Bar hit by burglars in West Bay Road plaza

| 31/03/2021 | 28 Comments
Cayman News Service
Police outside PD’s Sports Bar

(CNS): Two businesses at the Galleria Plaza on the West Bay Road were the victims of break-ins on Monday night, including PD’s Sports Bar. Police have not identified the premises involved but were caught on camera yesterday attending the bar location. Both businesses received structural damage and at a quantity of cash was stolen from one of the affected businesses, police said. A third business was burgled in the Industrial Park area of George Town, where entry was gained and attempts were made to steal property without success, police said, but again failed to offer any details on this foiled crime.

Despite the consistently limited information coming from the police communications department, they are nevertheless hoping the public can help them in their endeavors to find the culprits. Detectives asked anyone with information to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (28)

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  1. Hope reigns eternal says:

    Still time for Alden to announce a stipend for all burglars so they don’t have to turn to crime to make a living.This should be good for a few votes at least from those yet to be incarcerated.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Its nice to go to Jamaica every 10 years

  3. Anonymous says:

    Burglars take time to commit a crime. It would kill this long paid for, thriving plaza’s owner Mr. Joe Imparato (billionaire, who’s hand has been in our pocket via CUC for 40 years) to invest in the freaking $20 per hour two man security detail to keep this from happening. #greed

  4. D. Truth says:

    The best way to stop murders and other heinous crimes is to use the death penalty. Unlike a short prison sentence, It works!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, using the immigration law to prevent criminals from coming and settling here would work well too.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, the rate of murders and other heinous crimes show very little link to having the death penalty as a possible sentence.

      This crime here is neither a murder or heinous. It’s irritatingly stupid though.

  5. Kiss Cayman Goodbye says:

    This is what happens when you deny Caymanian youth the opportunities afforded to imported foreigners.

    • Anonymous says:

      Youth that focus on school, stay out of trouble, and get themselves educated, have great opportunities! All of my schoolmates that went on to further education after CIHS are doing well in their chosen fields.

      • Anonymous says:

        Only true for foreigner’s children with status.

        • Anonymous says:

          No. It is not. That’s incredibly ignorant and insulting to me and my fellow Caymanian classmates that graduated here and have been successful in our careers overseas and locally here.

          • Anonymous says:

            Exactly. Both of my sons went overseas and got degrees and got good jobs here in Cayman as well as one worked overseas part time while in school. Caymanians can succeed if they put their minds to it.

    • Anonymous says:

      When I haven’t had a job, the first thing that comes to my mind isn’t let’s go rob a place or person. I would rather continue looking for a job or ask my neighbors/community if I could do small jobs for them (lawn cutting, babysitting, etc.)

    • Anonymous says:

      You are an idiot. The youth here have every opportunity to learn ,advance, and succeed. There is a law school, college, medical school.
      I know some young people that have furthered their education and are doing great.
      And then I drive to work and see some smoking weed and sitting on the porch all day.
      Sad to waist such an opportunity and blame others that have an education.

      • Anonymous says:

        I have a master’s degree, make over 5k and smoke weed daily.

        Please do not generalize me into that crowd. You turn a blind eye to your alcoholic and/or nicotine addicted colleagues.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh so be quiet. Never seen a caymanian work as hard as a foreigner in my financial services company,

    • Anonymous says:

      More like: failed by deadbeat seeding fathers and granddads that would suggest “robbing, stealing, and gang membership” as viable alternative career paths. My goodness there’s so much demented wiring in Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      This also happens when you open your doors to 3rd world scum who bring their hardier culture with them.
      Thanks Mac..

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s right. It’s all “imported foreigners” fault. Probably a couple of unemployed general contractors, electricians, marine engineers, architects or accountants knocking over PD’s right?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Import Jamaica, get Jamaica

    • Anonymous says:

      Teach bigotry, get bigots.

    • Anonymous says:

      Most of the “Cause List” and HM Northward residents are in fact card-carrying Caymanians, born and raised, some in prison for third or fourth stay, just like their machete-fight dads, and cow cod dads before them. Cayman refuses to own the orchards of bad apple crops from decades of missing social services, esp birth control. It seems successive nose-blind governments would rather spend millions in forever lost resources, and bad will, on railing against the legitimate rights of voters, while coddling gang leadership, their dark transshipment industries, criminal proceeds, and money laundering. Own it, and deal with it.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m sure the death penalty has worked well with the shithole country you came from.

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