Cayman couple found dead in California

(CNS): Two Caymanians have been found dead in a remote area of California some six miles outside Charleston View, near the state line with Nevada. The bodies of Keith Henderman (74) and wife, Yvonne Blanco (69), were found by officers from the Inyo County Sheriff’s Office outside a parked Toyota RAV4 that had been rented in Las Vegas on Monday. Officials have not yet revealed the cause of death.
“A male and female victim were located at the scene deceased,” authorities said in a statement Wednesday. “Based on information from the coroner, the bodies were in this location for approximately 24 hours prior to discovery. At this time there is an open investigation in order to determine whether there was foul play involved.”
The sheriff’s office also said in a press statement that the autopsies will be performed outside of Inyo County.
Friends in Cayman said the couple, who achieved status in 2003 and lived at the Seven Mile Beach condo complex Laguna del Mar, had said that they would be travelling last week on vacation.
Category: Community, Local News
Trying to find information on my relative Keith Henderman. Just saw this article. We haven’t kept in touch so this is shocking to me.Doing our genealogy and just wrote a letter to him last year. Now I know why he never answered.
Could some one help me. Just saw this article about the death of Keith and Yvonne Henderman. I am related to Keith. Though we haven’t kept in touch I would love to find out what I can about them. Keith was the last line of our family
I have just read in a US local newspaper that this poor couple were found IN their car, and not outside. This would certainly sound more plausible.
That’s not what the Inyo Sheriffs press release says. It says they were outside.
Two people dead outside of their vehicle on a remote road (desert actually) and they are investigating whether there is foul play? Wow…..
That said, this is still very sad news. I hope the investigation will be done throughly and quickly to bring closure to their families and friends.
The West Bay of the USA.
@5:09 you are an idiot!
RIP , condolences to their families . if Cayman is unsafe to visit that paints a really grim picture for the rest of so called safe destinations
What? Cayman unsafe to visit? They died in California for heavens sake.
They were both a fixture at the World Gym and it will never be the same place without them. R.I.P.
Pardon me but Cayman is not unsafe to visit. We are still one of the safest destinations. We are not perfect but there is nowhere in America that is safer than Cayman. These folks were here all these years and were happy and safe here then went to California for a few days and you know the rest of the story. They certainly would not agree with you! Dear Keith and Yvonne Rest In Peace.
I can rattle off at least 15 places in the US that are safer than Cayman
So sad, they were a very sweet couple. May they RIP.
Very sad! Hope that our government will be pressing for answers as any other jurisdictions would be doing if their citizens die in another jurisdiction in unexplained circumstances.
Poor leadership has made California an unsafe place to visit. Sort of like Grand Cayman.
It’s an Orange Russian fake news ploy. Ignore it.
You must be a Russian troll… you sound unknowing at best
Stop smoking whatever you are smoking or put the glass down. Will someone come and get this brainless one.