Police rider in call-out crash

| 03/12/2019 | 24 Comments
Cayman News Service
RCIPS motorbike outside the courthouse

(CNS): A police officer landed in hospital Monday after the motorcycle he was riding was involved in a collision with a private SUV on the Linford Pierson Highway. According to a press release from the RCIPS, the officer was responding to an incident shortly after 7:30am, with lights and sirens activated, when the crash happened. Both the police motorcycle and the SUV were travelling west when they collided.

The officer received minor injuries and was taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital but later discharged. The driver of the SUV was uninjured. The matter is under investigation.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    He (police) was weaving through traffic between the two lanes of traffic and had NO siren on, he did have lights on though. After the accident he quickly got up and was more concerned about his sunglasses. The other vehicle was signaling to change lanes. Lots of others seen the accident occur.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Lights, siren, a police uniform, and still no respect. Just imagine what the rest of us in work clothes on a 125cc have to go through every day.

    • Anonymous says:

      Err. the respect part goes both ways and I’m gathering from your comments it’s not coming from you!

      • Anonymous says:

        Not sure how you managed to read so much into my comments. I agree that respect is a two-way street, but never once have I looked a car driver in the eye and pulled my motorcycle out in front of them with little time or room for them to avoid a collision without the car having to slam on the brakes and swerve.

  3. Anonymous says:

    2 reasons this happens. Bad drivers, mixed with police vehicles going way too fast and driving recklessly to attend scenes, which sometimes are as minor as a fender bender. There is no reason to be doing 80 in a 30 and blowing through red lights to response to a shoplifter.

  4. Anonymous says:

    No law enforcement on the roads means a lot of bad drivers with no fear of getting caught. Even the police get no respect. Cayman Islands.

  5. Anonymous says:

    You have to see it to believe. When the blue lights go on, the brain cell challenged members of society seem to go the full retard.

    In the right lane, and therefore the fast lane? They just sit there, as they always do, oblivious.

    Other vehicles moving out of the way should trigger a response? Nah.

    I just hope they don’t cause someone to lose their life because of their stupidity.

    On another note. Cars with blue leds and blue bulbs, do you realize how monumentally stupid it is? It’s only eclipsed by the fool in the jeep with red, yes red, lights up front.

    • Anonymous says:

      The right lane is for overtaking and turning right within s short distance. It is not “the fast lane”. Please read the Road Code.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you: quite correct.

      • Anonymous says:

        The fast lane is a term that is used and understood. It’s not to be taken literally. The point still stands. Pedantry is irritating when it does nothing of use.

        • Anonymous says:

          One of our traffic problems is drivers using the right lane as “the fast lane” and driving along in that lane for miles with no reason to be there. They force other drivers who may be travelling quicker or turning to PASS on the left which is against the law.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey I have seen that jeep and it looks cool – don’t be jealous.

  6. Anonymous says:

    A lot of drivers on the roads have no respect for sirens of any kind. I pulled over the other day as well as did the cars in front of me to let an ambulance pass and guess what the car behind me did??? Took the opertunity to cut off the ambulance and pass us all.

  7. Anonymous says:

    All EMS, Police, and Fire vehicles should have siren-enabled high-res dash cams that record their emergencies…like everywhere else since the 1980s. So many vehicles don’t pull over properly, even with a emergency vehicle wailing behind them. Anywhere else, you’d lose your license for a year and insurance rates would go up, in reflection of the road menace posed. Why not here? Is a safe and efficient response not important to us?

    • Anonymous says:

      “ like everywhere else since the 1980s.”

      So true of too many things in Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      What is your point. They will not prosecute here. Too much like work.

      • Anonymous says:

        Better to identify problem and fix it, before having to live the horror of waiting for a response, or worse, you or someone you care about, are laying in the back of the ambulance trying to navigate to life support.

        • SSM345 says:

          “Better to identify problem and fix it”.

          That’s the inherent problem with this country and its leadership.

    • Anonymous says:


  8. Anonymous says:

    Hope the officer is OK. Motorcycle cops do a tough, dangerous job.


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