October report shows 5.7% growth in air arrivals

| 22/11/2019 | 12 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): The sustained growth of overnight tourism in the Cayman Islands was reflected in the latest statistics released by the Department of Tourism. October, which used to be one of the slowest months in the year, attracted 23,798 guest this year, a record number and an increase on last year of 5.76%. This puts the destination on track for a record-breaking half a million overnight guests for 2019.

From the beginning of the year to the end of October more than 410,000 stay-over tourists visited Cayman, equating to a growth of 10% on 2018, which was already a record-breaking year. The number of guests over the ten-month period is the biggest ever and helped to fuel record visitor spending on island of almost $750 million, an increase of 7.4% on last year.

“It is reaffirming to hear first-hand the positive impact our stay-over strategy is having on stimulating tourism businesses’ profit margin during what we consider traditional shoulder season,” said Tourism Minister Moses Kirkconnell. 

“The ministry has been steadfast in its commitment to our sector and the community at large to create more opportunities for entrepreneurship, training and development for those interested in tourism related endeavours that largely rely on air arrivals to maintain a successful business model. My government strongly supports the dedicated work of the Department of Tourism to increase visitation to, and awareness of, the Cayman Islands around the globe to ensure that we maximise opportunities that create positive impacts to our sector and the businesses within this market,” he added.

Despite another slight drop on cruise numbers compared to 2018, the numbers remain on track for a significant year. During the ten months to the end of October over 1.4 million cruise visitors arrived in George Town. With at least another 400,000 due to call before the end of the year, the final total will fall marginally short of last year’s record-breaking numbers but it will still be in the top three years since 2000.

The DoT has expanded the way it presents the tourism data and information to the public with a snapshot infographic creating a visual picture of the numbers from January through to the end of September.

Cayman News Service
Click to enlarge

Officials pointed out the importance of reliable data, information and analysis for future planning, decision-making and policy formulation for all tourism stakeholders.

For more information and detailed arrival statistics, visit the DoT website.

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  1. Anon says:

    Dorian effect.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t there a finite number of planes, and their seats, that can fly into Cayman? How do the numbers keep going up? We’re all the planes coming in empty before?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Because other destinations in the region are still recovering from Dorian and Trump has slowed down US tourism to Cuba. Let’s enjoy it while it lasts but this is only temporary.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The viral Kimpton video (that I may need to watch again) is going to do more for hotel bookings this season than any DoT campaign of the last 5 years.

  5. Anonymous says:

    This is why building the port is a complete waste of time and money, money that can go into bettering our healthcare system, working on education etc. A ‘first world’ country with a third world government… a shame!

  6. Anonymous says:

    And we’re about to build a port that could have catastrophic effects on our environment, resulting in a DECREASE of over night visitors. What is CIG thinking?????

    • Anonymous says:

      CIG does not think except about those in political power who can fatten their bank accounts. That’s the problem, as self interest is ruling the roost. Sad but true.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Over a year since duty free allowance rose to KYD$500 (SEP18), and DoT still haven’t explained to the Airlines that customs cards are only required for those in excess of their duty free allowances, or more fundamentally, that it’s called Grand CayMAN, not Grand Caymen Islands. Such easy tasks to communicate to maybe a dozen carriers…you’d think it might take one thick-fingered slow-dialer maybe 45 minutes to get that done.

    • Anonymous says:

      Problem is that after clearing Immigration in GCM Customs officers are still telling passengers that they have to fill out the customs form

      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe if you are arriving with 5 suitcases and no declaration. Most of us haven’t needed one in over a year, because it’s not required.

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