Governor priorities security, rights and environment

| 26/03/2018 | 171 Comments
Anwar Choudhury

Governor Anwar Choudhury is met at the Owen Roberts Airport by dignitaries and a police contingent

(CNS): The new Cayman Islands governor, Anwar Choudhury, has said that his first duty on taking up office is security. But the new UK representative also pointed to human rights and the environment as other key issues he will be turning his attention to, as well as helping to protect Cayman’s financial services sector. Choudhury arrived in Cayman today, carrying his three-month-old daughter, Emilia, in his arms, as he was greeted by government officials and dignitaries.

Soon after his arrival at Owen Roberts International Airport the governor was taken to the Legislative Assembly, where he was officially welcomed by House Speaker McKeeva Bush, affirmed into office and heard short welcome addresses from Premier Alden McLaughlin and Deputy Governor Franz Manderson about the hopes for his tenure.

In his acceptance speech and first public address in Cayman, Choudhury set out his priorities and accepted that it was the responsibility of the governor’s office to keep the islands safe.

“We see examples from around this region where a breakdown in law and order has led to serious consequences for the social and economic stability of other states. We must not let this happen here,” he said.

“Security needs professional staff and adequate resourcing and we need to work together with the UK and partners in the region to ensure that we are keeping pace with the criminal and external threats that seek to undermine our way of life,” the governor said, adding that he hoped the National Security Council, which he will now chair, would be holding a meeting as soon as possible.

Choudhury also pointed to his aim to protect the interests of the financial services sector, an industry where he said he started his own career before entering public service.

But he also said that human rights would be “a priority area” for him, as he spoke about his efforts trying to uphold people’s rights and strive for equality and tolerance during his time with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

“I know that some aspects are sensitive in Cayman but my compass on rights issues will always be the law and I will defend the rights of all groups of people here regardless of their race, colour, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation,” he stated, saying that he was looking forward to working closely with the Human Rights Commission.

Although the environment is outside his direct area of responsibility, Choudhury said he hoped to work closely with the government to “keep the Cayman Islands as a place of beauty and a home to the diverse marine life and endemic species that are found here”.

Referring to comments in the local press about him being the first-ever Muslim governor, Choudhury said he did not see it that way. “I am first and foremost Her Majesty’s governor and your governor. I am honoured to have been appointed and to have the chance to serve you,” he added.

Along with his infant daughter, Choudhury has arrived with his wife, Momina, and teenage daughters, Amani and Ambreene. His eldest son, who works in the financial services sector in London, may also join the family here later.

The governor and his family now begin a whirlwind of events, where he will be welcomed by the people of Cayman, including a special welcome event at Pedro Castle Monday evening.

See the full acceptance speech in the CNS Library

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I am so tired of being a slave in my own country.
    I say we go for independence. It is not too late.
    If we do not move now, we never will.

    • Anonymous says:

      Independence from Prosperity…like Jamaica…?

      • Anonymous says:

        …and right on cue.

        Listen, if we are doomed to the same fate today as previous colonies from 60 years ago then we have no business being a colony.

        I won’t even reference the details of the “set up to fail” tactics of England put in motion to guarantee the current state of her previous colonies.

        That is a special breed of evil to do such a thing.

        Pure evil.

        Actual crimes against humanity by today’s international standards.

        – Whodatis

        • Anonymous says:

          Take our position into context and revise this statement, your stupid is showing

          • Anonymous says:

            It would appear so to the simple-minded.

            – Who

            • Anonymous says:

              Your arrogance is comical.

              • Anonymous says:

                As is it’s ignorance.

              • Anonymous says:

                Stop reflecting.
                Speak to the issues at hand, e.g. the referenced evil.

                This debate is not about the intelligence level of Whodatis, although, I understand why you would not want to engage with someone who has a clear understanding of the misdeeds of recent and relevant British history.

                – Who

                *On second thought, dont bother. Witnessing you squirm and wiggle over all things Whodatis reveals your current discomfort.

                There is good reason for that.

                I rest my case.

        • Anonymous says:

          If that’s the case, and you are so smart as you seem to think you are, then you can put it right. Just one problem, the education system dreamed up by your leaders is what sets you up to fail. You have enough budget, but it’s not used properly or to good effect.. you managed to set yourself up to fail, but do the usual Cayman thing, blame everyone else and do nothing. Long on words and short on action. Always.

          • Anonymous says:

            But we know Who is not as smart as Who thinks Who is. Who thinks he is the smartest person on the island, which begs the question why Who only managed to obtain a mid-tier red-brick tertiary education.

            • Anonymous says:

              If Noonecareswhowhois was half as clever as he thinks he is, he would be the smartest person on island!

              • Anonymous says:

                Which clearly is not the case. But don’t worry, Tony Blair will be blamed for that. Makes sense right?

              • Anonymous says:

                Pay no mind to these resentful lot who are all acting like children on here. It’s not even funny, because these people have children and they are acting like children themselves.

                @ 7:07 am. Please go back to kindergarten where you will learn basic manners and skills. You literally mock someone else’s education whilst looking like a complete buffoon in doing so. You set a bad example!

                • Anonymous says:

                  Facts and truth tend to turn deniers into childish beings.

                  Thanks for the expressed support.

                  – Who

            • Brian says:

              Whodatis has a destiny to lead this country out of oppression and Imperialist domination.
              It should be our duty to follow him as the chosen one.
              I should know, I’ve followed a few.

        • Anonymous says:

          Love me some “Whodatis”

          Thanks for always being real “who”.

      • anonymous says:

        Never fails to amaze me how some folks are seemingly incapable of appreciating how much societies, and their destinies, can differ. Cayman is a far cry from Jamaica.

        • Anonymous says:

          Indeed. Half of CIG revenue is from financial services and without ultimate recourse to British courts that business will not be here. An independent Cayman’s destiny would be considerably worse than our neighbours. Cayman can’t live off one beach.

          • Anonymous says:

            That’s garbage. At the same time you’re saying our courts are less than British and that they’re high quality because they’re ultimately British. Try again.

            • Anonymous says:


              The incoherent arrogance of these idiots in the thread is boundless.

              • Anonymous says:

                Lol. Think about it. If Nationalist politicians get power and independence, you really think foreign funds are going to touch Cayman? Get a grip.

            • Anonymous says:

              If you think the worlds funds will continue to be structured through an independent Cayman, at the mercy of CIG, without recourse to appeal in UK, you’re quite delusional! I’d unwind mine the day after the vote!

      • Campaign for free Galilee says:

        We are with you …apart from Reg who has a bad back

    • Anonymous says:


      I’m game.

      – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      How exactly are you a slave, the UK barely knows we exist
      We have this island mentality that we are the whole world, we are the tiniest of tiniest blots on the map, they have their own shit to worry about much less “enslaving” us, quit being ridiculous

      • Anonymous says:

        Isn’t England an island too?

        • Anonymous says:

          No, England is part of an island. It isn’t an island. But the Brexit voting Little Englanders do manage to exhibit a certain Little Islander mentality.

        • Anonymous says:

          Touche – and their recent U-turn is clear evidence of their “island mentality”.

          Ffs, they cant even manage to wholly own and operate a car company today – yet have the nerve to puff out feathers on the world stage as a leading country.

          I wish them all the luck in the world…universe even.

        • Anonymous says:

          You really comparing 60 million to 60 thousand
          Let’s put those numbers next to each other
          60,000 vs 60,000,000

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes, it owns Cayman, what is your point?

    • Anonymous says:

      We havd no natural resources to sustain ourselves. We will end up just like Jamaica (no disrespect).

      • Anonymous says:

        Jamaica had and continues to have an abundance of natural resources.

        So much so that England literally slaughtered her European cousins (and vice versa) as each tried to secure their bloody grasp on said resources for 400 years.

        The key to the mystery is understanding the geopolitical effery that those cousins sat down and put in motion post-independence to ensure the economic and societal destruction of what was once the object of all their monetary affections.

        – Who

        • Anonymous says:


          Yet you folks are busy with the thumbs here and the reply comments elsewhere in the thread.

          Love it when simple truth shuts down the bulls*t.

          – Who

      • anonymous says:

        The greatest natural resource we have is us.

        • Anonymous says:

          So no natural resources then.

          • Anonymous says:

            We have the best type of natural resources – the infinite.

            In fact, combined they generate BILLIONS of dollars for our economy annually.

            I will leave you and your limited perspective to figure it out.

            – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      In Cayman you are only enslaved to your own mentality and its limitations, with a good smattering of poor education supplied by the people you voted for. You want to change something? Start with your own attitude.

    • West bay Premier says:

      Anonymous 2:09 pm , If Cayman Islands went Independent . What would you propose for the Islands stability ? Is a cruise ship pier , and some cruise ships and legalized weed is all you can think of . Then you should have your own vidal key and make that independent just for you .

      Just think about what you said in that comment . Do you know the financial aide support that the Cayman Islands get from England as being a territory ? Have you ever seen a Cayman Relief Ship come to our rescue during a hurricane ? If some other Country tried to take over the Islands , would Cayman be able to protect itself? And if we didn’t have England to depend on , then the Islands wouldn’t be a place for you to live and survive on according to what is happening now still being considered a British Territory .

    • Anonymous says:

      A slave? Really? What a pathetic victim you are. You have free education, great healthcare, low crime, low taxes and a huge advantage in the local labour market. Even then if you fail to take advantage of your opportunities you have a passport that can get you almost anywhere in the world without much effort. A slave you are not.

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, we are ALL slaves to the system.

        We all are brain-washed and divided by illusionist classes in society that make you genuinely believe that some of us are better than the rest and so on…

        Some of us actually believe that once we drive the right car, live in the right neighborhood and eat only certain foods that we are better off and smarter than others. This is a small aspect of the grand illusion.

        Let me ask you something. What good is “free education” if the curriculum is designed to see you fail and dumb you down. How is it “great healthcare” if it only makes you more sick and in and out of pharmacies and hospitals alike…

        I realize more every-day that most of you don’t want to hear the truth, because it hurts so damn much and because it’s so damn ugly.

        Ignorance is bliss! prendre plaisir!

    • Anonymous says:

      caymanians have not got the ability to run their own affairs.

    • Judean Peoples Front says:

      Right on Brother …or sister.
      For many years we have suffered under colonial, imperialist oppression whilst receiving Nothing in return.
      What did the British ever do for us.?

    • Judean peoples front says:

      Exactly …. I propose an emergency committee to elect a board to look at the pressing need for the dismantling of the colonial status quo.
      Siblings …what have the British ever done for us?

  2. Anonymous says:

    In my opinion, and reading between the lines, Mr Choudhury will be applying immense pressure to have gay marriage recognised here in Cayman.
    Helen, bless her, did not have the fortitude, but this man will be different.
    Now let it be said that this post is not denigrating to any subset of society and if anyone is interested, they only have to ask Mr. Choudhury. If it is important enough to legislate upon, it is important enough to discuss. We are not in Nazi Germany.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you know anything about Muslims and their views on gays? If you think Christians are bad go read what Muslims do to gays.

      • Anonymous says:

        Both have their own respective histories of being horrible, both have groups that have been accepting or tolerant of others

        The way to defend the christian beliefs and ideals is not to point to something worse and say, “at least we aren’t doing that”
        Both sides have flaws, but if you support one side’s discrimination or treatment while calling out the other, are you really any better?

        • Anonymous says:

          I would suggest you take lessons in reading comprension. The post is comparitive not defensive of Christians and there is no implication that the poster is a Christian. The fact is, that Islam in this modern day punishes homosexuality with death in hardline Islamic countries. This is non existant in Christianity. While some Muslims may be tolerant of it, it is against their Qu’ranic tenents. The Governor will pray with words starting with there is no God but Allah and his prophet is Muhammad. Muhammad was a warrior murderer and pedophile.

          • Anonymous says:

            My response was in kind, the original comment is belittling and defending (either purposefully or accidentally) the discrimination of one group by comparing it to another group when they are both wrong in some instances. The part of my comment that you are focusing on is not a declaration it is a question:
            “Both sides have flaws, but IF you support one side’s discrimination or treatment while calling out the other, are you really any better?”
            The small details often make the biggest difference, it was a question not an assertion, I am not claiming this person was christian I am posing a question
            You are forgetting that if it wasn’t for the UK we would still have laws outlawing homosexual relations even among consenting adults
            They FORCED us to repeal those laws, we didn’t see the laws as wrong even up into the early 2000s
            We then went on to purposefully leave sexual orientation out of laws relating to discrimination and hate speech and to include laws for public decency and morality that allow persons to be arrested or detained for being gay in public (which has happened here as recently as 2008)

            • Anonymous says:

              …and YOU are forgetting that if it wasn’t for the UK we wouldn’t have laws outlawing homosexual relations in the first place!

              Furthermore, the role of fearful, fundamental Christianity which was literally whipped into the slaves that didn’t die from the instillment, is the primary driver behind the anti-gay sentiments in Jamaica, Cayman and the rest of the Caribbean.

              Basically, it is a grotesque and counter-intuitive act to arbitrarily separate the historical context and refer back to the original perpetrator as the new saviour.

            • Anonymous says:

              Yes, and we can all see where the crazy political correctness of the UK has got them! People they welcome into their country now bombing and killing them and trying to change their laws to suit there imported cultures and religion. The plain truth is that Islam is incompatible with Western lifestyle. The UK is not a good model to follow, yet they force things upon us, which are not the will of the people. The governor is representative of this.

        • anonymous says:

          Very noble. Even cute. But at some point reality has got to be factored in. Islam is not at all accepting of the gay lifestyle, is it?

      • Fred the Piemaker says:

        His personal religious beliefs are secondary to what he is instructed to do by the FCO.

        • anonymous says:

          Really? I don’t reckon so, sportsfan.

          • Anonymous says:

            One of the fundamental principles of good governance is the understanding that what is good for me, or reflective of my personal beliefs, is not necessarily good for everyone and should not necessarily be enshrined in law. It is entirely possible to enact a law or put forth a policy that differs from one’s own personal religious beliefs for the good of society as a whole.

        • Anonymous says:

          Thank you, thank you, thank you FRED> read this people. Understand these words.

      • Anonymous says:

        Here’s the crazy thing:

        Not all Muslims are the same!

        Some Muslims are tolerant, some are not, some Muslims are even gay!

        Likewise, some Christians are tolerant, some are not, and some are even gay!

        Lets judge a man by his actions and intentions, not skin colour, creed, or any other knee-jerk assumptions based only on misinformed stereotype.

        • Diogenes says:

          Funny when I said this and credited the man who in my mind is the source of the belief (at least popularly and publicly in the west) I was criticized, apparently we can’t sincerely look to MLK for inspiration anymore
          News to me,

        • anonymous says:

          You read the Koran, friend? Forget your idealism and get a grip on reality.

      • Anonymous says:

        Respectfully, Muslims are not a monolithic group.

        It is highly unlikely that the new governor is an extremist of any kind.
        Personally, I am not bothered by his religious background in the least.

        In fact, if history is anything to go by, he may be quite far-flung in the opposite direction, considering his background combined with positioning as an elevated diplomat.

        – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      I recall him saying he will follow the law. How can he follow the law and legalize gay marriage. I guess he can foist it but I don’t think he will.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cayman’s international treaty obligations require recognition of same sex relationships under the law.

        Folks here too often forget that local law is only the lowest tier of law making in a layered and multi-national process.

        In Cayman, we have our local laws. On top of that, we have our Caymanian Constitution. On top of that, we have UK Orders in Council and other applicable laws extended to us by virtue of being a crown colony. On top of that, we have international treaty obligations to which we have agreed.

        If any lower tier of law conflicts with higher tiers of law, the lower tier is invalid.

        • Anonymous says:

          Generally people in Cayman don’t recognize the validity of external laws unless they line up with laws the way they are written in Cayman

    • Anonymous says:

      CIG would love him to foist that on us, that way they can say “it wasn’t us” and keep their hands clean and their hearts pure, whilst equally demonstrating their silent acquiescence or lack of testicular fortitude to the Churches and Lodge. Mr Choudhury’s own views will not matter. He is here to ensure that equality for all is adopted.

  3. Anonymous says:

    All the fake Cayman Christians already starting with it, “he’s not a Christian”. You people need to get over yourselves, because you so called Christians are the most wicked and rotten of the whole bunch.

  4. Anonymous says:

    the governor…the only protection people have in this place becoming a total banana republic…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Stupid comment. Since when has government ever cared about people?
      Government create strife and then add more police to come after your sorry, ignorant behind, in fact all of our sorry, ignorant behinds.
      Good luck in your dream world.

    • Anonymous says:

      If so Governor Helen Kilpatrick obviously failed!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Where are you from and where do you currently live?

        – Who

      • Anonymous says:

        The previous governor was an expert in public finance. I think her primary task was to start the process of responsible governance and to nudge Cayman towards financial stability. That seems to have started happening. Not saying its all her work, but the coincidence is notable.

        This governor seems to have human rights and security in his sights – should be interesting to see where Cayman is at the end of his term. I doubt all the issues will be completely resolved, but perhaps there will be a similar move in the right direction.

  5. Anonymous says:

    @ 9:19 am

    Re: “Do what we want you to do…”
    Sounds a lot like DEMOCRACY to me – oh, the outrage!

    Re: “…and know your place foreigner.”
    Really? No, that was obviously a bit of your homegrown spirit being projected elsewhere.

    Re: “Is this how you welcome people Who?”
    I doubt that. I actually know who Whodatis is, and he is a true Caymanian gentleman, through and through.
    Everyone who knows who Whodatis is would likely say the same.


    * In any event, why would anyone be absolutely accepting of an entity that is constitutionally ordered to prioritise the interest of a foreign body over that of the democracy where said entity “governs”?

    That requires a neutering of self and (un)fortunately, there are no tools strong enough to snip deez here cojones, mi amigo.

    ** Lastly, it is very interesting how, in practical constitutional terms, the role of governor carries even greater power than that of the sovereign / Queen herself.

    Meaning, the governor is meant to mimic the role of the queen in Great Britain, however, her power over the democratic will of the people is essentially removed by the tenet of royal assent.

    The governor of the Cayman Islands does not have any filters or limitations to his / her will over our local democracy, and royal assent does not apply.
    Therefore, this renders our governor a (locally) constitutionally superior entity than the queen herself (in her country).

    Just a bit of food for thought for those who may be unaware.

    (Btw, brace yourselves for the onslaught of constitutional law retorts and references by the unsolicited in-house pros of CNS … it’s gonna be awesome folks!)

    • Anonymous says:

      All very nice if true, but sadly designed to stir trouble (as usual Who) and no relevance in the real world where the governor answers to the FCO and ultimately the Queen. Mind you, the thought of him lining a few of you up against the wall for treason is quite pleasant.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well aren’t you a friendly ol’ bundle of joy and well wishes.

        – Who

      • Anonymous says:

        Treason is a stretch…
        Now sedition,
        Guranteed convictions up and down CNScomments and across the isles
        Doesn’t mean it’s the right solution though

        I’d prefer not to put all my ideological enemies in one place thanks

    • Anonymous says:

      Was there a point to this self-absorbed rant?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes there was, and don’t pretend as if the point (that you clearly received) was not the catalyst for your reply.

        In more important news, I am happy to witness the stirring of minds and perspective by my fellow Caymanians as it concerns our current state of affairs.

        Throw your insults until the cows come home – a change this way comes, Bub.

        – Who

        • Anonymous says:

          Well, I’ve pocketed my money and got my comedy passport, but if you guys want to mess it all up then at least I can go home. With my large pot of money.

          • Anonymous says:

            Lol, yah – sure you have Bub.

            – Who

            Even if that was true, you’d still be forking over at least 40% of it to her-so-called-majesty.
            Likely even moreso post-Brexit … but continue dreaming.

          • Anonymous says:

            I didn’t even hang around for the passport …..drew my pension quicker than you could whistle Dixie and rented my place out to friends.

    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      I am sure you do know Whodatis – because that is you Who, isn’t it?

    • Anonymous says:

      I love how you are pretending not to be Who,
      when you commented in the exact same way he does
      This is really great
      He actually wrote a comment complimenting himself what a great piece this is

      • Anonymous says:


        That awkward moment when someone feels they’re cute as they reveal the most flamingly obvious discovery in the history of mankind…

        Bless your slow lil’ heart.

        – Who

    • The Constitutional Critic says:

      I usually stay far away from the catfights that CNS comments tend to devolve into but just this once let’s look at the facts especially for persons not familiar with the situation following the results of the referendum

      – The Conservative PM who promised the referendum and led the UK through it, David Cameron resigned as PM and as an MP, due to the conflict between his position and the result of the referendum, take from that what you will

      – The new Conservative PM, Theresa May following Cameron’s lead decided to ignore the calls of over 4 million petitioners to hold another referendum on the issue, which would have likely seen stay get the majority by a margin far larger than 3.78% (the percentage that leave won by initially)

      -Theresa May was publicly opposed to Brexit prior to the referendum, but relented after the vote that it should be honoured

      – The new PM Theresa May decided to gamble with her majority numbers in the House of Commons in order to legitimize her newfound Premiership and solidify her position on Brexit and held a snap election in 2017

      – The snap election, resulted in the loss of 13 seats for the ruling party (the Conservatives) and a hung parliament followed by a scramble by the Conservatives to retain power.

      – The main opposition to the Conservatives and the party that was vocally opposed to Brexit before the referendum, the Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn picked up 30 seats in the snap election, though it should be noted they also have relented that the results of the referendum should be honoured

      – Far right parties like BNP and UKIP performed terribly in the 2017 General Election by any standards

      – In order to maintain power, the Conservatives, formed a coalition government with the Democratic Unionist Party the only real far right group to make any gains in the snap election, note the change was insignificant in the grand scheme of things

      With all that in mind
      I have some questions for you if you honestly think this end result, that being “Brexit” is what the “racist and xenophobic” citizens of the UK wanted all along:

      Why did the Conservatives who were at the time of the snap election and currently are still supporting Brexit fully, lose 13 seats in the HoC even though they are supporting by what you claim here week after week is the will of the people?

      Why did the Labour Party whose MPs were known to be against Brexit before the referendum and who are even now are only going along with it for self-preservation gain 30 seats in the HoC?

      Why did UKIP, the party that pushed for Brexit more than any other group end up with 0 seats in the HoC and lose all of their seats in local elections? By your own logic should they not have won in all the areas filled with “racists and xenophobes” who voted for Brexit?

      Why do other openly nationalist parties like BNP, have no representation in the HoC even when they switched to focus on an anti-immigrant and Islamophobic platform rather than other far right platforms?

      How do you explain what I can only refer to as the dissolution of UKIP following the referendum? They received less than 2% of the vote in 2017 and have no seats along with falling membership and a revolving door of exits from the group.

      How do you explain the reported decline in membership for both UKIP and BNP and other such groups in the UK at a time when you seem to claim they are the victors or the overwhelming representatives of Britain?

      How can you claim that the people of the UK have spoken resolutely on this issue when they are so clearly divided and inconclusive?

      Why did the Conservatives refuse to hold a secondary referendum on the issue, you called them “dripping-in-denial” but if that were the case surely a secondary referendum was potentially their way out?

      And I will just rule something out to start with it was not conservative Political apathy due to the result of the referendum, both sides experienced surges in voter turnout
      As for your “Generation Identity” folks, they are just the same rebranded ideas that have been floating around Europe since before WWI, with a new focus, acting like they are anything new is dishonest to say the least, are they dangerous? Yes? Should we instate a “European Ban” as you stated (satirically I think) certainly not.
      I look forward to seeing your answers

      • Anonymous says:

        My friend, the most accurate interpretation of Brexit and the reality of modern Britain is to examine the ethnic-makeup and economic prowess of the England “Remainers”.

        – Who

        • The Constitutional Critic says:

          So instead of actually presenting your case against valid questions
          pertaining to evidence other than the ethnic makeup of the either side of voters (in a country that is 85% white),
          If that is the basis of your argument then your argument is nonexistent sorry to say
          Why don’t you actually read and answer my questions

          • Anonymous says:

            Dude / Madame,

            First of all, it will be a snowy day in hell before I set aside the amount of time required to answer all of your questions.

            Secondly, I am not the least interested in the infinite breakdown of the supposed happenings surrounding Brexit.

            Thirdly, Brexit is not a complicated case – although, apologists and British-defenders like yourself wish to convince the world otherwise.

            As I mentioned earlier, it is very easy to figure out.

            Lastly, I am certain we can all agree it is not wise for a country to choose a path contrary to that of the region, sector, and industry(ies) that propel it forward.
            I wish them well nonetheless.

            Unfortunately, the xenophobes and racists, and or those that fell victim to the rhetoric thereof, outnumbered the productive, progressive and diverse of the UK.

            – Who

            • The Constitutional Critic says:

              I’ve seen all I need to see,
              You talk a good talk but there is nothing behind the curtain
              Good day sir

            • The Constitutional Critic says:

              Wonderful song and dance you put on here Who
              But you are the person who comes on CNS week after week to talk about this issue, but you don’t have enough time to respond to a couple questions, Ok Bub
              Always have huge assertions about the UK and this, that and the other
              But as soon as you are actually challenged you melt away like a shadow in the light

              • Anonymous says:

                I have stated my position from the start.

                It is you that believe I ought to step away therefrom, consider your analysis, and address thereafter.

                Not interested.

                Scroll up and absorb my earlier comments.

                Anything other or further than that – feed it to the birds.

                – Who

                *Btw, I see you decided you hadn’t seen all you needed to see after all, LOL!!


    • Anonymous says:

      Busted. LOL

  6. Anonymous says:

    Our New Governor was simply amazing last night at the Pedro castle event. He made a point to meet as many people as possible and danced with North side girls …Go Gov!!

  7. Caymanian embarrassed! says:

    Welcome Sir.

    Now let me address certain so called news sites on FB, for a change not CMR, the other one CIFBNP.
    (I’m not sure you can post this as it is disgraceful)
    This is their new article.
    The Muslim Governor is here. Now all you Christians can go sit down and shut up because Shari Law soon take over. That’s what we get for not standing up for our Christianity. A Muslim Governor how disrespectful to a country built Christian values. No better time than now to drain the swamp. Where is the Trump when you need one!!

    I mean the hatered, the ignorance, the discrimination, the racist remarks this site has said.

    I am not sure, but surely this sort of report is against our law, as in the UK as a hate crime and should be charged? CNS please advise.

    This is the problem with our lovely country today, the hate we have for outer, we tent to forget that at one time all of us came from somewhere else and have different beliefs in Christianity.

    I am embarrassed as a Caymanian that the editor of this page would write such an article.

    I will be writing a complaint to FB asking for this article to be removed.

    Now back to H.E the Governor, I appoligise for such things being written about your religion, we Caymanians are not all like this, we are warm welcoming people.

    • Anonymous says:

      You do not have to agree with this person’s point of view, but you should agree with his or her right to express it. Yes, it may be ignorant, it may be racist, and it may be discriminatory – get used to it, it’s reflective of the world that we live in. Ultimately, what you fail to realize is that “racism” and “discrimination” and all of the other terms have been thrown around so much for the smallest of things that their meanings have been diluted to such a degree, that nobody pays attention to them any longer. If I order vanilla ice cream, it’s not because I’m being racist, it’s because I do not like the taste of chocolate, or I may not like the colour brown.

      I don’t have to like everything that you like or that you think I ought to like. There are many who opposed a large mosque being built on the grounds where thousands of people died on September 11, 2001. Not all of them are racists, ignorant, etc. They objected to this based on their experiences with Muslims (in this case). Muslims being bombed in the Middle East are not going to have pleasant associations with Americans and Christianity. Why don’t you go there and convince them that Americans and Christians are great – see how soon you get tarred and feathered for your stupidity. Are they ignorant and racist? I wouldn’t think so. Their experiences shape their views. Are all Muslims and all Americans bad? Certainly not…but, you should have the right to express your point of view, whatever it may be, even if it may come across as mean, racist, intolerant, etc.

      Hiding our heads in the sand does not make problems disappear. Germans had a “Nazi” problem. They, for the most part, resolved it. Muslims, currently, have a ‘terrorism” problem. Hopefully they work on resolving it as well. Is it racist to say that Germans had a “Nazi” problem – of course not. Not all Germans were Nazis either, just like not all Russians are die-hard “commies”, just like not all Muslims are terrorists. When you shut down debate by labeling people as racists, you build anger and resentment…and then you get Trump. He was no accident. If you’re secure in the person that you are, and the culture that you represent, there should be no issues when someone says something that you feel may be untrue. If someone constantly belittles me as fat, and I’m not, do you think I really care – the only time that I may care is perhaps if there is some truth to it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Everyone does have a right to their opinions. You are absolutely right. But when you make such statements and hide behind a page name and call the page a “news page” then you are just an a$$hole who doesn’t have the balls to say it using your own name. The page’s “opinions” are not news stories which is what the page claims to be. Its just a bunch of busy bodies hiding behind a fake news page so they can spout off their big mouths and bully people without anyone knowing who they are.

        • Anonymous says:

          just like you Mr Anonymous

        • Anonymous says:

          Freedom of speech also come with its’ companion of being responsible, at least that is how it should be. People who usually act so mean and vicious do so because they are void of compassion, peace and respect for others. They are running on empty and does not have anything positive to give to the world. I actually feel much empathy for such persons and invite those of us who believe in a higher power to pray for them, that they might find some peace and become a better persons. When you know better you will do better.

          • Anonymous says:

            If that’s the case then I implore you to sprinkle some of those prayers on the majority of these CNS posters.

        • Anonymous says:

          They spout the same points as Kerry Tibbetts I am sure she has her claws involved somewhere along the line, seeing as she is the one who initially went on Cayman 27 (God himself is the only one that knows why they gave her a platform, slow news day maybe, then again they are the same company that let Ellio and Woody go on every day with their shit so)
          They don’t speak for or represent even a fraction of Caymanians they are just a bunch of angry old women with nothing better to do
          They censor Caymanians more than anyone else on these islands while they claim to speak for us

      • Caymanian embarrassed says:

        You talk about freedom of speech..lmao, I made a comment on your FB page this morning,sim similar to the ones above and you deleted it as well as banned me from making remarks on your FB page..lmao
        So what I have done is start my own page called to call you and other fake FB pages out..

        so people reading this please take a look at it.
        Oh, and I’m not going to hide behind this page,my name is

        Matthew Arch.. more Caymanian than you…
        I joined FB today after a friend showed me what you had written and I decided then I would sign up and make my own page,so I can call you and other out, with such hatred remarks.

        Not sure if CNS will post this,but if you do thanks, for letting me reply.

    • Anonymous says:

      We will even wash your feet for you.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are so right. It is absolutely embarrassing for the majority of Caymanians who are downright good people. It’s the KT crew and minions that give the good people of this country a bad name. All their followers are closed minded, hateful, racist, people who think the world owes them something while the sit on their butts all day on FB putting their noses in other people’s business and posting their ridiculous opinions. They are a bunch of losers. I am pretty sure the new governor won’t be checking out CMR or CIFBNP or could care less what this small group of close minded people have to say.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well written 2.06. The irony is that apart from the Brits who first came here, the imported slaves were pretty much mostly of other religions or beliefs when they arrived here, including Muslim. They were forced (horrifically I say) to convert to Christianity. Shame that a few “generational” Caymanians choose to receive one of their generational own in such a way…history works both ways.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh please.

      • Fred the Piemaker says:

        I would be interested in the basis for your assuming that significant numbers of slaves in the Caribbean were Muslim prior to enslavement. I had always thought that the primary source of Caribbean slaves was West Africa, were there was little if any Muslim penetration.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Protecting British interests requires putting rights reform and the environment at the top of the agenda. There is little point in being distracted from these priorities by tryouts no to address local lawlessness.

    • Anonymous says:

      Gated communities with proper security are the answer to local criminality.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yep segregating ourselves from the proverty stricken seems like the solution
        What happens when they decide they are tired of taking scraps
        You forgetting the French Revolution or something?

  9. David "Benjy" Holmes says:

    What a welcome from Anonymous. It sounds more like a threat than a greeting. And, maybe therein, lies a domestic problem,

  10. David "Benjy" Holmes says:

    In this new governor, it feels as though a fresh, healthy breeze has blown across the islands, I hope the people of Cayman support him in his endeavors as mentioned in his speech, Each in itself is a worthy cause.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Welcome Governor!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Welcome governor.

    I hear what you’re saying and am keeping an open mind for the time-being.

    However, be warned, if you get too big for your britches you will be swiftly taken down a notch or two in our court of social opinion.

    Remember, you fulfil a precarious, some say outdated / hypocritical / “anti-human right”, position in these modern times, i.e. non-elected.

    Anyway; crime, unemployment, runaway development, monopoly, discrimination against locals in the workforce, general disenfranchisement of Caymanians, and societal frictions between locals and immigrants are a few issues you would be well advised to prioritise.

    If anything, the local culture of the local people MUST remain at the forefront of all considerations, for a failure to do so is to prove one’s self a failed leader and revealed as a mere hole-puncher.

    Settle in and please, make yourself at home.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Do what we want you to do and know your place foreigner”
      Is this how you welcome people Who?

    • Anonymous says:

      A welcome warning? How quaint. #caymankind. Methinks you too big for your britches. He is the Governor of a British Overseas Terrority. You are what exactly? Nowhere near as important as you think you are, that’s for sure.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am a human being with the human right to democratic representation.

        The role of governor is / can be an affront to that human right, and is the basis for the argument that such a constitutional frameworks is illegal and in fact unconstitutional.

        Hope this helps you a bit.

        • Anonymous says:

          Very simple solution: exercise your democratic rights in a vote for independence. If the majority agree with you you can go on your merry way.

          • Anonymous says:

            Now we’re getting somewhere.

            However, it would be great if people from your side of the aisle would stfu and allow Caymanians to have that discussion in peace…instead of the predictable 60 year old regional examples of “what will happen if you go independent blah blah blah”.

            • Anonymous says:

              I love it “stfu”!! Indeed…the UK government would love you to have that discussion, and love it even better if you voted for independence. Then they would not have to deal with the shenanigans of people like Mac or Misick in TCI’s case…however those that actually have a brain in Cayman and are not too tinted by the hate you suffer with understand that independence will be the death of Cayman. Lose that little Union Jack, you lose the trust of the financial community. The crime will go even further towards the style our less fortunate Eastern neighbours and, even worse, idiots like you would be running the place.

              • Anonymous says:

                Yep, they’d only have to contend with the likes of war-criminal Blair and Brexit-Ceasar Farage.

                Gotta love those rose-tinted glasses of you and your kin eh?

                I’m happy to take our chances on our own.

                My question is, you clearly don’t hold Cayman or the Caribbean in any positive regard, so WHY are you so bothered by the discussions we have and the future we feel is right for ourselves.

                The UK opted to yield to racism and xenophobia in 2016 – much to the shock-horror surprise of the dripping-in-denial government – so kindly just leave us be.

                The above goes to the other respondents as well.

            • Santayana says:

              Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

            • Anonymous says:

              Caribbean micro-nations have such a great track record, but let’s throw all reason out the window and go with independence just because why not

            • Anonymous says:

              That’ll end well, lol. Financial and legal services, along with half of CIG revenue gone within a year…. good idea!

              • Anonymous says:

                Don’t forget half the population.. which obviously means a halving of required revenue.

                This isn’t rocket science.

                • Anonymous says:

                  That would be the half that contributes the most to Government coffers, pays for most of the rental properties and buys goods and groceries mostly on-island, as opposed to the half that takes the majority of Government revenue in the form of wages and benefits, lives in family homes and club together with their family to buy stuff off-island

                  Yup – it ain’t rocket science

                  • Anonymous says:

                    Ok Bub.

                    If you are correct then we will surely see the swift destruction of Caymanians post-independence.

                    It is clear you dont think very highly of us Caymanians, so why are you so bothered?

                    The insistence of preaching this dooms-day message by you and your CNS pals makes ZERO sense as it is always accompanied with a disparaging opinion of Caymanians.

                    You should be happy to see us go and stand aside and watch us crash and burn.

                    In other words, STFU and let us do us.

                    Unless, in reality, you have little confidence in your theory of guaranteed failure?
                    Say it ain’t so!

                    Green-eyed, bad-minded idiots – the lot of you.

                    – Whodatis

          • Anonymous says:

            When has there ever been a legit democratic vote? There is corruption in every system.

          • Anonymous says:

            They will never do it. They like money too much.

        • Anonymous says:

          Hilarious how when foreign human rights line up with your beliefs they are acceptable but otherwise they are just restrictions put in place by the leftist socialist in Belgium
          Oh how the tables have turned
          All this talk about how Europe is the problem but it is European ideas that you turn to, democracy and the right to vote for your representatives

    • E. Nygma says:

      Don’t forget that the elected Representatives of the Cayman Islands, in their official roles and in the name of the people in 2009 presented the constitution to the people in the form of a referendum, which was then passed
      We agreed to have a Governor, whether you like it or not at the moment, we agreed to have the UK appoint this person, and we agreed to the role the Governor holds and the power entrusted with the position

      Something you seem to leave out of your analysis
      The people consented to all of this

      • Anonymous says:

        Similar to how the British people “consented” to being a part of the European Union for the last 40 years??

        Asking for a friend…

        • Anonymous says:

          And then they consented not to be, what is your point?

          • Anonymous says:


            I love the smell of independence in the morning.

            Pack up your bags scaredy-cat – your fear will get the best of you..and that’s fine.

            We’re used to those scenes after every big storm anyway.


        • E. Nygma says:

          The people of the UK elected their leaders and their leaders opted to join the EU in their official role as representatives, so… yes just like that
          If the people didn’t support the choice they would have voiced their displeasure at the voting booth.
          The EU evolved over the years into what it is today, If the people of Britain decided that they wish to separate themselves from the EU based on today that is their prerogative, hindsight is 20/20, they have taken their experience and decided they are not interested in continuing the relationship.
          The decision to join was made by the elected representatives in the name of the people
          Is nothing representatives do legitimate unless they hold a referendum?
          You think direct democracy is a good idea Who? With western political apathy. Really?
          You can’t just cherry pick which decisions are legitimate or illegitimate because you like or dislike them
          You know just as much as I do that the general consensus has always been for Cayman to remain under Britain with all that includes (the Governor, partial self rule, and all that it comes with)
          We stayed with Britain as our neighbors left and proceeded to fall into various states of decay and disarray. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not the right choice was and remains to stick with the system we have now.
          You continue to purposely and willfully push a false narrative in relation to Brexit and the internal politics of EU memberstates with little nuance or depth in the arguments of the various sides
          I am willing to bet that if another Brexit vote was held now the result would be contrary to what you constantly preach

        • E. Nygma says:

          The United Kingdom European Communities membership referendum held in 1975
          You were saying?

      • annonymous says:

        Please be respectful to the office and the person of the Governor. He has been sent here by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 as her Representative. He seems a charming gentleman. Please Caymanians, don’t display your ignorance by making ignorant and snide remarks.

      • PPM Distress Signal says:

        Written by ppm minions for ppm muppets .A constitution of the few?? 8:34pm becareful what you say it might become a necessary reality, thereby eroding your dominance in our little society. Which will seriously permanently deprive you of your colonial privileges you still enjoy today in these isles.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m not convinced turning the beach into a shanty town for Easter really counts as culture does it?

      • Anonymous says:

        Not sure.

        However, what about the organisation and increase of white power groups, political parties, and demonstrations masquerading as national pride – inspiring the murders of MP’s and immigrants – does that count as culture?

        Asking for another friend …

        • Diogenes says:

          Don’t recall any organizations directly ordering the murder of Mrs Cox, as for other murders, speculation is not equivalent to evidence though you seem not to care. (completely leaving out the man who killed her had a history of mental illness let’s pretend the murder of MPs is normal Who)

          I must be missing the majority of Britons openly calling for the removal of immigrants of course this is where you reply “The Brexit vote” or “Austria’s New Chancellor” or “UKIP” or whatever your cookie cutter response is but lets focus on Brexit:

          1 – Brexit was a multifaceted vote to leave the EU based on various factors including but not limited to concerns about immigration (not a vote to keep out immigrants, no matter what you say or argue)

          2 Passed by a slim majority (that isn’t even half of the registered voters in the UK not to mention the fact that both major parties weren’t really for Brexit and they represent the vast majority of the people of the UK)

          3 Four million persons called for a second vote, which would have likely upturned the results which you casually leave out (they certainly didn’t call for a second referendum because they were happy with the vote)

          4 The far right nationalistic/white power parties and groups hold very little actual power in the UK which you casually leave out, UKIP for example holds 3 seats TOTAL out of 1,439 and they hold 0 (that’s right ZERO) seats in the House of Commons, yet you act as if they are some mainstream group representative of all of Britain

          One crazed man part of fringe groups takes his far-right ideas too far and suddenly its the norm in the UK in your mind, these people are fringe groups for a reason, they do not represent the majority of the UK but you put on this little song and dance every week, talking on and on about the UK.
          Every portion of the world has these fringe groups in various forms, we even have them here, that doesn’t mean they are the majority
          Anyone with a lick of sense can see right through this little show


          • Anonymous says:

            You are full of it Diogenes.

            The realest and simplest way to explain Brexit is to examine the ethnic makeup and economic contribution of the regions of England that voted Remain…and contrast to Leave if you want – but not necessary.

            Forget your bullet-points, regurgitated, feigned and spun talking-points of the now red-faced UK government; it is what it is.

            – Who

            * I am sure Gemma and Simon of Hull and Preston REALLY gave a hot-damn about the influence of the EU on their sovereignty.

            Half of those unemployed, lazy, refuse-to-move-100-miles-south-to-find-a-damn-job, government-dependent, semi-literate Brits can barely spell “EU”, much less “sovereignty”.

            ** I wait for the day when we will hear of a “Muslim terrorist” with “a history of mental illness”. Amazing how even at times like these privileges are reserved for one group.


          • Anonymous says:


            “I’m not convinced turning the beach into a shanty town for Easter really counts as culture does it?”

            Diogenes, how is it you REGULARLY bypass discriminatory and insulting remarks like the one above, instead latch on to posts like the follow-up, and go into attack mode as you do?

            Do you honestly believe I could EVER respect your opinion?

            You have lost all credibility in my eyes son.
            In fact, I would stop expending energy on long-winded retorts to every Whodatis post as it is highly unlikely I will engage you in the future.

            You are a jig-dancing, chucking-and-jiving disgrace of a supposed Caymanian.

            And for the record, THAT is why you are so highly-favoured on this forum – since you have made it clear you value thumb-ratings hereon.

            You enjoy your time on the veranda with Massa’.
            Some of us enjoy soaking up these energy-providing rays of he sun out here in the fields.

            – Whodatis

            • Diogenes says:

              I don’t particularly care what words someone uses to describe Camping, it could be a joke and if it isn’t what am I meant to be insulted?
              I don’t see “discriminatory and insulting remarks” by that person calling beach camping a “shanty town”. There are parts of Cayman that could be rightly described as “shanty towns” Is there really a point responding to someone describing Easter camping which is a traditional to us and is a purposeful and recreational stay on or near beaches. If someone is put off by the sight of some tents for a couple weeks a year… oh well that is their prerogative and they can describe it as whatever they choose, doesn’t affect me or mine in the slightest. But of course Then if I start policing the word choice of random comments people will just start saying “Oh look at that PC, lefty lib trying to control everyone”

              “and go into attack mode as you do?” – “Attack mode”, aka providing evidence you don’t like that is contrary to the narrative you are pushing, I don’t know what was “attack mode” about listing my position using evidence but feel free to describe it as “attack mode”

              “Do you honestly believe I could EVER respect your opinion?” – I am not particularly interested in, desirous of, or attempting to earn the “respect” of someone who holds the truth at arms length while working backwards from their conclusion hypocritically cherry picking evidence and disregarding everything else, thanks but no thanks, you can keep that

              “You are a jig-dancing, chucking-and-jiving disgrace of a supposed Caymanian” – Again with this, you aren’t the arbiter of the veracity of one’s claims to be “Caymanian”, you don’t get to decide if I am or am not based on litmus test, I am fully and completely Caymanian and thats all she wrote

              “And for the record, THAT is why you are so highly-favoured on this forum – since you have made it clear you value thumb-ratings hereon.” – Gotten my fair share of dislikes, angered my fair share of commenters and written scathing retorts with no concern for the feelings of the receiver, I don’t particularly care if people agree with me or not, my values don’t change with the wind or with the thumbs-up’s on CNS these are what I have been instilled with in all my years, they are what I believe are right and true, nothing more nothing less
              I could be the only one commenting on CNS from my perspective and I would still do it, because I don’t need public approval to voice my opinions, I don’t need a thumbs up to know that agree or disagree
              If you honestly think that someone advocating for the rights of same sex couples on Cayman cares about public opinion, you really haven’t been paying attention

              “You enjoy your time on the veranda with Massa’.
              Some of us enjoy soaking up these energy-providing rays of he sun out here in the fields.” – Aren’t you the same one who detests even the slightest comparison of modern day rights struggles and the struggles of blacks in the past, just making sure cause I can find the comments, they aren’t gone anywhere

              Feel free to stop replying to me, and while you are at it stop writing comments involving me, like the two you did on the 20th, everyone knows you aren’t here for a conversation you are here to push a narrative, no matter what is shown or proven you will always circle the wagons and stick to your misshapen guns, and I represent the thing you fear most, an actual intellectual challenge
              When you decide to put down the Kool-aid and actually read some opposing arguments you might just learn something
              Until then continue to make a fool of yourself, you make this too easy
              People read the comments, people see, every valid criticism that goes unanswered is a display of the vapidity of your position
              I’m not afraid to defend what I post
              But run off kid

              • Anonymous says:

                Those sure are a lot of words from you to an individual you claim to hold in such low regard.

                Anyway, you be good Tobias.

                – Kunta

                * You take great offence to simple observations of modern British society but apparently absolutely none to someone denegrating your people and actual culture.

                (Then you hide behind a hair-splitting defence of “terminology”. )

                You are a joke Diogenes.
                I am actually sickened by people like you.


            • Anonymous says:

              Discriminatory comment. LOL. Don’t worry Who. Us vile immigrants might not be welcome on your beach this weekend but we’ll be out next week with our kids cleaning up after you. Again.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Sup Gov’ ?


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