Cubans in quarantine after landing on Little Cayman

| 07/12/2020 | 7 Comments
Cuban migrants off Little Cayman, 6 December (Photo by CBC)

(CNS): Twelve Cuban migrants have been placed in a government quarantine facility on Cayman Brac after the ten men and two women landed on Little Cayman on Sunday. Before they were spotted by a fisherman off Little Cayman, the group was reportedly at sea for five days in a makeshift vessel under sail, without a working engine.

Despite the ocean ordeal, the Cubans all appeared to be in good health. When they reached Little Cayman they were taken on to Cayman Brac by Customs and Border Control, where they were tested for COVID-19 and placed in secure quarantine.

CBC also said that one of the migrants had previously landed in the Cayman Islands in 2016.

The arrival of this group comes one week after fourteen Cubans, some of whom had been here for several years awaiting asylum claims, secretly left the Cayman Islands in a boat and made it to Mexico.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Biden is about to become the new U S President in January and has promised citizenship to millions. Cubans will be using the Cayman Islands as a stepping stone now to get into the USA via Cancun!!!
    Mexico will be glad to send them to the north and they will not have to house and feed Cubans and others from Central America!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    They will have escaped by the end of the week 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone investigate the disappearance of 14 Cubans under the watchful eyes of so many agencies? How many millions were spent to feed, house and monitor them?

  4. Anonymous says:

    14 comrades made it to the doorstep of the promised land, with assistance from the Cayman Islands. That’s probably all these 12, and the thousands behind them will be hearing in their freedom circles. Another facepalm moment for CBC. We can’t even repatriate these sailors if we wanted to.

  5. Anonymous says:

    “where they were tested for COVID-19 and placed in secure quarantine…” before being given a bigger boat and a map showing the way to Cancun.

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