Pressure mounts for MPs to oust Bush as speaker

(CNS): Constituents across the Cayman Islands have been calling, messaging and emailing their MPs as well as posting their demands on social media to remove Speaker McKeeva Bush from his high office following his conviction for a violent offence against a woman. The silence of most representatives has struck a chord with the community, and many want to see Bush stripped of the high office as the parliament’s speaker.
Although he stepped down from his position temporarily when he went on a brief leave of absence, Bush has since made it clear that he will be remaining in the prestigious post until Parliament is prorogued at the end of March.
Despite the shameful behaviour of Bush, who, in a drunken stupor, attacked the manager at Coral Beach Bar in February, none of the sitting MPs, with the notable exception of Ezzard Miller, have made any moves to strip him of the speaker’s job or called his behaviour out since his admissions and subsequent conviction last month.
Premier Alden McLaughlin recently told CNS, “I am not sure that the country will be well served now by my taking action which precipitates the collapse of the government and the holding of early elections, so we have to bear that in mind.”
But reacting to the lack of action by politicians, voters and residents have been targetting their constituency MPs and demanding that they do something. They have also been circulating reminders about some of their previous public statements on zero tolerance for violence against women. Old video footage of both female ministers, Tara Rivers and Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, speaking about this now ring distinctly hollow, several activists have told CNS. (See video below.)
Taura Ebanks, who organised a demonstration last month to protest MP’s lack of action, is planning another one later this month. She said she is rallying support for Miller’s proposal to call a meeting of Parliament this week to debate a no-confidence motion in Bush as Speaker. Having circulated a template letter for voters to use, she is encouraging everyone to contact their MPs directly.
Ebanks has been engaging in a focused campaign on social media, re-posting the catalogue of news reports that document Bush’s checkered history and the numerous allegations that have been made against him over the years.
Bush has been accused of a number of serious crimes during his political career, including his eventually acquittal on corruption charges, his arrest in the United States for an assault on a female waitress at a casino in Florida, and allegations that he had taken a bribe in relation to a land re-zone grant for developer Stan Thomas.
At one point in 2012, Bush was the subject of three criminal investigations: the Thomas land scandal, allegations that he was misusing public money, and his part in an unlicensed shipment of dynamite for a quarry owner, which was seized by the authorities
Although Bush was acquitted of charges relating to misuse of public funds, the trial exposed Bush’s long suspected gambling problem. The recent assault case also exposed his problems with alcohol.
Scandals surrounding Bush go back to the First Cayman Bank scandal in 1997, when he actually did resign as a Cabinet minister. But since then he has always denied any wrongdoing and refused to step aside from any position he has held in government, regardless of the seriousness of the allegations.
While only the voters of West Bay West have the power to unseat Bush from his constituency, which, given his solid base, is very unlikely, it is his political colleagues who are responsible for placing him in the high office he now holds and have the power to remove him.
However, so far the majority of MPs are staying mum. Minister Joey Hew, in an emailed response to one of his constituents, said that the “matter continues to be debated”, and while he accepted that the MPs can remove Bush as speaker, that would not remove him from his parliamentary seat. In the vague response, Hew suggested that what was being reported in the media did not “truly reflect what is happening”, though he did not explain that comment.
It is apparent from the hundreds of comments on CNS and the chatter on social media and other public platforms that there is significant support in the community for his removal from the speaker’s chair, even though the current administration is almost at an end.
While Bush has received sanction from the court in relation to his conviction, public opinion is clearly on the side of removing Bush as speaker. In a recent CNS poll about the speaker, 95% of the more than 1,220 respondents called for Bush to step down.
Category: Politics
Third world to da max. Except it.
Who is it that is calling for Bernie to speak up? Having you heard? They are now buddies again. It isn’t easy baking breads you know.
To all and sundry who support this deplorable man, I wish he would beat ona women and ona husbands too. Sick a ona ya hear.? Ona know who una is.
Then Bernie is really stupid and deserves what he gets. Mac has his plan and his man to knock Bernie out of the political arena. Actually, they are basically the same, neither one trustworthy.
Mere MLA’s cannot oust a King. I would love to see them try. there should be a show on Caymanian leadership follies.
The King will live forever in West Bay. A God cannot be brought down when he has the goods on all his political rivals, in fact, everyone at every level except the Governor.
I can only hope that now after witnessing senate empowerment of a contentious leader our own MP’s have the bravery to move on and ability to recognise the destruction of a supposed institution of civil integrity systemic inaction creates, – enough of the charade, empower ‘right matters’ instead
And don’t let them fool us, by now, realizing that their career/income is now on the line, they will decide to go against the Speaker. They should have did what was right, from his guilty plea.
We are being played like a harp. NS with back with EE all for POWER. Watch, listen, you will see its true. They have a plan, we have a plan for them to collect that severance.
The only thing they stand for is their own re-election.
Or severance pay if their greedy immoral asses get the boot.
It is remarkable the little tiny slap on the wrist that the court gave MacKeeva. What he did was very wrong. I wonder who else could get off so easy.
XXXX (CNS: I’ve only deleted this because there will be a CNS story on it shortly)
However, Alden is playing games, as he does, because he is afraid that if he losses power, there is the risk that he will not be able to hold on to power as Premier. Go get him, Arden. Show them who is boss.
Alden is hiding behind COVID-19, because it gives him a shield against the poor job running the country and this might be his last time in power.
This Government’s leadership is beholden to the Lodge and beholden to its wealthy supporters, so it is clear that Alden is not running the show and not a person with good morals. Alden needs to be voted out.
Tara, Barbara and Juliana are very surprising. Which woman could sit back and not say or do anything against a woman beater? It goes to show that all three of them need to be voted out in May.
With all those short sermons that Jon Jon was preaching during lockdown, why doesn’t he do the Christian thing and denounce hitting women.
Joey is a slippery little fellow, who is not doing what he does best, which is playing politics. At least pay it some lip service, Joey. He needs to go too. I hope the voters remember his silence when they go to the polls.
Roy is such a smart man and I think he has integrity, but with him staying silent, maybe I am wrong. Hope not. It sad too because I really thought Roy would stand up for women.
The only two people I did not expect to do anything about MacKeeva is Eugene, because he is faithful as a dog to Mac, and Austin who had his own similar issues.
Let’s see if Bernie steps up to the plate. I hope he does. He had enough good sense to join the Opposition and leave the government backbench. Let’s see if he takes MacKeeva to task, because he has influence in West Bay and might be able to get through to voters. It’s time to rally the troops.
Moses should say something, but I am not really sure what he has been doing there in parliament all these years. It’s easy to forget he’s even there.
Ezzard has strongly called for MacKeeva’s removal and has been a breath of fresh air on this issue. I hope the voters in North Side remember that he deserves another chance and has earn his spot. Good for you, Ezzard. Keep up the pressure.
Kenneth, who originally said he was waiting for a court ruling before deciding what to do, has been quiet about MacKeeva, but now needs to put in his two cents. If there has ever been a time to speak up, the time is now. Let’s see what he does.
It’s the three ladies that need to take a position. I guess Tara and Juliana might be afraid to take a position, since they are Ministers. Voters, please remember this silence. We need change.
But for Barbara not to speak up, especially as vocal she was about Smith Cove, is surprising. What’s the problem, cat got your tongue? Or, are you worrying too much about Alric Lindsay? Voters, it’s time to give Alric Lindsay the vote. If Barbara cannot speak up for women, it’s doubtful she will do anything for you. Time to go Barbara.
I do like David, but he has not spoken up here, and really has not done anything this term. Being a nice guy doesn’t mean that he’s suited for political office. It’s time to vote him out now too. Voters, remember his silence also.
All in all, it’s astounding how much all these MPs can talk, and to be silent this close to the next election seems to say something. The thing that needs to not happen is letting anyone, especially who cannot speak up for women, then need not be elected again.
Alden is the Premier, who, if you ask me, is keeping a lot of the government Ministers and backbench quiet, because he wants to keep the focus on himself as some savior protecting me us from COVID-19.
Alden needs to stop grabbing for the last little bit of power that he can for a few months, but now is just running the clock out. Just remember, sir, God’s watching and God don’t ugly.
Voters, remember that Alden, who is the leader of our country did not have the courage to take up for women, so what makes you think that he is going to take up for you? Not today, bobo. Come May, vote Alden away! His arrogance and poor leadership does not make him worthy of being elected again.
Integrity means you don’t stay silent when you see wrong. MPs don’t get to switch their consciences as it suits their career aspirations. Making difficult calls is what leadership is all about…and this one should have been an easy call weeks/months ago.
While it seems quite a challenge to locate all current contact info for our elected MPs on the CIG website, Cayman News Service has kindly provided a link to their Library with this information, but cannot guarantee that they are all up to date.
I do hope people will take a moment to contact their elected MP to express their concerns about the current Speaker retaining his position as a result of silence and inaction demonstrated to date.
To ensure the contact info is current/correct, We encourage all to contact the various offices to obtain your MP’s email address and or phone numbers.
Cayman Islands Government ☎️(345) 949-7900
If your MP is a Progressive you may want to contact their main office?
Please do feel free to access the template at the link below and edit to reflect your tone and concerns accordingly and send to your MP.
If you are interested in joining the efforts for MP Accountability, please save the date: Saturday, 23 January 2021. It’s open to the anyone who wants to get actively engaged to support MP accountability in the Cayman Islands.
It’s the first opportunity for us to get together in person and organize and plan on moving forward. We are doing our best to ensure it’s a comfortable space for those who wish to engage and actively support MP accountability.
If you are interested in joining the meeting, please take the Poll on time preference for Saturday 23 January 2021
Poll is at
If you are unable to attend in person and would like to attend virtually, please register here so that we can send you the zoom details when those are available.
Virtual Participation Registration at:
If you would like to stay engaged with Cayman Voices to champion for meaningful MP accountability join us on Facebook at
Thanks to everyone who has made a start or continues to stay engaged. It’s a long road ahead, but we deserve better than this deafening silence.
Please, can we just get these egotistical and money hungry backwards thinking and progressive suppressing donkeys out of office?! We can do it, we just have to keep pushing. Is it possible for everyone who has a brain to appeal the losers of elections 3 month salary grant? Must be nice to make your own rules depending on who pads the pockets nice and tidy.
Hey, why even try.
Between the criminal racketeers of the “Lodge” and the fact that all the other politicians are afraid the Bush will either beat they ass or release all the “Goods” he has on them to the public, nothing, “NOTHING”, will happen.
The only way to get rid of the current morons is to vote they dumb inbred asses out next election.
Don’t give up, that’s exactly what they want you to do.
The problem is that those opposing the government in the next election are simply not up to par. Many don’t even have a job.
Don’t be fooled by the campaigners who complain and make empty promises.
Stick with the government who has delivered World class results over and over again. If you don’t believe me ask yourself this question. Am I wearing a mask?
You are drunk or in denial. Please give up the kool aid it’s bad for your health and sanity
Bernie where are you? Why won’t you say something anything?
We will not be fooled again. Thankfully 2021 has arrived.
Bernie Bush resigned as deputy speaker because Alden refused to remove McKeeva when the assault happened. Do you have amnesia or just trying to cause trouble for Bernie by spreading lies on CNS?
Vote 4 Bernie. Oh really? So why isn’t he speaking up now. Shame Shame.
Can Bernie advise how many private members motions he has filed or can he point to just one thing he has achieved as an MP. Just one. I dare you Bernie tell us.
Alden McLauglin – NO SHAME
McKeeva Bush – NO SHAME
Moses Kirkconnell – NO SHAME
Roy McTaggart – NO SHAME
Joey Hew – NO SHAME
Juliana O’Connor-Connolly – NO SHAME
Tara Rivers – NO SHAME
Dwayne Seymour – NO SHAME
Barbara Connolly – NO SHAME
David Wight – NO SHAME
Eugene Ebanks – NO SHAME
Austin Harris – NO SHAME
Arden McLean – NO SHAME
Alva Suckoo – NO SHAME
Chris Saunders – NO SHAME
Anthony Eden – NO SHAME
Bernie Bush – NO SHAME
Kenneth Bryan – NO SHAME
Their silence about Speaker Bush’s conviction says everything about them individually and collectively as leaders of the country. The burying their head in the sand mentality is unacceptable. It is clear they are a large part of Cayman’s problem and must not be allowed to continue in any leadership role as they lack the qualities we need e.g. morals, ethics, decency, integrity and ability to do the right thing for Cayman.
Now they can go unchecked and give themselves large financial rewards from the public purse for doing public service or doing a poor job of managing the affairs of the islands with a severance package the average citizen they have been elected to represent can only dream about. This is shocking and speaks volumes about their motives and integrity. The madness must stop. Who are they accountable to when they make up all the rules and perks?
What more evidence is required after this latest mess to conclude they are all unfit for public service? Time vote out all the cowards in 2021.
Bush, Alden, Joey, Tara, Juliana, Barbara etc ALL NEED TO GO. Those who can’t hear FEEL! You will all feel come election!
Remove Bush and upset the British status quo how dare you suggest such a thing! Hush up yah big mouth,As Pom Pom would say Da how we like mann!
Its a given that the male MP’s would stay quiet XXXX. What is however shocking is the deafing silence from Tara, Julian and Barbara. I guess there is no sisterhood when their live hood is on the line! Shameful. Barbara was my MP.
No shame, no consequences and no accountability,
Classy Alden just classy
It is entirely disheartening and extremely sad that the majority of politicians that are elected to serve the people are too scared or concerned about their self-interests to do the right thing. I don’t think there can be a clearer example.
The corruption, back-scratching and dark room dealings of the leaders of this island needs to be eradicated and Bush should never be seen again. Sadly I suspect that even if he was removed, he would pull the strings and menace from afar.
You forgot cowardice. They haven’t a backbone between them. They’re all good at talking and pretending they’re important but there isn’t a true leader among them. The time for change is now.
Now everyone empty your pockets and pick up some old currency notes. You will see the infamous signature of the former Minister of Finance on them. This is a huge embarrassment to our country. All such notes should be withdrawn and the speaker from the house with them.
Egan, never noticed that…
Chris I like it. Your comments always have a ring of them.
All the cowards must be voted out. Mr. Hew’s comments show his ignorance and lack of respect for the people he represents. You lost my vote Joey
Strongly recommend that no one holds their breath waiting for even a single MP to speak up!
Come on Joey – if you want my vote, do what is right.
He is clueless and a huge disappointment. He has sealed his fate and does not deserve to be re-elected.
Whilst I agree entirely that the lack of action to move another motion subsequent to McKeeva’s conviction demonstrates that all of the current members of “Parliament”, save for Ezzard, have proven themselves to be spineless and/or devoid of integrity, there is a much bigger story here, and there are others who deserve to be questioned about the lack of appropriate action and obvious dereliction of duty.
One of those has to be the Attorney General.
Given the gravamen of this shameful and violent attack on a woman, in a public place, by someone of such high public office (who should rightly be held to a higher standard than any ordinary man) and given that he actually inflicted physical violence on this poor woman, Mckeeva should rightly have been charged and prosecuted for Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, without any plea deal. That is what justice and the public interest demanded. Certainly countless many other “lesser men” have been charged and prosecuted for ABH in the past by the same Attorney General for much less serious assaults.
BUT, this did not happen with this case. Why is that? Could it be that was because, unlike common assault, ABH is an indictable offence, which carries a term of imprisonment exceeding 12 months, which would incur the consequent risk that if such a sentence were to be meted out (as it should be for such an offence) then McKeeva would have been automatically barred from continuing to hold office as an MP, and would be barred for running in the next election, by virtue of the provisions of Sections 63 and 62 of our Constitution, respectively? Perhaps that was too high of a risk to take, especially for a man who owes his status and his job to the accused.
Curiously, even the Magistrate’s comments and the particular approach to sentencing seemed to reflect the fact that the court was not minded to interrupt McKeeva’s ability to continue to act in Parliament.
So, perhaps whilst we are bashing the elected officials, who no doubt have rightly earned our scorn, we should not forget to appropriately lay the blame where it belongs for the apparent “careful” prosecution and adjudication of this shameful matter such that all that can happen now is that we continue to do what we are doing right now, with no real consequence to McKeeva. After all, this is but one of many embarrassing episodes of his colourful political career, and, as his actions have confirmed time and again, it is impossible to shame a shameless man.
Without question, IF he had any integrity or pride, he would have stepped down by now.
And IF our MPs had any integrity or moral fortitude, we wouldn’t be having this debate.
But we should bear in mind that it is actually thanks to the actions of others in officialdom that we are now constrained to perpetuate the embarrassment of never ending debate about whether such high public office should be held by this “lovable rogue” of a man, who will no doubt one day earn his place in the Hero’s Circle, right across from our national hall of shame, aka “ House of Parliament”.
Storm the Legislature!
Takeaway from this;
19 MLAs are guaranteeing their 30k.
CI600,000+ from the public purse after they had guaranteed salaries for almost a year while others became unemployed, forfeited on mortgages and private charities kept people fed. PIGS at the trough.
Joey Hew has earned the title of “Little man” due to his lack of courage rather than any physical attributes.
Come lately.
Lil Joe out in 2021. He comes up short in every category that counts as a leader and as a man. Did you see his hands and the pics?
Yay for Taura and CNS for continuing to highlight this issue. I am sure Mac, Alden and the other MLAs had hoped it would be off the front pages and swept under the rug within a few days like all Mac’s other issues. We can’t let that happen this time! Keep the pressure on!
Yes, keep up the great work CNS. We sincerely appreciate your efforts!!! We will continue to do our part too and continue to fight for what is right and just.
We going keep shining a bright light in their faces. The critters will naturally scatter to seek the darkness.
Under SIPL, McKeeva should no longer be an MP. Had voters the sense to amend the easygoing criteria in the Elections Law, he (and others) would be resoundingly disqualified, and no longer eligible to serve as a Speaker, OBE, Honorary Doctoral recipient, or Chair of the Overseas Territories Committee. We might have simultaneously eradicated the corrupt Jamaican-style dual party system, and the weird Caymanian grandparent criteria – which seems to have no demonstrable influence on the quality of intelligence, debate, character, or law-abiding. These things might have disqualified many in the current rosters, and spared ourselves the new monikers, and explosion in self-administered perks and privileges. This Opposition isn’t even permitted to do their job: to shadow the current government to ensure accountable governance!?
Really pressure is mounting?? Not in Cayman
Is this not like Trump and his impeachment? Yes, Bush should be removed, but those with the power currently won’t exercise it. You know who else has the power to get rid of Bush? Voters! Plus, the Parliament is about to be dissolved – bye-bye Bush anyway! Sure he’ll come back as an MP, but is he going to be made Speaker again? Not saying it’s impossible, but it’s got to be less likely, right?
People do not understand that the Governor cannot remove the Speaker. That would require a constitutional change and bring us back to 1994. The Governor used to BE the Speaker. The UK will never wind back the clock on that – it is so fundamental to our self-governance. They are giving us enough rope to hang ourselves but not enough to pull them down with us. They can’t do that without making our legislature completely autonomous. They don’t care if we vote for horrible human beings and give them titles and offices of honour. It just tells them what they need to know about us, i.e. that we’re still degenerates who they need to manage but will never embrace.
I hate Bush as much as anyone; in my younger years I spoke out against him vociferously. I’m talking 15+ years ago. But still he’s here! So bang your drums all you want – in a representative democracy that already has restrictions on who can run for office, he can still run and if those in his constituency want him to re-elect him they can. There is nothing we can do about it.
Please post the contact details for all of the MPs so the voters can easily contact them about this matter since none of them except Ezzard have bothered to take a stand.
CNS: See the CNS Library.
birds of a feather….politicians do anything in cayman and get away with it! and that goes for all of them….zzzzzz
I think it is the belief of most honest citizens that the current Speaker of the House should be incarcerated in Northward for the rest of his evil life.
Alden is right! This is not worth losing the Government. Not in the middle of the Pandemic with so many uncertainties. I wish the armchair politicians like Taura would open their eyes. How does removing Bush feed a family or get medicine to a senior citizen ? Her priorities are indeed backwards. Let the voters deal with Bush.
You are an idiot! Proof of the type people that support the Premier and Speaker
Everyone is afraid of the least qualified one of the whole bunch and that is saying a lot especially with Dwayne Seymour included. I guess the only one he doesn’t have dirt on and is not afraid of him is Ezzard. Further testimony that Ezzard has more morals in his little toe than the whole lot put together.
CNS how do we locate our district MP’s email address?
CNS: I have them in the CNS Library here but cannot guarantee that they are all up to date.
Just post the link for mother earth’s sake!! Jeez CNS, not everyone has time to research. Why not make it easy??
CNS: I linked to the page with the MPs’ contact details. How much easier can I make it? Jeez!
to bad company
“An unlicensed shipment of dynamite for a quarry owner”.
That quarry owner being Midlands Acres Ltd.
There were some other activities going on around Midland Acres at that time as well I recall, involving CIG and some large landowners, which involved some large holes in the ground.
And isn’t that where the purported LNG terminal is supposed to go? That area does seem to attract all kinds of attention.
The unlicensed shipment being for his special friend .
The civil servant who dared object to this illegal import, was fired .
Everything this man does is underhand and self serving.
The truth would fundamentally and physically change the future of the Cayman Islands.
Yet.. “When the truth offends, we lie and lie, until we can no longer remember it is ever there. But it is still there. Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid.”
One for Ezzard’s windscreen.
Thoroughly disgusting!!!
Lawyer money machine go brrrr if that story comes out.
And that is before the DOJ wades in.
Let’s hear the truth, via windscreen if necessary. That man has to go , so it will take whatever it takes to expose every dark secret that can be used to get rid of him.
not only are the ministers in Parliament quiet but so too are the ministers in the churches, where is the protests for this leaders ‘ungodly’ behavior? I thought all sins were the same. guess you can’t bite than hands that helped you erect those money collection temples, I mean, churches.
To anyone looking for a vote this year who hasn’t publicly called for the removal of Mckeeva from office AND stripping him of his “honorable” title, don’t waste your time knocking on my door! I’ll tell you exactly what I think and close the door in your face. No time for people who condone violence to women or violence in general for that matter.
Please read that headline! The Premier, our Premier, leader of our country, has to be pressured to do what a 5 year old knows is the right thing. Unfrikkinbelievable!
As for Joey: known him for years. Never thought I’d see this type of twisting and turning and wordplay from him. I’ve lost all respect.
I ask you again to read that headline! Why on earth would any of these dishonorable members need to be pressured to do what is indisputably the right thing?
Joey Who is a puppet for Alden and McKeeva. He has no spine no principles no moral compass and is unfit for the role of MP. He has shown his true colors and limitations. He has confirmed he is a fool who thinks he is smarter than the rest. He better enjoy the salary and severance because he is done in 2021.
Great video! Hypocrisy exposed!
Barbara Conolly is my “MP” (I still can’t take that title seriously…)
I’ve never met her, because I don’t have the vote (yet) so she presumably doesn’t give a shit about me.
However, I shall do everything in my power to ensure somebody other than her is elected next time around, unless she speaks out against the drunken, homophobic thug squatting in the Speaker’s chair.
We should all determine not to vote for any candidate that does not call for Bush to step down…..But if everyone did that, it would open the floodgates for those that do support Bush….difficult innit..?
There shouldn’t be a need for pressure…they all know what they should have done weeks ago.
Years ago.
They will all be needing that stipend come May. Useless bunch.
I only have one vote. My MP is Barbara Connolly, I voted for her last time. There is not a chance in hell that I will consider voting for her again in May if she remains silent on this issue. It is absolutely shameful that, apart from one representative, they have all said nothing.
She wasn’t in my riding but I thought she would be good too but the whole unity government is just greedy and totally devoid of any integrity. Covid had nothing on the destruction of our economy and reputation this ugly bunch has done.