a few more years he will own most everything here! Sad, sad, sad.

    • Anonymous says:

      What are you prepared to do about it then? I can’t vote. Only you guys can remove the current incumbents and replace them with people who are more concerned with the islands than the dollar.

      • Anonymous says:

        12:31 pm…..Are there really people that care about the future more than money? If so, I hope they help us vote these thieves OUT!

    • Anonymous says:

      And we are letting Dart do the same on Cayman Brac. Please vote new government in.

      • Anonymous says:

        Y’all are Fooling your selves, if you think new MPs will

        • Anonymous says:

          All sheeps lining up to vote so the machine keeps turning. The entire system needs an overhaul. Voting won’t change anything, hasn’t in 50+ years.

      • Anonymous says:

        Vote in a New Government or just hand the Islands over to their True owners! DART!

    • Anonymous says:

      7:23Explain the reason!

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