Candidates reveal backing of local doctor

| 31/03/2017 | 99 Comments
Cayman News Service

Dr Steve Tomlinson

(CNS): Seven of the independent candidates who are contesting the general election in May revealed on their register of interest forms that they are being sponsored by Dr Steve Tomlinson. The candidates are: Sarah Orrett (West Bay North), Laura Young (West Bay South), Raul Gonzales (Newlands), Rudi Dixon (Cayman Brac East), Catherine Tyson (George Town South), Ellio Solomon (George Town West) and Kendrick Webster (George Town East), who also revealed sponsorship from Frank Flowers.

During the recent final meeting of the Legislative Assembly, Opposition Leader McKeeva Bush defended the party system for a number of reasons. He also raised concern about wealthy individuals, outside of parliament, backing apparently independent candidates for election, and if they are elected, what obligations they had to these rich financiers.

It is understood that Tomlinson is actually backing ten candidates — just enough to form a government if they all won. The candidates did not state the dollar amounts that the former owner of the Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital gave to them, but indicated on the form that they had received more than $1,000.

By 5:00pm on Nomination Day, all candidates running for election should have filed with the Legislative Assembly a register of interest form indicating their business, finance, land and other interests that could impact their candidacy. The section where these seven candidates revealed that Tomlinson was sponsoring their campaign, however, does not relate to campaign financing and it appears that they were not obliged to make the revelation.

Candidates are not required by law to reveal their backers or the quantity of cash injected into their campaigns before the official campaign starts on the day after Nomination Day. On the same form, some independent candidates declared themselves as self-financing for the election and others pointed to their party affiliations, but there is no requirement in law on this form to reveal election funding, as that is dealt with separately under the Elections Law.

Kenneth Bryan, who said he has also received backing from Tomlinson, stated that he had conducted his due diligence with the clerk at the Legislative Assembly about the sponsorship question and was informed that it does not relate to campaign financing. But Bryan, who is running in George Town Central, said he was more than happy to declare that Dr Tomlinson is supporting his efforts to get elected.

There are two other male candidates running in George Town who have also stated they are independents but who are believed to be on the ‘Tomlinson team’ but CNS has been unable to confirm those details. 

When we checked the register of interests on Thursday afternoon, we found that three of the candidates who were nominated on Wednesday had not made the 5:00pm deadline to file their interests. CNS has made inquiries to find out if they have been given more time, owing to justifiable reasons for the late filing, or whether they will now be disqualified from the election. We are awaiting to hear from the Legislative Assembly, which deals with the Register of Interests Law, what, if any, consequences there will be for the three.

Dr Frank McField, who is contesting the Red Bay seat in a race with the premier and CDP candidate Denniston Tibbetts, is one of the trio who missed the deadline. Kathy Ebanks-Wilks, a first time candidate who was nominated to run in West Bay Central in a head to head with Capt Eugene Ebanks, also failed to file her register of interest form on time.  

And not for the first time, Dwayne Seymour, who is contesting his third election, also missed the filing deadline. Seymour, who began his political career with the UDP, contested and lost his second attempt on the PNA ticket in 2013, is now running as an independent in Bodden Town East. When he missed deadlines in past elections, there were no consequences.

The register is an important part of the pre-election information that must be available to the electorate before they cast their votes, as it deals with the work candidates do and the businesses and land they own or receive incomes from. It is accessible to the public but in order to view the binder of forms, people must make an appointment at the LA because the viewing of the binder and the forms must be supervised.

CNS examined the register on Thursday afternoon and will be revealing more details about the content over the coming days. The information supplied varies widely and shows a real cross-section of socio-economic backgrounds of the candidates.

Moses Kirkconnell, the Sister Islands incumbent seeking re-election in CBWLC, has a significant list of interests, including extensive landholdings in Cayman Brac, directorships, financial stakes and shares in a long list of property, retail and tourism related business. At the other end of the scales, Mario Rankin declared absolutely nothing at all — no property, businesses, contracts, sponsorship, land, job or any visible means of support.

Premier ALden McLaughlin, who has been a career politician since he entered parliament in 2000, has no other interests declared, while Opposition Leader McKeeva Bush declared his property company, Cambridge Real Estate, and land in both West Bay and Cayman Brac.

Candidates are still not required to reveal any family finances. When it is enacted, the new Standards in Public Life Law will require much more detail about finances and possible conflicts of interest for would-be politicians and serving MLAs. But despite the changes made to the law and its passage in the LA last year, it is still being reviewed by the Constitutional Commission and has not been implemented.

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Comments (99)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Dwayne Seymour, like a big stooge……how can u miss the deadline so many times? Have u no regard for timing?

  2. Diogenes says:

    How can Mr Bryan say that he does not have to declare election funding? The wording of the form is clear: “Did you benefit from any sponsorship before your election, where, to your knowledge, the financial support in any case exceeded in aggregate $1,000? YES/NO (Please delete as appropriate).
    If yes, list your sponsor(s).”

    And if that’s not enough, the form then goes on to state “You should register money given to you by your election committee and money spent by your election committee in connection with your election with your written permission. Election candidates should note that, although they may not be able to answer question 4 at the time of their nomination, they will be required to complete a further declaration if they are elected.”

    If the clerk told him that, the clerk needs their head examined, and Mr Bryan should get an optician to check his eyesight if he cannot read what’s in black and white on the form.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Philanthropist = Dr. Tomlinson. It is sad that people feel that there are other intentions behind Dr. Tomlinson’s support of independents. Why do we tear down the character of one of our own? He worked tirelessly to provide health care to many and received no concessions to build his own hospital. Many of those independents he has backed were approached by BOTH PARTIES and they said NO to the Party System. The parties themselves accept cheques from wealthy sponsors so what is the difference here?!! The obvious difference here is that Dr. Tomlinson has made public his intentions. Do we know where others are receiving their funds and any agendas behind those funds? You may not support the candidates he has chosen to support and that is your democratic right. I hope more can keep an open mind and attend the meetings of the independents to form their own opinions.

    • Anonymous says:

      So it’s okay for dr Tomlinson to question the motives and integrity of those Caymanians who see fit to align themselves with a party but they can’t question him?

      • Anonymous says:

        Dr. Tomlinson has not questioned the motives or integrity of others running with the party system. In fact, he said he would like to see candidates from both parties together with independents get elected. Perhaps the Election Law should be amended that ALL financial donations should be disclosed. Perhaps then people will look at things through a different lens.

        • Anonymous says:

          Why didn’t Tomlinson lobby the government for campaign finance reform and unfair business practices etc? GTW has a candidate who has proven the determination and negotiation skills to lobby the government successfully, why didn’t Dr T show some of those qualities, especially given his experience as a legislator?

  4. Caymanian says:

    Aaah uuuummm – Can I raise a RED FLAG over here???!!!

    Mr. Tomlinson may I ask what is YOUR agenda? We all know people don’t throw money at things they don’t expect some returns from. So what does a return for you look like?

    And you spoke about Mac talking about wealthy backers, would you be considered a wealthy backer for these people?

  5. MR lova lova says:

    The only candidate who has my vote is sarah orrett, she has come from rags to riches and has been doing volunteer work within the west bay community for years without being paid for her work. she will teach the west bay community that there is hope from their candidate that are selected from west bay, and not just coming around on the last month of there four year term to give you $25 and to vote for them, the people of west bay need CHANGE and people need jobs. Can say what you want about sponsorship from Dr T. but if that’s what it takes to see change then that’s what we need.

    • Anonymous says:

      Rags to riches might be a bit of a stretch but still encourage the change. Go for it.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am not disagreeing or knocking your support of Sarah but overall we don’t need change for change sake, we need positive, respectful, intelligent change.

    • I AGREE says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Is this the same person who was collecting a government paycheck as a “Park Ranger” in Barkers for several years? We are still trying to figure out what these persons were actually doing besides receiving slush funds from Mac.

      • Anonymous says:

        The park rangers hard work to preserve our National Park should be complimented not criticized. I and other Rangers did collect our pay check, for WORKING. And I for one enjoyed my time chopping, cutting, raking, dragging, burning, clearing brush, cleaning out our mangroves. Saving fish and other sealife from plastic and garbage. Clearing footpaths to picnic spots, clearing campsites for Easter regulars and tourists. Saving a crocodile, saving a shark, cleaning up the canals from the debris left from Ivan. Assisting tourists and other locals throughout the visit to the park. Assisting Horse Owners with clearing trails. Taking information pertaining to the wildlife, plants and other inhabitants of the park. Locating the world’s smallest butterfly. Assisting DEH with illegal dumping. But, most importantly, we worked for our money, In at 5am-2pm and 6am-3pm. No shelter, no toilets, no water and very little equipment to assist with this project, which by the way was very successful. Please see SAVE Barkers National Park for further information.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I wasn’t going to vote because I was indifferent about the candidates in GTS. This little bit of news has changed my mind and I will now vote to do my part to keep Dr Tomlinson’s candidate out of office.

    I personally love Shetty Hospital and feel the exact opposite about Dr Tomlinson’s hospital, so thanks for sharing Doc!

  7. Unison says:

    So we have the PPM party, CDP party, and folks pretending to be INDEPENDENTS for and by the people, which they are not!

    So … its the special interest versus party interest – the hidden STD party, or Steve Tomlinson, Dr. party …

    Only a few can say they are truly INDEPENDENT.

    LOL … Welcome to poli tricks :))

    • Jordy B says:

      No one go vote and they wont be able to form an LA – SIMPLE SOLUTION TO YOUR ROCKET SCIENCE QUESTION(s).

      • Anonymous says:

        The candidates will have at least some people who vote so don’t encourage people to not vote,
        if we do don’t vote, by default we make the votes actually cast more valuable, their choice will become our choice, like it or not. So vote!

    • Anonymous says:

      And don’t forget Ezzard alliance. They figured out that working alone is dead in the water. Everybody has to team up. They trying scramble to do that now. They should find the world radicals to include in their name some where.

  8. Docta Who says:

    Repeal Shettycare!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Bought and paid for by Dr. T and the they boldly admit and then ask us for a vote..Shame on all of the them…None will get my X, that is reserved for someone who cannot be bought or will be beholding to someone after election ..We just saw so much of that with this LPP Bill and no way am I going to be party to someone who is paid for by others and can’t vote their conscience or stand up for their own Caymanians…

    • Anonymous says:

      Just give them multiple X’s!

    • Anonymous says:

      I feel so sorry for you all if you do not see the bigger picture. The legal division on this island was trying to write a law to be passed…where was your outrage then? Stop being hypocrites and start realizing when someone is trying to help you for the greater good!

    • Anonymous says:

      Pray tell who was ‘bought or beholding to’ that was involved in the recent LPP bill debate? What a lot on nonsense. If the next government does not get the LPP bill passed then watch your income dwindle.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who do you think has bought and paid for Mac and his team.?,and you know how much they all have to gain.

  10. Anonymous says:

    If you miss the deadline then go fishing. Your out, bye bye, try again next time.
    Not in cayman though. And this just teaches the younger generation that there is always a loophole when your local. Laws and rules don’t mean a thing. Disgraceful as usual.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you need to read the elections law again. Please highlight the section under disqualification where it refers to the late submission of the register of interest form. They have already set a precedence by accepting Dwayne Seymour’s late submission in the last elections. Any other ruling is grounds for appeal.

  11. Beanbag says:

    makes sense why dellusional Mario Rankin is running for LA – simply in need of a paycheck. Didnt he go in the BBC documentary claiming to be a popular business man – what a joke.

    Dr T is definitely seeking Future favors – Think he’s betting on the wrong horses with the exception on Keneth bryan – Imagine Alden the premier wouldnt run against him and has sacrificed Marco Archer instead! What a election this will be

    • Caymanian says:

      Sacrificed Marco? WTH tell you Bryan getting in? Marco going clean the deck with that boy child….Sacrifice….He pay you? cause that’s the only way he getting votes…

  12. Anonymous says:

    Holy Cow what am I reading…Dr. T backing and bunch of jack
    Asses and if that’s the next government we better run and run fast.

    So why he did not run???

  13. Oh boy, says:

    Now i’m totally shocked about all this. Having to watch Tweeting Trump all over the news everyday and now Dr. T. own personnal agenda. If you can’t fund $1000 or maybe some more on your own, you will be owned. Very very disapointed to say the least. And you call yourselves independants ?? Just lost my wote. What a mess !

  14. Anonymous says:

    Me thinks there is another from George Town and maybe another from Cayman Brac who should join the list.

  15. Anonymous says:

    What was the Gonzalez family’s claim to fame again? I forget.

  16. Anonymous says:

    “Moses Kirkconnell, the Sister Islands incumbent seeking re-election in CBWLC, has a significant list of interests, including extensive landholdings in Cayman Brac, directorships, financial stakes and shares in a long list of property, retail and TOURISM related businesses.” …all the while being the Minister of Tourism. Conflict of interest much?

    In your face, Cayman!

    • Anonymous says:

      Or is it proof of experience in various pertinent fields? Even more incentive for Mr.Kirkconnell to work hard for his islands. He has the most loose.

      • annonymous says:

        Exact point 2:28am made; conflict of interested period.

        He has much to loose. Then again many veteran politicians are in the same position.

        Once they are all transparent and do what is right and fair by law…

    • Anonymous says:

      Successful businessman. Knows what is required. No real need for political favours. Therefore cannot be influenced. Seems good to me.

    • Anonymous says:

      He should not be elected. Blatant conflict of interest. He probably has no idea what he owns since he owns so much and there are so many people suffering. He is only there for himself.

      • Anonymous says:

        What would you prefer, a bunch of ignorant jackasses as green as grass who have never been successful at anything in their lives? Tell me what they have achieved. We better be careful this election, because there are a whole lot of jackasses suddenly on the loose.

      • Anonymous says:

        You know MLAs or even Ministers have nothing to do with HR matters including promotions.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I wish they would make Dr T take down these stupid anti-party signs he is putting up all over the place.
    Those are not candidate signs and should not get the same temporary reprieve from the planning permission requirements as candidate signs get. Planning should fine him!

    • Anonymous says:

      Especialy as I am fairly sure that he was part of a national team when he was elected. That was a “party” without any rules. That was much worse.

  18. Anonymous says:

    No wonder he is lauding the so called Independents in his own Newspaper, The Cayman Reporter. It makes sense now!

    Still can’t figure out why though. There has to be a monetary benefit downline that I’m obviously missing.

    Shame on him. And shame on them, for selling out on the Caymanian people.

    Go to the polls that give them multiple X’s!

    • Anonymous says:

      And check the quality (or lack thereof) of those candidates that he is backing. That is suspect in itself – candidates are definitely the manipulatable type. Wonder how on earth he plans to intice the electorate to vote for some of these losers?? You put all their brains together they couldn’t get out a mud pit much less a real jurisdictional crisis.

    • Anonymous says:

      10:46 This is just another of the many UDP/CDP masquerades to flood the pool of candidate options, in order to attempt to guarantee they win the elections, either by a war of attrition OR accretion – either way, by manipulation and deceptive strategies.
      Voters Beware! ….”beneath the variable appearance of the chameleon is concealed the invariable venom of the serpent..”egw.
      Pray, people, pray for divine guidance before you vote, that Gods will alone will be done in this election for our Country. Your future/destiny is at stake! The Lord God is still in control of this universe and the Almighty is well able to over-rule the almighty dollar.!

    • Dr. Frank Instein says:

      The reason could be that he would then require his sponsored candidates to put pressure on the Shetty Hospital (say by removing insurance company support for all but heart-related work there – as is being reviewed right now), or otherwise putting pressure on that hospital, or similarly on GT hospital, or through many other forms of political interference. Or maybe he just thinks these candidates are lovely people.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Well this is rather interesting! This is going to be one hell of an election.

  20. Anonymous says:

    It really concerns me as to why Dr T is assisting these candidates but yet they claim to be independents! That’s BS!!…what will he gain from this? There’s a motive behind this…scratches head! If they are elected which I’m praying and keeping my fingers crossed that they won’t be what is he expecting in return ? This is serious times here! Cayman make sure you vote carefully! If they are in hiding now and not revealing the truth NONE can be trusted! Just supporting Tyson alone makes you know something is REALLY FISHY!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Quite simple really, ‘Puppetmaster’! Or unofficial ‘Premier’!

    • Nunya says:

      When you look at some of the names on the list you know that all that is going to happen here is that they will succeed in splitting the votes. I would really like to know what his vetting process was!?!?!?

    • Anonymous says:

      What a dirty mind you have. You most likely believe everyone in the world is like you. I can vouch for our Cayman doctor, he is squeaky clean . Wish there were more like him. Wish he had run then you would see what I mean.They played cat and mouse game and put Marco up against Kenneth who everyone knows has Dr. Tomlinson’s blessings. Wish that Marco had not run there because the PPM may have underestimated the support that Kenneth has. Most of us in Central are tired of parties and I certainly will be voting Independent and that is the buzz on the street especially since they played chess with us. Last piece of advice—- do not run down our doctor who has saved so many lives mine included because when you’re running down my doctor, you’re walking on the fighting side of me.

  21. Luigi says:

    And the $6m owed to the government and the people. When will this be paid?

  22. Jordan says:

    You people are very bad minded. Worst, is that you do not wish any of your own people any good.

    • Dunce McBlind says:

      How blindly naive – like a Trump supporter. Is he also just a good man, seeking the betterment of his country?

  23. Sharkey says:

    I would have to think that he is after something big too . I wish I could see inside his head , but it is scary on a small Island .

  24. Sweet Baby Jesus says:

    Apparently the Russians have hacked in to Matthew’s iPad! Buckle up and replenish your popcorn supply, Cayman, its going to be a wild two months!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Dr. T would have provided a viable option had he presented himself for nomination instead of backing a cache of dubiously-qualified candidates.

  26. Anonymous says:

    ALL candidates have financial backers. ALL OF THEM. Especially the parties!! For Pete’s sake CDP and Foster Food Fair were out handing out Christmas Turkeys and bags of groceries at the senior’s ball this past December. Google it. It’s not like the parties are unionized businesses with membership dues, other revenue streams, or retained earnings…plenty pay to dabble in cash/trade or barter. Rather than demonizing this doctor, we need to change the system if we don’t like it. He’s far from the first, last, or only political dabbler!

    • Anonymous says:

      The parties and most other candidates have a cross section of donors not one big donor! The lack of diversity hence the risk for control by one donor is the danger here.

      Note well that Dr T is financing the candidates who probably could only afford their free Facebook political page after they pay their $1000 nomination fee. Meaning they are the perfect candidates/representatives to be beholding to ONE person – coincidental?? I think not!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Which is worse: owing one small favor to one guy, or 20 big favors to 20 people that all think they are special and won’t shut up about their donations for 4 years?

        • Anonymous says:

          what’s worse is that it’s one person being owed favours by possibly 9-10 elected members, enough to form a government and with the option of selecting our Cabinet. who do you think would be best suited for Premier FROM Dr. T’s group??
          Elio for Premier? Webster for Financial Services? Tyson for Education & Employment? Gonzalez for Planning? Sarah Orett for Community Affairs?

          You people need to get real before we get a situation more grave than the USA. Show these fake INDs what the truth is

  27. Gt Voter says:

    Dr. T thinks being transparent about his funding for certain candidates will play out in his favour, eh?

    I would have to disagree. He clearly has a hidden agenda. But what we can’t ascertain is what that agenda might be.

    That might have a disenchanting effect on some voters.

    • dabble dabble says:

      Dr T has been writing about his political agenda for months in his newspaper editorial the “Cayman Reporter” no has been paying him any mind.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Can you imagine if they got elected and the ministerial positions given to them? Cayman voters, be smart and show Dr. T if he wanted to be Premier he should have ran himself!

  29. Anonymous says:

    CNS: Are the persons named the only ones who missed the filing deadline? Name everyone please.

    CNS: Yes, that’s everyone.

  30. tell d trut says:

    maybe he doesn’t think you should know and maybe you really don’t want/wish to know.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Anyone who fails to report on time should be barred…if they are not ready having had 4 years to prepare, they will never be ready for governing. All candidate financing should be made public, otherwise “life’s like a box of chocolate’s, you just never know what you’re gonna get”. At least if we know who is financing you can call it when legislation favourable to that donor is tabled.

    • Anonymous says:

      When is the Elections Office posting the names of the barred political hopefuls. Ingnorance is no excuse. Some of them have been there before, so they should no the requirements. Follow the rules.

  32. frangipani says:

    My goodness!……..I’ve never heard the like of this before. No wonder Caymanians are thought of as ‘fools’. Running the Country is not a joke! It is a very serious matter and it would be nice if the populace was more sobre minded and serious.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Looks like Dr. Steve is trying to buy SOMETHING!?!?

    • Anonymous says:

      I find him very brazen. Don’t know if he realise he just threw his own gang under the bus. He really didn’t have to confirm that he was backing them, they only had to state their assets, holdings etc. which should have been a piece of cake because we know they are not wealthy people. He was so anxious to pop-a-show he has just eliminated their chance to win. But then again it is probably a blessing in disguise. I don’t have a problem with them running, that is what happens in a democracy. Constituents however, should use common sense and not look at what a candidate can do for them but what they can do for the country on a whole.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Oh poop! I want some candidates. I didn’t know you could buy a candidate. I knew the could buy me, but never dreamed I could have one of my own.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Wonder what expertise or experienced Dr T thinks those candidates have that he chose to back them over others………….

  36. Anonymous says:

    How is this not concerning to everyone?! Dr T trying to get control through the back door. Wake up Cayman

  37. OneVoice says:

    What a true Cluster XXXX “YOU KNOW WHAT”

    • Anonymous says:

      What a joke Mac complaining about the potential evils of rich backers….except that is his own very very rich backers.

      • Anonymous says:

        Mac’s very very very rich backers will end up completely owning and dominating Cayman if God forbid , Mac is in charge again.
        Any vote for any Mac supporting candidate, however worthy they may seem, is a vote for Mac and the end of normal freedoms of speech and commercial activity that we take for granted.

        • RES IPSA LIQUTOR says:

          Exactky like the PPM’s special interests financiers who want a cruise dock and those in the legal profession who needed the LPB to pass but was withdrawn to safe face and attempt to win votes.

          Look at the concessions given to developers that all comes at a price and is a return for political support.

          • Anonymous says:

            Spelling my friend, apart from that, the proposed cruise terminal is not a PPM idea, it is demanded by changing times and the urgent need to enhance our economy and cargo capabilities.
            Mac wanted it vey badly, at a very high price, but for very wrong reasons. Thanks to UK govt. who saw what was happening with the Chinese and put a stop to his games.

  38. Mac Attack says:

    Didnt think id ever say this…but… Mac is corrrect. (Forgive me father for I have sinned).

  39. Anonymous says:

    So Mario has no assets no visible means…..but yet has declared. So his sources of income are…….?


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