Couple robbed in armed home invasion

| 28/02/2018 | 74 Comments

armed home invasion, Cayman News Service(CNS): A man and woman were accosted last night by two armed masked men near the doorstep of their house in Patrick’s Island, George Town, police have said. The couple arrived home shortly before 10:45pm on Tuesday, 27 February. As they got out of their car, the robbers, who were brandishing guns, demanded cash. The victims said that they were not carrying any, so the men forced them into the residence, where money and some personal items were taken. The robbers then fled in what appeared to be a dark-coloured sedan.

One of the suspects was about 6-foot, of slim to medium build, with a light complexion. The second robber was about 5’5”, slim build with a dark complexion. Police said they conducted searches of the area but did not find anyone matching the descriptions given.

No one was injured during the home incident, which is now under investigation by officers from the George Town CID.

Anyone with information is asked to call George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Philippine army visit 2020 will fix this

  2. Anonymous says:

    Is it really not possible to give out more useful information to the public? There are various reports about where it happened – Prospect, Patrick’s Island, both large areas – but no specifics. Perhaps someone saw something, but won’t realize it’s important and will have forgotten by the time an appeal for information comes out. The police seem to find catching, charging and/or making charges stick in these situations inexplicably challenging which leaves criminals free to strike again and again with impugnity, and emboldens new ones. Homeowners meanwhile are given little information about the methods of these criminals, as well as the locations and frequency of crimes, which makes it that much harder to know how to protect yourself and your property.

    Gated communities are becoming the norm but it shouldn’t be that way – everyone has a right to feel safe in their home without a fancy gate and a guard. Lots of communities are organising community watch programs, which is terrific, but who in a position of authority and influence is doing something to help? What sort of horrific crime has to happen before voters stop arguing about where the criminals come from and demand action?

    Home invasion robberies should be practically unheard of in Cayman. Instead they are becoming just another regular occurrence.

    • I regret to say that 3:36 is correct. The days of gated communities all over this island are now not far away. Home invasions are on the increase with no end in site.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This crime is particularly disturbing as the couple did not appear to be targeted – they had no cash on them. Criminals typically want a quick get away so if these two were targeted, the criminals would have known that they were carrying cash. So what happens next, they are forced into the home to see what they got inside. What if the wife was alone? This is hugely terrifying.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Shit families strike again.

  5. Anonymous says:

    all kind of high quality cameras are now available. In my condo subdivision it is a motion activated camera with excellent night time picture quality.

  6. Keen observer says:

    “Police said they conducted searches of the area but did not find anyone matching the descriptions given.”

    So did the police think the robbers were going to hang around and sit under a coconut tree nearby the scene after the robbery?

    What about all these CCTV’s that the Government spent so much money on years ago.

    My experience with the police has not been pleasant or productive. I reported a burglary of my home some time ago and the officers who responded didn’t give a hoot.

    One told me that if I didn’t have security cameras there was nothing they could do!

    So no investigative work, no checking for fingerprints, nothing.

    I imagine if I had actually caught the person or persons and shot them, the police would have suddenly been interested and all over me.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Maybe when the governor or the premier gets robbed something will be done.

    • Anonymous says:

      8.18am — thank you! The Government … our representative are so brain washed it very sad. They believe that these roads, round abouts and endless cement, more, more is the way to go – so sad. They need to do a total sweep in order establish who all these people are driving up and down 24/7. Imagine how stupid it is to even entertain the thought that we need 100,000 people here. This is to satisfy the greedy I.e., to fill the enormous office buildings I see being built (one on Shedden Road), along with DART. Madness to say the least

    • Rilly says:

      Nah. maybe something be done to protect governor or premier.

    • Anonymous says:

      … or a tourist. All laws and protections are geared towards the almighty tourist. What about those who live here!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, when and if, grey get robbed they get security around the clock. Like the attorney general does. It won’t anyone else.

    • Anonymous says:

      Theyre broke

  8. Anonymous says:

    Our government is failing us. It refuses to do anything to keep violent criminals off our streets and it refuses to do anything to allow us to protect ourselves.

    • Anonymous says:


      More chaos to come, then will follow the “order”. (Sic)

      Watch for it. 2020 approaching fast.

  9. Anonymous says:

    This will continue as long as our politicians and our police want us to continue to be victims.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I believe this may fall with the 40% of gun crime the Premier confirmed he would not be addressing.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Just wait 20 years when Dart excites his West Bay pivot you will cry to hell and say boy all them rich people in West Bay..

  12. Carol S says:

    No worries Northward Parole board soon let out even more dangerous fella’s to clean up our streets no one is safe even the rich these days are feeling da heat in dey straws seat. Soon get some major burglars out pan de road to Get Sum get sum Rcips cant do squat dey need 1000 more police

    • Anonymous says:

      Carol s… no sorry! the last thing we need is more police… you joking right???? Most of them are the root of evil here. We need CAYMANIAN police – is what I think you mean?

  13. Anonymous says:

    All we get from politicians is whining about this or that and blaming others. You don’t hear any solutions from the politicians just blaming. They avoid the media where they might be asked a question about their inactivity but would rather give speeches to foreigners at conferences who don’t know any better.
    Why is the government hiding from the people?

  14. Anonymous says:

    This is disgraceful, seems to be happening all the time now in my neighborhood. Are the Prospect community meetings still the first Monday or every month? We need to sort these scumbags out ourselves as a community. Is there a voluntary police option in Cayman, I’d be happy to be given a uniform and walk around the block a couple of times a night to deter these animals.

    • Anonymous says:

      Also, some bloody decent street lighting down such as Amity Street, Windswept, Omega etc wouldn’t go a miss. Who do we speak to to sort this ASAP? Anyone reading these posts – is there a meeting this Monday at Seafarers? Let’s sort this shit out.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes the Prospect Community Group are still meeting on the first Monday of every month at the SeaFarers’ Hall on Victory Avenue. 7pm start time. All are welcome – Prospect is a huge area to cover from Selkirk Drive to the Cable & Wireless Exchange in Spotts. The more people making an effort to attend these meetings once a month, the more our voices will be heard. The group has a good rapport with the RCIPS and the meetings are an opportunity to speak face to face with the RCIPS to discuss community concerns. We as a group do not have a magic wand to wave and “all will be good” but we at least try to better our community. If we can work with our politicians and police who are in regular attendance we may be able to get the message out there that we do not want, nor will we tolerate this criminal behavior in our area. For those in the catchment area of Prospect, please attend our meetings and voice your concerns.

      • Anonymous says:

        3000 people turn up at Lions Center when there is a completely bogus fear of gay marriage but when REAL issues like crime and education are on the agenda, the turnout is absolutely pitiful.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Our Premier and the Unity team will soon get this straitened out. The honorable Harris is on to it as he is the elected official for that area. He also is the Unity team whip so he will get this into tip top shape ASAP

  16. Anonymous says:

    Yeah bo’

  17. Anonymous says:

    Another home invasion in Grand Cayman and what really saddens me is that it is becoming old news. No one will come forward and identify these yobs but are happy to espouse what great people they are and how much they love their country.

    • Anonymous says:

      5:56pm, there is only one remedy for this intolerable behaviour. NATO (no action, talk only), won’t help us.

  18. Anonymous says:

    The law that now requires violent criminals to be released after serving only a fraction of the sentences imposed by the courts must be changed. If our politicians do not do that this sitting of the LA it will prove that they do not give a (*&# about the rest of us.

    • Anonymous says:

      We will see results when they appear at their door steps. How functional are those expensive CCTVs? ROTFLMAO at government. It’s called accountability.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Our laws need to be changed so that the minimum sentence for burglary is at least 5 years and for a home invasion is at least 20 years. At the moment those very few burglars that are caught are out in a few days or weeks and home invaders (none of whom have ever been caught by the RCIPS as far as I can recall) face only short periods of prison. A few weeks at the Northward Hilton is no deterrent.

  20. Anonymous says:

    This was likely a random attack that could happen to any of us.

    My question to the police is, how are we ordinary citizens and residents supposed to protect ourselves from these kinds of armed robberies when we are not even allowed to carry pepper spray?

    My question for our elected government is, how many people will have to be the victims of violent crime before you get serious about crime. All of the recent criminal laws have focussed on coming up with ways to let violent criminals out of jail as early as possible? Who the &#(& thought it was a good idea to REQUIRE that violent criminals must be let out after serving only a fraction of their already too short sentences!

    • Anonymous says:

      but we pass laws that say no one is allowed to have guns. Ohhhh….but criminals don’t follow the law. Private in home gun ownership now! Is everyone happy that when this happens you are at the mercy of the armed robbers? If they decide to kill you, you have absolutely no choice. How are these gun laws working for us? I would rather have the choice. And maybe if a few of these criminals got shot. They might not be so anxious to break into the next house.

      • Anonymous says:

        How would being allowed a gun in your home have prevented these people being attacked on their door step? unless they took the gun out with them, which is not your point. Even then it’s far from certain this would have had a happy outcome.

        I’m presuming the robbers would have had their gun in the hand and the victims would have had theirs in a bag or pocket or wherever. Maybe the robbers would have offered up some 18th century duel type scenario to make it fairer.

      • Eklund says:

        Then they rob you of your gun and sell it to other bad guys. Pretty soon all the bad guys have guns like in the USA.

    • Anonymous says:

      Liberals all liberals

    • Anonymous says:

      @5:26 pm
      You can’t ask a question “for our elected government” being anonymous.

  21. Anonymous says:

    don’t worry the police farce will soon have these guys in custody followed by a quick conviction…..

  22. Anonymous says:

    There is a NS pair that match that description and are well ‘known to the police’. Hopefully someone will check them out.

  23. Anonymous says:

    If the authorities don’t get a handle on this sort of crime and stop it soon – it will get a lot worse. Easy pickings for these thugs, no hard work involved with little risk.

    That’s until they pick the wrong house and get a hot lead sandwich to go!

  24. anonymous says:

    With the CCTV system that we paid millions of dollar for I expect that they will appear in court tomorrow morning at the latest.

  25. Cheese Face says:

    What a mess this place is.

  26. Anonymous says:

    The pair of robbers described are likely the same ones described in numerous articles about various robberies here on CNS and Compass. Have the police not been able to catch these two? They’re looking pretty untouchable so far with their robbery record.

  27. Anonymous says:

    oh my….i live near paytick islsnd!!!????? soooo sad cayman coming to this?

  28. Anonymous says:

    Jamaican Style!

  29. Anonymous says:

    Did they follow them home? How did they know they were out?

  30. Anonymous says:

    Has the idiot that attempted to rob the Chief Justice’s house got himself a gun and an accomplice?

  31. Anonymous says:

    So many more home invasions in areas like that and governors harbor that in WB. Give me West Bay any day.


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