Customs arrest 5 in cargo port raid

(CNS): Five people were arrested by Customs and Border Control (CBC) during a raid at the George Town cargo dock over what officials said were various work and customs offences. The bust took place on Thursday night was to heighten border security efforts, according to CBC Deputy Director Jeff Jackson, who is responsible for enforcement. Officers searched a vessel including crew members, their cabins, imported vehicles and cargo and “other individuals working at the port who were suspected of committing CBC offenses”.
CBC did not explain the details of any alleged crimes committed by those arrested or what, if anything, was seized, and there were no hints about the identity of the suspects working at the port or if they were Port Authority of the Cayman Islands employees.
Jackson said he could not provide further details on the operation but noted that CBC works very closely with PACI, which had provided support and assistance for this operation. He said the investigations are ongoing and the agency was also working with the new WORC unit relating to some of the offences.
“CBC will continue to work aggressively to address illegal activities at our borders along with other CBC offences such as over stayers and work related offences with our partner agencies by taking such actions in strengthening our position to deny opportunities to those with criminal intent,” Jackson added.
Category: Border Control, Crime, Customs