COVID-19 cases still come in as numbers drop in US

| 04/03/2021 | 18 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands recorded another positive case of the COVID-19 virus yesterday, adding to a tally of more than a dozen over the last week. The vaccine is beginning to have an impact on the coronavirus and is clearly the best solution at present to the pandemic. Cases, hospitalisations and deaths per day are all dropping in the United States from the extreme spike from November through February, as millions of people are getting vaccinated as part of a concerted effort by the US government.

But US health experts remain concerned about the possibility of another surge due to the COVID variants and because some states are relaxing measures to contain the spread against the advise of public health experts.

The government here is targeting a complete removal of quarantine for travellers who have been vaccinated and have negative tests prior to and on arrival before the end of April or very early May. This will be dependent on having reached the goal of over 70% of the islands’ adult population being vaccinated, Premier Alden McLaughlin has said.

At present about a quarter of the adult population has had a vaccine. Public Health officials said that 16,022 people have now received at least one dose. Officials here have said that safety will still take priority over opening the borders and government has committed to paying out stipends and supporting the tourism sector until June.

However, the threat of future surges in the US, where many travellers to the Cayman Islands come from, and uncertainty over the effectiveness of the vaccines against some of the variants of COVID could put the community here at risk if quarantine measures are completely lifted, especially as scientists have still not been able to say for certain that someone who has been vaccinated cannot spread the virus.

There are currently 29 active cases of the virus among those in quarantine and one of them is suffering symptoms. There are 659 people in isolation.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This has and always was another political football where the only population truly at risk were those older than 50, and yet some US governors ignored exactly that population including retirement communities…and 6:19 you can keep your low brow responses to yourself… the adults are speaking tackling real problems of the coming 3rd wave of covid that is “migrating” from south of the border of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

    • Anonymous says:

      7:44am – Really! The US’s problem with covid does not even have anything to do with any “wave” which might or might not be “migrating from south of the border…..” USA’s main problem with covid started in Washington DC – 1600 Pennsylvania Ave to be exact, about 1 year ago. It continues at several State Capitols – particularly those States run by Trump-bot Governors.

      Witness the Texas Rangers baseball game this weekend and last week’s spring break mayhem in Miami Beach! Pure lunacy! So, if US numbers are dropping now, they will soon be on the rise in some areas again!

      Public health issues, especially during a pandemic should NEVER be politicized!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why and who are all these people coming from US anyway?

    • Anonymous says:

      People who live here and have to travel.
      People coming and going for medical needs.
      People coming and going for school
      Family that come to stay with residence.
      Global Citizens.


      People who just want to have a holiday away from the island and do some shopping!

      Are you the travel police?
      Its a free world……For some!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Can some news agencies find out what they plan to do about children coming in when we open?

    There are other islands that have vaccinated almost 70% and are open to vaccinated tourist with children of them being allowed with just a negative test!

    What’s the plan?

    • Anonymous says:

      it don’t matter…once we have protected our most vunerable…the risk becomes the same as seaonal flu.
      time to man up.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Get out of your bubble. Thing here in the USA are getting way better!

    • Anonymous says:

      Right. Until you get wave 4.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sure… been through 3 waves, had covid and moved on. With over 70Mil vaccine shots and probably 50% of the population here that has had it I’m sure we will be fine.
        At least we have freedom!

  5. Anonymous says:

    If you have a choice about getting the vaccine or not, why is spread a consideration? We’re still hand wringing about this?

    • Hand wringer says:

      I have been wondering the same. You still get sick with the vaccine.

      If I have the vaccine, I can still carry the virus and I can still spread the virus – but I don’t have to quarantine.

      If I don’t have the vaccine, I can still carry the virus and I can still spread the virus – but I have to quarantine.

      Guess that makes sense.

      • Anonymous says:

        Logic is none of your business nor is it a right. Just do as you’re told and never question the experts or the science.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The numbers are not dropping in the US, they have stopped testing, especially at the border.

    New political entourage means Covid is not a problem anymore which really says it never was in the first place.

    CNS: Stop looking at the number of cases and look at hospitalisations and deaths, which are dropping but are still high – about 2,000 people are dying each day in the US as a whole. However, with several Republican governors now ending all measures to contain the virus, the numbers will go up again, this time with the variants.

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