Library to compile local author registry

| 04/01/2018 | 21 Comments
Cayman News Service

George Town Library

(CNS) The Public Library Service has announced plans to finally begin to formally recognise local authors and are therefore asking published writers to submit information to the library service by the end of this month to be a part of the first-ever Book Registry for the Cayman Islands. Officials from the library service said they are partnering with CLM Publishing to compile and publish this registry of all locally authored books, which will be printed and distributed at various locations throughout the Islands.

Director of the Cayman Islands Public Library Service, Ramona Melody, said the team was looking forward to getting the registry completed. “In order to achieve this goal our first step is to gather as much information as possible about the local authors and the books that they have written and published. We do hope that the local authors in the community will participate and provide us with necessary information for this project,” she said.

The intention is for the registry to be updated on a regular basis after the first publication and to compile as much information as they can for the community about local authors and their literary contributions.

For more information visit the registry website before the  deadline of 31 January.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    There is a literary tradition. When it comes to spewing out myopic self-indulgent tosh.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Oh my. I do hope the literary masterpieces of Dr.Watler are included.

  3. Anonymous says:

    If people took the same amount of time to talk to their CURRENT representatives as they did to post comments bashing a minister who finished his term and stepped aside over 20 years ago Cayman would be the greatest country in the world.

    If Roy Bodden, a man about to retire after a long life of public service (love him or hate him) is your concern at the moment, then your priorities are mixed up

    I don’t love the man, but the past is the past, pettiness and personal grudges aside there are more pressing matters to deal with, I would hope so

  4. Anonymous says:

    I mean, they could have done this from day 1?

  5. Graham Morse says:

    Of course the quality of the work is very varied now that self publishing means anyone can write and publish a book. But that’s true of Amazon too. It would be helpful if the CNS register had a facility for readers to leave comments, which would provide some sort of filter.
    There have been some very successful published authors in Cayman, like Douglas Schofield. My own biography of Sir Walter Winterbottom was short listed for British Sports Book of the Year awards in 2014..

    This is a good initiative. Music and art receive a lot of support in Cayman but creative writing does not.

    CNS: This is not a CNS registry, it’s a public library initiative. However, that’s not a bad idea if we ever get the time.

    • I do hope that Teppo Turins book is on the list. He was a Cayman pioneer and the book is fascinating. It was the subject of readers digest. He developed the canal south of Snug Harbour, known as Palm Heights. The book tells you how he and his family crossed the atlantic in their yacht from Finland before being shipwrecked in Barbados. His wife was a concert pianist and entertained all of us in the 60s. She sold her grand piano to help buy the yacht. In those days there were real characters in the Cayman Islands. I do miss them.

      • roger Davies says:

        I agree he was a Cayman pioneer with an adventurous past. In Cayman he also developed the sub division adjacent to Denham Thompson Rd and is commemorated in the naming of the short connector between Denham Thompson and Moxam Rd.- “Turen Link”. I still recall his glamorouus daughter Rita, who was quite a socialite in the years she spent here.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The books from some of the “Authors” in Cayman are very poorly written. Books, from a self proclaimed, leader of writers are barely readable past the first page due to all of the grammatical errors. At least they will all be in one place, so we know exactly where to go to have laugh.

  7. Anonymous says:

    As a paper Caymanian, I’ve never heard of any Caymanian authors, or even their books. And I’m not counting Doctor Roy’s unreadable Cayman history. But its a nice idea to have a registry, and then some of their material available to be read (borrowed, bought, which ?). Just hope its worth reading.

  8. Anonymous says:

    May I nominate Mary Thompson. A wonderful lady of this island. Whose many years of life here, together with her family, have written books of life in Cayman over her years. Truly amazing books full of laughter and humour.

  9. Anonymous says:

    ‘The Heat Of The Island’ is a landmark story of life and love on Cayman. A must read.

    • Anonymous says:

      Haha, yeah, I love the over-the-top corny sentimentalism, but my favourite amateur book is “Cayman Heat”, not just for the appalling writing, but poor scuba knowledge and inaccurate geography.
      Fortunately for Cayman, the authors aren’t local.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Will there be a quality filter? Would mean it is a short list.

  11. Veritas says:

    May I nominate the Compass Editorial Board.


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