RCIPS opens as forensic BOT hub in ballistics

| 20/04/2017 | 7 Comments
Cayman News Service

An FCO-funded ballistics trainer leads a training on detecting similarities and differences in bullets and casings using new forensic ballistic equipment provided by the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)

(CNS): Local police welcomed a delegation of law enforcement officials from regional British Overseas Territories to Cayman this week as the RCIPS began its role as a focal point for ballistic work in crime fighting. The information network for ballistics will see UK territories in the Caribbean exchanging forensics, collaborating in the battle against illegal guns and combatting transnational crime. The RCIPS was selected by the FCO last year from the agencies in the territories to serve as the “hub” for the analysis of ballistic data gathered during criminal investigations.  

Using new forensic ballistic equipment and recent training provided by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF), staff with the RCIPS Scenes of Crime Office have now begun receiving and analysing this data from across the territories, and sharing and cross-referencing it with information provided by the INTERPOL Ballistic Information Network.

This new capacity is expected to generate significant investigative leads and help combat gun crime across the region.

“This is about being able to better track the movement of firearms which we know is a transnational criminal activity affecting all jurisdictions across the region,” said Derek Byrne, Commissioner of Police.

Cayman News Service

SOCO Trainee Tiffany Rankine compares the surfaces of bullets while learning the Interpol Ballistics Information System

“Reducing firearms importation and gun crime is a major priority for the RCIPS, and this is a powerful 21st century policing tool that provides us with the capacity to modernize and accelerate our investigations,” he added.

The ballistics identification equipment will allow the RCIPS to collect and store 2D and 3D images of cartridge cases and bullets, perform automatic and manual correlations, analyse correlation results, and compare images to assist in the investigation of firearm-related crime. This capacity is much greater than the police service’s prior ability, bringing technical prowess in this area to the organisation and staff.

“It is an honour for the RCIPS to lead this new network of ballistic data cooperation,” Byrne stated. “We’re grateful for the FCO’s support, which has enabled the development of this new capacity and the modernisation of crime-fighting across the territories.”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    So many great things happening. Cayman is so respected globally….wonder how that happened.

  2. Catcha Fire says:

    When has the FCO ever done anything for Cayman that has not cost us alot of money. Yet they will put up these token locals as if we benefit somehow from it. Why now you might ask around election time isn’t the answer obvious Cayman? here a list of failures the Police fingerprints system , Otrics system , Marine Boats, Immigration fingerprints system dismantling of the DTF and is leader, operation Vctory B Gibbs operation Tempura M Bridger are some that come to mind millions of Dollars of our money down the tiolet. This is OUR money Cayman not the UK yet they continue now along with their imported criminal help to fleece our little economy daily.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone know if this system has access to the US NIBIN database? Like this setup NIBIN uses IBIS identification technology but if we aren’t linked to it this probably isn’t worth squat.

  4. Fiddy says:

    You can find me in da club, bottle full of bub…

  5. Anonymous says:

    All good, let’s hope these young eager minds are so nurtured to protect us. Hopefully there’s also fundamental training in the works on how to properly investigate a crime scene without compromising potential evidence.

    Anti-terrorism training is also needed as the threat maybe already here if not coming soon.

    RCIPS have certainly got a job for life and their work carved out for them.

  6. Anonymous says:

    A dubious honour…but news of the enhanced forensic capability is most welcome. Looking forward to the first prosecution where this evidence features prominently.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Well done, the cops are stepping up their game here. That needs to be encouraged. And thanks to the Governor for funding it…, I am sure it is not cheap.


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